Chapter 10

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I wake up the next morning to Jessica not beside me. I sit up thinking about last night's dream. Giselle, naked, on top of me, riding me like her life depended on it. With her smooth brown skin and her gray eyes never leaving my brown ones, she was as beautiful as ever. She threw her head back as she cried out in pleasure. Her walls tighten around my dick and she came, collapsing on my chest. I rub my hand up and down her back as she comes down from her orgasm.
She swirled her index finger around my right nipple. "I love you, Michael." She said.
"I love you too, Giselle."
I snap out of my flashback, get out the bed, and go in the bathroom to shower. When I'm finished, I get dressed, grab my suitcases, and head downstairs. I put my suitcases at the door and head in the dining room.
"Good morning, babe." I said, kissing Jessica on the cheek.
"Morning." She said, quietly.
I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." She says, smiling. I can tell it's a fake smile. "How did you sleep last night?"
"Uh...good, when I eventually did go to sleep. How about you?" I asked, fixing my plate.
"Not so good."
She shrugged, playing with her food. I sit down across from her.
"Jessie baby, something's troubling you, what is it?"
She dropped her fork down on her plate. "You."
I looked confused. "Me? What the hell did I do? I know you're not bringing up our argument from last night. I thought-"
"That's not what I'm talking about." She interrupts. She sips her coffee, then puts the mug back down. "You know you talk in your sleep, right?"
Oh shit. "Uh, no babe, I didn't know."
"Well, now you do."
I nod. "Is there a reason why you shared that information with me?" I asked, eating some of my food.
She doesn't say anything. She just sits there. I feel her stare burning a hole through me and it's making me uncomfortable.
"How good was she?"
"What?" I asked, looking up at her.
"Giselle. I mean, she must've been riding you pretty good in order to have you moaning the way you were."
Ignoring her statement, I continue to eat my food. "Mmm babe, this is good. I didn't know you could cook like this."
"Don't change the subject, Michael! How would you feel if I was calling out another man's name in my sleep?!"
I put my fork down and wipe the corners of my mouth. "After I find him and kick his ass, you and I would be through."
"Exactly! You know Michael, I love you, I really do, but I'm not going to be second to a woman who was playing with your feelings." She said, wiping her tears.
"You're not second."
"Really? Cause that's not what you were saying last night."
"What did I say?" I asked, quizzically.
"That you love her and that she was the one for you and that nobody compares to her."
I don't remember saying all that, only the "I love you" part, but the fact that Jessica heard it, makes it worse. Jessica has tears streaming down her cheeks again and I feel like shit.
"Jessie baby, come here." She shakes her head no. "Come on."
She hesitantly gets up, walking over to me. I sit her on my lap. "Stop crying." I said, wiping her tears. "Now, you know I love you and you know you're the one for me. I've told you this time and time again. Anything I said in the dream is irrelevant. Sure I loved Giselle and I thought she was the one. The key words loved and thought are past tense. She was my past and you're my future. I'm engaged to you, not her. I had one slip up, are you really going to hold me accountable for that?" I asked, pouting.
She giggled. "No. You're a good man. I know you wouldn't hurt me."

We stare into each other's eyes. She caresses my cheek, then presses her lips against mine. She unbuttons and unzips my pants. She puts her hand down my boxers and starts stroking my dick. As much as I'm enjoying this right now, unfortunately, I have to stop things before they go too far.
I pull away. "I'm sorry babe, as much as I would love to take you upstairs and make love to you, I can't. I have to visit the restaurant to make sure everything I want done to it is being done and up to par with my standards."
She pulls her hand out of my pants. "I understand. Business before pleasure. I have to get myself together, so I can go interview some candidates for the personal assistant job, so go take care of your business. But when you come home in two weeks..." She runs her hand down my chest to my erection, groping it. "I'm going to give you nothing but immense pleasure." She whispered seductively, giving my dick a squeeze.
"Looking forward to it."
She gets up from my lap and I stand up as well, fixing my pants. I give her a goodbye kiss, grab my suitcases at the door, and get into my car. I tell the driver to take me to David's. Him and I have some things to discuss. The driver pulls up at David's. I get out, head up the stairs, and knock on the door. After the second knock, David opens the door.
"Hey, Mike man, what's up?" He asked, dapping me up.
"Nothing much." I said, walking in. "I wanted to talk to you before I left for Florida."
"Jaslene didn't get you into any trouble with Jessica, did she?"
I laugh. "What am I, 5? I'm a grown ass man, but we did have a small argument. That's not what I wanted to talk you about, though."
"What did you want to talk about, then?"
"Let's go to the den."
We grab a few beers and head downstairs to the den.
"Alright man, talk." David said.
"I had a sex dream about Giselle and the worst part was Jessica heard everything. From the "I love you's" to the "you're the one for me's."
David sat there, eyes wide. "Damn."
"I mean, just when I think I've moved on from her, here she is invading my dreams." I said, sipping my beer.
"Maybe you're not over her, Mike."
"I am. I'm engaged, remember?"
"That may be true, but be real with yourself, man. Jaslene might have been out of line last night, but she made some solid points. I like Jessica, but the way you look at her and act with her is the complete opposite of the way you looked at and acted with Giselle."
I scoff. "I act no differently with Jessica than I acted with Giselle. You're only saying that because you want Giselle and I together."
"Come on, Mike. This is me, Dave. Your best friend. You're in denial. Let me give it to you straight. I do want you and Giselle together, but that's because I see the love there. Sure, you love Jessica, but you're in love with Giselle."
I sit there thinking. I leave David's house feeling refreshed. I decided to get some closure and the only way to do that is to visit Giselle. I don't like the way things ended between us. The driver pulls up in front of her apartment building. I get out and go up to her apartment. I knock a few times, then I call her name.
"You looking for, Giselle?" This short, fat, bald guy asked.
"Yeah, have you seen her?"
"She doesn't live there anymore. She moved out yesterday morning."
"Do you know where?"
Shit. "Alright, thanks." I said, leaving the building.
Damn, now I may never get the closure that I need and that she probably desperately needs.
I get in the car. "Airstrip." I tell the driver.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now