Chapter 44

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When Michael said my hair was going to get messed up, he wasn't lying. It's so frizzy from all the sweating and humidity that radiated between us, and I loved every minute of it. I turn on the shower and step inside. The warm water beating against my flesh soothes the aching, especially between my legs, caused by Michael and I's 3 blissful rounds of love making. So lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized that Michael had gotten in the shower with me until he wrapped his arms around me. He kisses the side of my neck, which causes me to smile. I turn around to him, placing my arms around his neck and my lips to his. He rubs his hands on my ass and smacks my left butt cheek. I let out a moan and slowly pull away from his lips.
"Mmmm. We should've been doing this since we got down here."
"Better late than never, sweet cheeks."
He puts his lips back on mine and as the kiss becomes more hungry, he suddenly picks me up. I grip on his shoulders, feeling his dick fill my walls. Without hesitation, he starts fucking me hard against the shower wall. There's something sexy about sex in the shower and with Michael it's even sexier. The water glistening on his toned body and his curls wet and sticking to his shoulders and to his face. God, what a man. I feel my orgasm about to hit me and I wrap my arms around Michael's neck, holding on to him for dear life. I quiver as I come and Michael gives a few more thrust, coming right after. Once we recuperate, he puts me back down on my feet and we get out of the shower. We decide to order some food from Michael's favorite Mexican restaurant since we haven't eaten since breakfast and worked up an appetite. Once the food arrives, we take a seat and began eating. The food is beyond delicious and I see why this place is Michael's favorite. The way I'm devouring this food is causing Michael to stare at me in amusement.
"What?" I asked.
"I've never seen you with this much of an appetite before. I like it." He says, biting down on his bottom lip.
I blush and wipe off my mouth. "Well, feed me more after sex and you'll see a lot more of this."
"You mean, if I don't fuck you into a slumber. And 9 times out of 10, I usually do. This is one of those times I went easy on you. That's why you're still awake."
He gives a somewhat wink and I roll my eyes. "Cocky asshole." He chuckles. "Anyway, there's still one thing we haven't done yet that makes Vegas Sin City."
He raises an eyebrow. "What's that?"
"You know how to gamble?"
"A little."
"A little usually means not at all."
I scoff. "I bet I'm better at it than you."
"Though I doubt that, let's make it interesting. Any game we play, whoever walks away with the least wins has to do any and every thing the other wants them to do for the rest of our time down here. And I do mean any and every thing. Deal?" He asked, extending his hand out for me to shake.
I know I'm going to win this easily because I'm confident in my gambling abilities. I reach my hand out, taking his in mine, and shake it.
"You got yourself a deal, Mr. Jackson."
That smirk he was wearing should've told me something, but my ego refused to let me see it. After we finished eating, Michael and I get ourselves together and head down to the casino. Of course it wasn't easy getting in because I had to present an ID since the security didn't believe I was over 21. However, once we got inside, we walk over to the blackjack table first and take a seat.
"I want $2,000 worth in $100 chips."
"Michael, that's too much."
"We're in Vegas, Giselle." He says with his focus on the dealer. "There's no such thing as too much."
Once the guy counts it out, Michael splits it in half, giving himself $1,000 worth and myself $1,000 worth.
"Ladies first. You know how to play this, babe?"
"If I remember correctly, you're supposed to get 21 or close to it. Either way, you're supposed to beat the dealer. Anything over and you bust."
"Ok, place your bet."
"Mmmm, I'll bet 200." I say putting two 100 dollar chips down.

The dealer also puts down 200 and starts to deal 2 cards for me and 2 for him. I have a 10 of diamonds and a 7 of clubs.
"Hit me." I say to the dealer.
Risky, I know, but hey it's Vegas.
"You sure about that?" Michael asked.
"Positive. Hit me."
The dealer hits me with a 3 of hearts, which right now I have 20 in total. "Stick."
He hits himself with a card and he ends up busting. I'm smiling from ear to ear because I just won 400 dollars. I play about 5 more games, betting 200 for each, and I end up losing 3 and winning 3. The 3 that I lost was to Michael when he got in the game and he wore that cocky smirk. We get up from the table and go over to the roulette table.
"Now, this is my game." Michael says.
"I've never played it before."
"Watch and learn, sweet cheeks. 500 on 17 black." He says, placing a bet.
The wheel starts to spin and the guy shoots the ball in it. The ball bounces, then lands in a slot. I have my fingers crossed, hoping it lands on 17 black. The wheel starts to slow.
"17 black." The guy calls.
Michael looks over at me, smirking and I playfully roll my eyes.
"Oh please, this game is easy."
"Oh, really? Then show me what you got, sweet cheeks."
I pick up five $100 chips. "500 on 13 black." I say, placing the chips down.
The guy repeats the same actions he did when Michael placed his bet and the ball lands in one of the slots and the wheel slowly comes to a stop.
"12 red." The guy calls.
I look over at Michael and he's trying to hide his smile.
"This game is rigged." I say, pouting.
"Sounds like a sore loser to me. And it looks like you lost the bet."
"Not so fast. I'm not giving up."
I pick up 2 $100 chips this time and place them on 14 red. However, the dealer called 17 black and I lost $200. I place another bet and I lost, and another and I lost that one too.
Frustrated, I pick up the chips I have left. "I'm hitting the slots."
I leave Michael at the Roulette table and walk over toward the slots. I take a seat, putting a coin in. I pull the lever and the wheels roll before each one lands on a cherry. The coins pour out and I get excited. I repeat my previous actions, but I don't win anything this time. I continue putting coins in and it's a balance of winning and losing.
"Baby, you're still playing?"
"Yeah. We haven't been down here long." I say, putting a coin in the slot.
"It's been 4 hours."
I look at him, wide-eyed. "Really?"
"Yeah. That's why I'm about to cash out and head upstairs. I know when to quit."
"Well, you go ahead." I say, turning my attention back to the machine. "I'm going to play a few more times."
I hear him chuckling, then he kisses my cheek. "Good luck."
I wave him off as I wait for the wheels to stop spinning. It lands on two cherries and a banana, and some money comes out. A couple hours later, I walk away with a small amount of money. But a little more than what I started out with. I cash out my chips that I had, then head out the casino.
"Giselle?" Someone says.
I look. "Markus?" I go over to him and throw my arms around his neck, giving him a hug, and he chuckles at the suddenness. "I thought I saw you yesterday when we were checking in." I say, pulling away.
"We?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, me and Michael."
"Anyway, how have you been?"
"I've been good. And you?"
"That's good to hear." There's silence between us, then he breaks it. "You know, you never did call me. I'm hoping you still have my number."
"I've been busy, but I do still have your number."
He smiles. "Great." There's silence, again. "So since you're here and I'm here maybe we can hang out for a bit."
"Right now?"
"Yeah. Just take a walk down the strip and do a bit of catching up."
"Sure, why not?"
Markus and I leave the casino and head down the strip. We talk about everything that's been happening in our lives for the past 4 months. Of course I didn't tell him everything, but when he asked how things were between Michael and I, I couldn't help but gush about my man.
"He's everything I ever wanted. And I know how cheesy, cliché, and corny that sounds, but that's how I feel. And he's making me feel like I've never felt before. It's indescribable. But don't get me wrong, we have our arguments. We had a few while being down here, but at the end of the day, I'm in love with him. And he's in love with me, too."
"That's great. I'm happy for you."
I glance over at Markus because the way he said that didn't seem too happy. We head farther down the strip and I go to look at my phone for the time, but the batteries dead.
"What time is it?" I asked, Markus.
He looks down at his watch. "1:30."
My eyes widen. "1:30?! AM?!"
He chuckles. "Yeah."
"How long have we been walking?"
"Almost 2 hours."
"Man, it doesn't even feel like it. I got to get back to the hotel. I didn't realize it was that late."
I go to walk back, but Markus grabs my arm, stopping me. "It's really not that late. Let's stay out a little longer." He says, letting my arm go.
"I can't. I'm here with Michael, and if he sees I'm not at the casino and I haven't come back to the hotel, he's going to get worried."
"Don't you have a phone? Call him."
"My phone is dead."
"Here." He says, reaching into his pocket. "Use mine."
"No, that's alright, and he may not answer if he doesn't recognize the number. Besides, I'm getting tired anyway. Thanks for inviting me out, though. It was great catching up." He gives a nod. "Well, goodnight."
I walk back up the strip when someone starts walking next to me. I look over at them and start chuckling.
"Markus, what are you doing?"
"Making sure you get to the hotel safely."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to."
We make it back to the hotel and say our goodnights. Markus kisses my cheek, gently and I blush, placing my hand on the spot he kissed. I walk through the double doors and when I look up, I'm met with a pissed off Michael.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now