Chapter 54

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I'm heading back home after getting my pregnancy test results. You would've thought I would've been ready for all that as this isn't my first time and I already knew I was pregnant, but somehow I was a nervous wreck. Anyway, I found out that I'm 4 weeks pregnant. Meaning the baby was conceived when Michael and I were in Vegas. Which is the time I didn't have my birth control. I didn't even think about getting any when was down there and that's why I'm in this position now. I park in my usual parking space, turn off the engine, grab my purse, and get out of the car. As I'm walking up the stairs to my condo, I see a young man knocking on my door.
"May I help you?"
He swiftly turns around. Somehow I knew he was good looking. Tall, dark skin, goatee, dark brown eyes, muscles here and there, but not overly muscular. Just perfection.
"I'm looking for Gertrude Bailey's condo. But I'm guessing this isn't it."
I shake my head no. "It's over there." I say, pointing to Ms. Bailey's door.
"No problem."
He goes to walk away, but stops. "I'm James, by the way. Gertrude's grandson." He says, hand extended.
"Well, nice to meet you James." I say, taking his hand, shaking it.
"Same. So, do you have a name, or should I just call you the beautiful woman who lives next door to my grandmother?"
"It's Giselle."
"Giselle." He repeats. He stares at me, intensely and realizing my hand was still locked with his, I slip my hand from his, blushing. He chuckles at my reaction. "I better get going. I'm sure my grandmother's impatiently waiting."
He walks away to Ms. Bailey's door as I walk to mine. I unlock my door, opening it, and look over at James who was already looking at me. I quickly look away and go inside. As soon as I sit my keys and purse down, my phone rings. I grab my phone from my purse and sit on the couch, answering it.
"Hello?" I say, letting out a breath.
"Just checking to see how everything went."
"Everything went good. There's not much to tell since I'm only 4 weeks pregnant."
"Damn, somehow I thought you were farther along than that."
"Nope, but it checks out. And you were right about me missing some days for my birth control. It was when I went on that surprise trip to Vegas with Michael."
"Mhm, and y'all was down there fucking like the Energizer Bunny." I roll my eyes, chuckling. "But I knew it had to be that. It was the only explanation."
"Yep." I sigh.
"Have you told Michael, yet?"

"I just got in, but I'm waiting until tomorrow."
"Why New Year's Eve?"
"Well, it gives him something to celebrate on New Year's Day besides the new year."
"Makes sense. You still coming to my New Year's party?"
"Of course. Once I tell Michael the news, then I'm coming through."
"Alright. And don't forget you can bring a special someone."
"I have no special someone, Jas."
"I'm just saying. You never know. Anything can happen in a day. But I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow."
I hang up and head to my bedroom to lie down. A few hours later, I walk into work, clock in, and start my shift. But today was different. I was happier than I've been in the past weeks. I was back to my old self, and it was showing.
"Girl, you have done a complete 180." Chelsea says, walking into the break room. "What happened to you?"
I shrug. "Nothing."
"Mhm." She hums, getting her food out of the fridge and putting it into the microwave. "You're glowing and it's not just cause of that baby. Something done happened."
"It's nothing, Chelsea." I giggled. "Honestly."
She stares at me, squinting. "I believe you. For now." I giggle, again. Once she gets her food out of the microwave, she takes a seat next to me. "So, how is the baby?"
Before I could respond, two of our co-workers, or more like the two women that's been giving me dirty looks since I began working here, come walking in.
"I'll tell you later." I whisper to Chelsea.
She nods her head. The two women get their food, then sit down at the table.
"I don't think we've been formerly introduced. I'm Bianca." The skinny one says. "And this is Monique."
"I'm Giselle."
"Giselle." The curvy one repeats. I don't understand why people feel the need to repeat my name. It's not that unique. "You know, for the past month I've been trying to figure out why you look so familiar, and now I know." I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. "Down at the Palm Springs Boardwalk, you was slobbing down that fine ass Michael Jackson."
That was them?
"Oh, yeah." Bianca chimes in. "You were the one who told us to take a picture."
"I thought maybe y'all would've liked a memory since y'all were staring so hard."
Monique gives a fake laugh. "She's funny. I like her. Anyway, how is he?"
"How is who?"

"I wouldn't know."
"Aren't y'all dating?" Bianca asked.
"Not anymore."
"Mmmm, so he's available." Monique says. "Lucky me."
"How is that?" I asked.
"Because Michael and I used to date." That explains why she was giving me dirty looks. "And I'm sure he misses me." Bitch, please. He never even mentioned you. "All of me."
I swear I almost threw up my lunch. "Well, good luck with that."
"I don't need luck."
I nod my head. Trust babygirl, you're gonna need a lot of it.
"Well, it was nice officially meeting you both." I say, getting up, throwing my trash away. "I'll talk to you later, Chelsea."
She nods and I leave the break room. I go behind the bar and began taking orders. Soon, Chelsea comes behind the bar.
"Don't ever leave me with those two again."
I giggle. "Was it that bad?"
"Hell yeah. They're annoying as fuck."
I giggle more as she leaves the bar.
"We meet again."
I look and it's...Jacob? John? James? Yeah, that's it. James.
"Yes, we meet again. What would you like?"
"Gin and Tonic."
I grab a glass and make the Gin and Tonic. "Here you go. One Gin and Tonic."
"And here you go." He says, handing me the money. "Plus a tip."
I put it in my apron pocket, wipe down my area, and serve up some more customers.
"So, are you from here?" James asked.
"No. Florida."
"Oh, you're a Floridian."
I nod. "What about you?"
"New York. I'm just visiting my grandmother for the New Year, then I'm heading back."
"Well, that's nice."
He sips his drink. "Yeah, I'm all she's got." I raise my eyebrows, surprised. "I mean, she has other family members, but I'm the one that's always doing for her and checking on her. It's like the others don't give a damn."
I start to feel bad. I'm always calling this woman nosy and annoying, but maybe she was just trying to find a replacement for her own family.

I give a small smile. "She's lucky to have you then."
He shrugs. "I guess you can say that."
"It's true. You're there for her and that shows what type of a person you are."
"And what type of a person is that?"
"Loving, caring, unselfish, kind, sweet. I mean, you have to be to travel all the way from New York to Palm Springs."
He chuckles and I smile. I tend to another customer, then come back to James.
He finishes his drink. "Thanks for the talk and for one of the best Gin and Tonic's I've had."
"No problem."
"See you around."
He leaves the bar and I take his glass off the counter, putting it with the other dirty glasses. A few hours later, Chelsea and I leave the club and walk to our cars.
"So, who was that fine ass Hershey bar you were talking to?"
"What?" I asked, laughing.
"That man you were having a very long conversation with."
"Oh. That's my next door neighbor's grandson."
"Is he the reason you're glowing?"
"No, we just met."
"And? You better get it while you can."
I laugh, again. "You are crazy, Chels. Besides, I've already got myself in one situation, I don't need another one." I say, placing my hand on my stomach.
"True. By the way, how is the little one?"
"As good as it's going to be for 4 weeks."
"And your ex?"
"I plan on telling him tomorrow. Speaking of which, do you have any plans?"
"Nope. Just the usual date with a glass of champagne and Dick Clark, why?"
"My best friend Jaslene is having a New Year's party and I was wondering whether you wanted to go?"
"Sure, I would love to go."
"Alright, let me give you my address." I look through my purse and find a paper and pen. I write down my address and give the paper to Chelsea. "Meet me at my house by 7."
We hug, then get in our cars, and go our separate ways. I make it home, but instead of going straight to bed, I sit on the couch and flip through the channels on the television. I stop on an old television show and mindlessly start rubbing on my stomach. I hope everything goes well later today. And if it doesn't, then so be it.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now