Chapter 55

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I walk out of my bathroom and as I'm going into my room and pass by the full length mirror, I stop in my tracks and stand in front of it. I drop my towel and stare at my body. Specifically, my flat stomach. I place my hand over it and a smile lightly touches my lips. I snap out of the moment when someone knocks on my door. I put on my robe and go to answer the door. I unlock it and open it.
"You ain't ready yet?" Chelsea asked, coming inside.
"Well, a hello to you, too."
She giggles. "I'm sorry, girl. Hi." She says, hugging me.
I hug her back, then pull away. "I couldn't find anything to wear, so I got a late start. Just give me 20 minutes and I'll be ready."
"Alright." She says, sitting on the couch.
I go to my room and get myself dressed. 20 minutes later, I grab my purse and leave my room.
"That's a cute outfit."
"Thanks. We better get going because we have a 2 hour ride."
"2 hours?!"
"Yeah, my friend lives in L.A."
I grab my keys and we leave the house. I lock up and we get into my car. I start it up and drive out of the complex. As soon as we hit the highway, we run into traffic.
"Shit." I say, placing my elbow against the window and my hand on my forehead. "This is what I was afraid of."


"And your dumbass wanted to wait until nighttime, and guess what? He ain't even back yet. I don't even think he's coming back."
"Trust me, he'll be back."
"How do you know?"
"Because I overheard a conversation that he was having and he said he was stopping back past here."
"You better be right."
"I am right, now stop your bitching." I look back at our two other guys. "Tony and Rick you guys remember the plan, right?" They nod their heads. "Good. Michael's a fighter, so you have to make sure you really put him down."
"Don't worry, Markus. We got this." Tony says.
"Yeah. If he tries anything, we're willing to inflict as much pain as possible." Rick says, smirking.
I chuckle. "I like the way you think."
Suddenly, a pair of headlights flash our way and we duck down. The car is put in park and out steps Michael, answering his phone. I start smiling like a Cheshire Cat.


"Hello?" I answer, stepping out of my car.
"Michael, where are you? It's almost 10, the party started at 8."
"I know. After my meeting, my new partner wanted to celebrate and I didn't expect it to run late like that."
"Oh, congratulations."
"Thanks. I'll see you at 11."
"Ok, see you then. Bye."
I hang up and walk toward my front door. I stop in my tracks and look around. Something doesn't feel right. Like there's eyes on me. I brush it off and open my door, going inside. I go upstairs, into my bedroom and bathroom to turn on the shower. Once it's at the perfect temperature, I take off my clothes, grab a towel, then head inside the bathroom. I hang my towel on the rack before stepping into the shower. After my shower, I start getting myself together. I give myself one last look before I grab my wallet and keys. I leave my house and as soon as I reach my car, I feel 50,000 volts of electricity passing through my back. I drop to my knees in pain, holding my back. I'm hit again and I fall on the ground. I look up after recuperating and four guys are surrounding me. I can't see their faces. Damn.
One of them chuckles. "It's over bitch."


We finally make it to Jaslene and David's house. I put the car in park, we grab our purses, then get out of the car. We walk up the stairs and I ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opens.
"Finally." Jaslene says as Chelsea and I walk inside.
"Traffic was hell."
"I bet."
"By the way, this is my co-worker Chelsea."
"Nice to meet you, Chelsea, I'm Jaslene."
"Likewise. You have a gorgeous home."
"Thanks. Let me introduce y'all to the rest of the people."
Jaslene takes us around introducing us to some people I already knew and some I didn't. By the end of it all, Chelsea and some guy hit it off right away. I went to go have a seat on the couch.
"How are you feeling?" Jaslene asked, sitting next to me.
"Your attitude seems different."
"I've finally accepted things."
"Staying positive. That's good."


I give Michael's motionless body one last kick before we all run away to the car. We get in and Claude pulls off.
"Damn, that felt good." Claude says.
"Yes, it did." I agree.
"You think we killed him?" Tony asked.
"Nah." Rick responds. "Gave him a good ass whipping? Yes. But killed him? No."
"I'm just glad we did it."
"Amen brother."
45 minutes later, we pull up to Claude's house. We all get out and go inside. We're scattered about the living room and there's one thing on our minds: Michael.
"Hey, guys, I've been thinking." Claude speaks up. "What if he suspects that it was us? I mean, you and me Markus."
"First, he has to wake from that coma we probably put his ass in. Second, he won't suspect a thing."
"How do you know that?"
"Cause our faces were covered. Don't be turning bitch on me now Claude when it was your fucking idea in the first place."
"I'm not turning bitch. I don't want to go down for this shit. I just wanted payback."
"And you got it. Be happy."


"What time is it?" I asked Jaslene.
"I should get going." Jaslene furrows her eyebrows. "Michael, remember?"
"Oh, well, be careful and good luck."
I get up from the couch to find Chelsea. I spot her dancing with the guy from earlier. I tap her shoulder and she looks back at me.
"I'm gonna go take care of my baby business and I'll be back."
"Ok. I got my fingers crossed."
I make my way past everyone and to the front door. I leave the house and get into my car. I start it up and drive off. 30 minutes later, I pull up to Michael's gate. I wonder if he has the same code or did he change it after my last visit. I punch in the code and the gate opens. Thank God. I drive in and as soon as I'm going around the roundabout, my headlights land on something, or I should say someone, laying on the ground. The head full of curls gives it away and I go pale. I cut off my car and get out, running toward Michael. He's battered, bruised, and bloody. I feel the tears coming on as I get down beside him. I don't know whether he's dead or alive, but I immediately call 911.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"I have a man here...I think unconscious, but he's badly beaten."
"Does he have a pulse?"
"I-I don't know. Let me check." I place my index and middle fingers on his neck. "I don't feel anything."
"Ok, ma'am, what's the address?"
"8765 Maple Drive."
"The ambulance is on its way."
I hang up and look down at Michael. I want to cradle him, but I don't know if any thing's broken, so I grab onto one of his hands, which feels a bit cold. Please don't let it end like this. My baby needs his or her father. I start rocking back and forth as tears fall down my cheeks. Suddenly, I hear fireworks being shot off. I look up and see the multiple colors fill the sky.
I look back down to Michael. "Happy New Year, Michael." I whisper.
I lightly kiss his forehead as I hear the sirens in the distance.




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