Chapter 48

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5 hours mixed with deafening silence is the worst car ride of my life. Michael is still very much pissed off and I don't know whether I should talk to him or give him his space. I know he blames me for all this, but I don't want to confront him; however, I don't want to ignore it. We grab our bags from the trunk and head inside the house.
"Michael." I call to him as he's heading up the stairs.
He stops and lets out a breath. "What?" He says with attitude.
"Are you mad at me?"
"What do you think?" He asks, turning to face me.
I roll my eyes. "You don't have to be a smartass."
"I think I've earned the right."
"Not with me you haven't."
"Especially with you!"
After staring at each other for a couple of seconds, Michael starts his walk back up the stairs. "Michael this conversation isn't over with!" He ignores me and heads toward his bedroom. "Michael!"
I hear his door slam and sit my bags down and go upstairs after him. I turn the doorknob and realize it's locked.
I knock on the door. "Michael, open the door." He doesn't respond. I knock a little harder. "Michael, I know you hear me. Open this door." He still doesn't respond. I start banging on the door knowing he would respond to that.
The door opens and boy is he pissed. "What the fuck is your problem knocking on my goddamn door like that?!"
I scoff and walk past him into the room. I turn to him as he closes the door.
"We're going to have a honesty chat."
"I ain't got nothing else to say."
"Good. Now maybe you'll listen." He rolls his eyes and folds his arms. "I feel like you blame me for everything that happened today, which is asinine."
"How is it asinine when it's true?"
"I thought you weren't talking?"
"I'm not, but what you said was bullshit."
"What's bullshit?"
"That it's not your fault!"
"Well, explain to me how it is?"

"Had your ass left when I did none of that would've happened!"
I shake my head. "You are unbelievable. This bastard kisses me not once, not twice, but three times, but somehow I'm to blame?"
"That's right. Now, is this conversation over?"
"No, it's not-" I get interrupted by my phone ringing. I take it out of my pocket and look at the caller I.D. I furrow my eyebrows and reject it. "No, it's not over. And now that I think about it, all this accusing me of messing around, what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Usually the one doing the accusing is usually the one doing what they're accusing said person of, so what about you? Are you messing around on me?"
He chuckles. "Yeah, this conversation is definitely over." He says, walking to the bed and sitting on it.
"Answer the question." I say, folding my arms. "Who else have you been fucking?"
"I ain't fucking nobody but you." He says, taking off his shoes.
"I-" My phone rings again and I look at the caller I.D. rejecting it once again. "I don't believe you."
He lays down on the bed, hands behind his head. "Then don't, but me and my dick know the truth."
I scoff. "There's no way you were on that business trip" I say, air quoting business trip. "for a month and didn't think about getting any."
"That's exactly what I'm saying. And if I was getting some, I wouldn't have called you at least 3 times a week and being up for phone sex 2 out of those 3 times a week."
"There's still 4 days out of the week that you could've been getting some, so that proves nothing."
"It proves a lot. I was thinking about and wanting no one other than you. And those 4 days out of the week, I was working. There's papers to prove that, so you're grasping at straws here."
"Just like how you was when accusing me of having something more with Markus other than a friendship?"
"Only after your reaction to his kiss."
I roll my eyes and before I could respond, you guessed it, my phone rings. I groan and answer it.
"Why do you keep calling me?!" This causes Michael to look in my direction. "I told you our friendship is over!"
"I know. I just wanted to apologize. I have no idea what came over me earlier."
I turn around, facing the wall. "Look, at this point I don't care. Just lose my number, alright?"

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now