Chapter 16

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I slip my red pumps on as I prepare for Chris and I's date tonight. I stand in front of the mirror checking myself over several times. I'm so nervous. It's been awhile since I've been on an actual date. I grab my purse making sure I have everything in it.
"Keys, lipstick, compact, wallet, pepper-" I stop mid-word. "Where the hell is my pepper spray?" I whispered to myself.
I put my purse down and start searching my room from top to bottom for my pepper spray. I finally find it under my bed. I stand up and see I have a little bit of dust on my dress. Oh no. I go in the bathroom, grab a towel, and wipe the dust off my dress. I come out the bathroom and the phone rings. I pick it up.
"Uh, Giselle?"
"It's Chris."
"Oh, hi Chris. Are you on your way?"
"Ok. When are you going to be here?"
He lets out a breath. "I-I'm...not coming."
I furrow my eyebrows. "Why not?"
"I-I have some b-business to take care of."
I sigh in relief. "Well, we can reschedule then. What day is good-"
"You don't get it, Giselle." He interrupted. "We're never going out, ok?"
"Why?" I asked, confused. "Is it something I did?"
"No, it's not you. I-I'm in a relationship with Renae and I-I've decided to continue with what we already have."
I can't believe this shit. This is happening to me once again.

"So, I got dressed up for nothing?"
"I'm sorry, Giselle."
"Why didn't you call me earlier Chris?! Why wait until it's the day of the date to tell me that?!" I asked, angrily.
"You're right, Giselle. I should've called you sooner."
There's a moment of silence.
"Can we continue to be friends?" He asked, hopefully.
"Goodbye, Chris."
I hang up and wipe the tears that had escaped. I change out of my dress into my pajamas, wipe all the makeup off my face, put my hair in a messy bun, and head downstairs to fix some tea. Once I fix my tea, I go in the living room, and watch some TV. My grandmother soon walks through the door.
"Arie, what are you still doing here?" She asked, hanging her coat up. "Aren't you supposed to be on that date with that fine looking young man?"
"He cancelled." I answered, dryly.
"Oh." She sits next to me. "So, when is the next date?"
I shrug. "Whenever he gets out of his previous relationship, so I'm guessing never."
"He has a girlfriend?!" She asked, surprised.
"Why would he agree to go out with you, then?"
I sigh. "He was going to break up with her for me."
Grandma started smiling like a Cheshire Cat. "I told you that boy liked you, but don't worry there are plenty of fish in the sea."
I shake my head no and stand up. "I'm through with men, grandma. Done. For now on, I'm focusing on myself" I place my hand on my small baby bump. "and this baby."
I leave the living room and head upstairs.

12 weeks have gone by. I'm 6 months pregnant now and though I'm not carrying too big, I still get winded and backaches. This little girl I'm carrying ain't helping much either. She's tearing my insides up. Yes, you heard right. I'm having a little girl, but I already knew that. I found out a few days ago. I open the mailbox and grab the mail. It's nothing but bills, bills, and more bills. I see this envelope with my name, address, state, and city on the front and in the right hand corner I see the name American Adoptions, an address, state, and city printed. I carefully walk up the porch steps and slowly sit on the top step. I open the envelope and pull out the letter inside. I read over it and see it's about the process of adoption. I've already completed 3 out of the 6 steps. My grandmother comes out.
"Arie, is everything ok?"
I look up at her. "Yeah. I was just taking a little break. I'm getting up now."
She helps me up and we go back inside the condo. My grandmother is visiting for the weekend. I've finally got my own car and my own place. I moved back to California, but I live 2 hours away from L.A. I live in Palm Springs to be exact. I sit on the couch as I continue to read over the letter. The phone rings and I absentmindedly answer it.
"Hey, Elle."
"Hey, Jas. It's been a minute, huh?"
"So, what's up?"
"Are you decent?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm coming to take you shopping. I'm about 10 minutes away."
"Alright. See ya when you get here."

I hang up. I put the letter from the adoption agency up in my room so my grandmother doesn't see it and start asking questions. I fix myself up a little bit. My phone rings, again. I answer.
"I'm out front."
"Alright, here I come."
I hang up and grab my purse, leaving my room.
"Grandma, I'm going to hang with Jaslene for awhile. I'll be back, later."
"Ok. Have a good time." She said, kissing my cheek.
I leave my condo, slowly walk down the steps, and get into Jaslene's car.
"It's about time, preggers."
I giggle. Jaslene pulls off. We arrive at the mall 20 minutes later. Jaslene helps me out the car.
"Now Giselle, don't worry about prices or anything. Get whatever you want."
"What is all this for, anyway?"
"Since you're not having a baby shower, I figure I take you shopping."
I nod. We go inside the mall and hit every baby store possible. After we finished shopping, I spent about 1,000 dollars on everything from baby clothes to a baby carriage. We order some food from the food court and sit down, striking up a conversation.
"What have you been up to, Jas?"
"Nothing much. I have a photoshoot today."
She nods. "For my portfolio. This is my last photoshoot, then I start going on go-sees."

"Congratulations. I'm proud of you, Jaslene."
"Thanks. What about you, though? What have you been doing since you moved here?"
I sigh. "Well, there's not much I can do. I'm working at a hotel as a bartender. Other than that, I have no exciting news."
"You still thinking about owning your own bar?"
"Of course. I haven't given up on that."
We continue with our conversation. Jaslene's cellphone rings and she looks at the Caller I.D., huffing.
"Hello?...Yes, I know...Stop yelling at me, David...I'm hanging with Giselle. I told you that...I know I have a photoshoot and I won't be late...I'm on my way, bye."
She hangs up, letting out a frustrated sigh. "That man. He's such a pain in the ass."
"Well let's get going, then." I said, getting up.
Jaslene gets up, aswell. We grab the bags, get in the car, and head back to my condo. We make it back, put all the baby's stuff in my room, and I walk Jaslene out. We embrace in a hug.
"Call me, later." I said, pulling away.
"I will."
"And thanks for everything. I really appreciate it."
"You're like my sister, Giselle. It was no problem."
We hug again, she kisses my cheek, gets in her car, and drive off. I hope Jaslene will be ok. I couldn't help but notice the purple bruise on her cheek she tried to cover up. The shades too seem to be hiding something that I'm praying ain't true.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now