Chapter 23

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For the past few days, I've been having these lucid dreams about Michael and it's driving me nuts. The only thing keeping me from going completely insane is work. I do have some exciting news though. I've set up a day next week to go visit Nikki. I can't believe she's a little over 2 weeks old. Before I know it, she'll be a month old. Man does time fly. Also, I started something new. Exercising. I really want to get this baby fat off me and get my pre-pregnancy body back. I awake at 6 in the morning. I yawn and stretch before going in my drawer to get my sports bra and my bicycle shorts. I put them on and get my running shoes on. I strap my fanny pack on, put my Walkman in it, and put my headphones on. I leave my condo and go on my morning run. After I get back, I grab some water, take a shower, and put on my floral peach colored muumuu with my white flip flops. I make myself a fruit salad, sit in the living room, and watch some TV. I call Jaslene since I haven't talked to her in a week. That's my fault though because I was supposed to call her back.
"Hey, Jas."
"Oh, you remember me?"
Ok, I should've expected that.
"Jas I'm sorry, ok? I've been going through some things."
She huffs. "I'm actually glad you called because I wanted to invite you to a sweethearts dinner that David and I, well more like myself, is throwing for Valentine's Day."
"Sure, I'll love to come, but do I need to bring a date?"
"Of course. It's a sweethearts dinner, Elle."
"I'm not dating anybody."
"Oh please, I know there's some hot guy you met."
I start thinking about the one person that would do anything for me.
"Alright, I think I got somebody."
"One more thing."
"Michael's not going to be there, is he?"
"Jas?" I said, sternly.
"Ok, I give up. Yes, he'll be here, but you know he's David's best friend."
I huff. Figures.
"Just be cordial."
"I will."
"Good because your ass was going to be here even if I had to come and drag you by your hair."
I laugh. "I love you, Jas."
"I love you too, Elle."
"Jaslene!" I hear over the phone.
"That's David, I gotta go."
I hear the dial tone before I could say anything back. I dial the person that I'm hoping would be my date to this dinner. It rings a few times, then he picks up.
"Hey, Chris. It's Giselle."
"Giselle?!" He asked, surprised. "Girl, I haven't talked to you since you moved."
I giggle. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, but I should be the one asking you that. How is the baby?"
I gulp. "She's g-good."
"That's good."
"Anyway," I said, changing the subject. "I was calling because my best friend is throwing this sweethearts dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day and I was wondering-"
"I'd love to."
"But you didn't let me finish."
"I already know what you were going to say, Giselle. You want me to be your date, right?"
"Well, you caught me at the right time. I've taken a few days off from work, so I would love to come to California."
"Thank God."
He let out a little chuckle, then silence took over.
"It was great to hear your voice again, Giselle." He said, breaking the silence. "I really can't wait to see you."
"Yeah, you too."
There's silence again.
"Bye, Chris."
"Bye, Giselle."
I hang up with a smile on my face. I'm so glad I rekindled our friendship before I moved. A few days have passed and today is the big day. Honestly, I'm a little nervous about the sweethearts dinner tonight. I just want everything to go smoothly, but I know it will since I'll have Chris there with me. Speaking of Chris, I need to call him to see where he is. I dial his number.
"Where are you, Chris?"
"I was just about to call you. I just arrived in Palm Springs."
"Ok, what are your surroundings?"
"I'm sitting in the parking lot of a Riccio's Steak and Seafood."
"I know exactly where you are. In fact, you're about 15 minutes from my place."
I ramble off directions for him.
"Alright, see ya in 15."
I hang up and decide to waste time by cleaning my place up though there's really nothing to clean up. By the time I'm finished, there's a knock on my door. A smile plays upon my lips. I run out my room and over to the door unlocking it. I open it and immediately throw my arms around his neck. I inhale and his lavender scent invades my nostrils.
"It's nice to see you too." He says, chuckling.
I pull away. "I'm just glad you're finally here. Come on in."
He walks in observing the place while I close and lock the door back.
"Shit, your place is better than mines."
I giggle. "Make yourself at home."
He goes to sit on the couch.
"Can I get you anything?"
"No, I'm fine."
I go sit beside him on the couch and we do some catching up. He broke up with his girlfriend Renae for good, he still has an office job, and he continues to paint. Then he hit with me a question that I've been trying to avoid.

"Where's the baby?"
"She's...uh...with my grandmother."
He nods. There's an awkward silence.
"Well, look at the time. We have to start getting ourselves together."
"Ok, my stuff is in my car."
"Where are you staying?"
"I was going to get a hotel room."
"Won't you stay with me?"
"You sure? I don't want to be a burden."
"A burden? Pssh. You're my friend Chris." I said, placing my hand on his bicep. "You'll never be a burden."
I look into his eyes and he swallows hard. As he went to get his bags, I decided to lay out what I'm going to wear. I soon hear Chris calling me.
"In here, Chris!"
I hear his footsteps until he appears in my room.
"You can sit your bags right there." I said, as I laid my white dress out.
"That's a beautiful dress."
"Thanks. So, what are you wearing?"
"A black suit."
I nod. A couple hours later, I check myself out in the mirror as 6 o'clock rolls around. I play with my spiral curls and brush off my tight, white dress. I hear Chris come out the bathroom and I smile once I see him. He looks so handsome. He comes over to me and I fix his red tie and brush down his jacket.
"You look beautiful."
I blush. "Thanks. You look handsome."
He blushes. "Thank you."
We look into each other's eyes. We slowly lean in and our lips are placed on one another's. I wrap my arms around his neck as we get more into the kiss. He places his hands softly on my waist. Someone knocks on the door and we jump, pulling away from each other.
"I'm s-sorry, Giselle. I shouldn't-"
"Shh," I said, placing my index finger on his lips. "it's ok."
I smile lightly and he smiles back. I leave the room and go to the door, opening it. There stood Ms.Bailey smiling with this crystal vase in her hand filled with these beautiful red, pink, and white roses.
"Hello, Ms.Bailey."
"Hi. Don't you look beautiful."
"Thank you."
There's silence.
"Is there something that you needed, Ms.Bailey?"
"Oh, I wanted to give you these." She said, handing the roses to me.
I take them from her and give them a sniff. "Thanks, but is there a reason why you're giving me roses?"
"There not from me. I was coming back from the store when I saw them sitting outside your door, so I figure I give them to you so no one would take them."
"Oh, ok, well thanks again."
"You're welcome and have a great Valentine's Day."
"I will."
I close the door while looking at the roses. I wonder who they're from. Though I have a feeling about who sent them, I have no card or anything to confirm it.
"Beautiful roses." Chris said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah they are, but I don't know who they're from."
"Well, it looks like someone has a secret admirer."
"Yeah, maybe." I take the roses and sit them on the coffee table. "You ready?"
I grab my keys and purse. "Let's go."

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now