Chapter 22

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I'm so pissed that asshole got me suspended. I hate him so much. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? Why does he keep popping up every time I get my life back on track? I turn off the shower and get out. I dry myself off, put my pajamas on, and slip into bed. I lay in the cold semi-darkness as a tear rolls down my cheek. The next morning, I awake to another headache. I get out of bed, get 2 aspirins, then get back in bed. My phone starts ringing and I groan. I pick up the receiver.
"Hey, Elle. How are you feeling?"
"Like shit."
"Look Jas I'm tired, so I'll call you back."
I hung up before she could finish her statement. I pull my covers over my head and drift off back to sleep. I'm awaken by someone knocking on my door. I pull the covers off my head and it's nighttime again. I look at the clock which reads 10:30. Damn, I slept for that long? The person knocks again, but a little harder than before. I huff getting up from my bed. I slip my robe on, tie it, and walk out my room. I'm almost at the door when the person knocks hard once again.
"I'm coming!" I yell, annoyed.
I turn the lamp on and peek through the peephole to find the last person I want to see. I unlock the door and open it.
"What are you doing here, Michael? Or a better question would be how did you get my address?"
"As I told you before, I have my ways and I came here to talk to you."
"Uh, about what?"
"Can I come in?"
"Um, no." I said, folding my arms across my chest.
"Why? Got a man in there?"
"If I did it's none of your goddamn business." I hissed.
He held his hands up in defense. "Take it easy, Giselle. I'm not here to upset you, alright?"
I take a deep breath, nodding my head yes. I count backwards from 10 to calm myself down.
"You know your presence alone upsets me, Michael."
"Really? I hadn't noticed."
I suppress a smile.
"Is someone smiling?" He teased.
I clear my throat. "No."
I see Ms.Bailey's, my nosey neighbors, door open and I yank Michael inside, shutting my door quickly. I peek through the peephole and see her come out her condo, look around, then head back inside. I sigh, then turn around and see the surprise look on Michael's face. I bite down on my lip so the small giggle that was ready to escape wouldn't.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"I didn't want my nosey neighbor to see you."
He starts looking around my condo and I watch his every move discreetly checking him out. Is there a time where this man doesn't look good? He turns toward me with that smirk.
"Why are you smirking?"
"You like what you see?" He asked, seductively.
Hell yeah I do. Wait, what? Snap out of it, Giselle.
"Pssh, no."
He chuckles. "Sure you don't."
"Um, Michael can we stick to the subject matter here? You said you needed to talk to me about something, so what is it?"
"Right. I overheard you yelling at your manager and you said something about being pregnant, so-"

"So you want to know whether or not you're the father?" I interrupted.
I took a pregnant pause before answering.
He sighed in relief, but for some reason that made me angry.
"Why so relieved, Michael?"
"I'm relieved because I don't have to tell my girl that I got someone else pregnant."
"Well, congratulations. Is that all you wanted to ask me about because if so you can see your way out."
I walk away when Michael grabs my hand.
"I also wanted to tell you that you're not suspended anymore."
I snatch my hand away from him and fold my arms over my chest.
"What do you mean I'm not suspended anymore?"
"I mean, big boss man here handled it, no need to thank me." He said, cockily.
"I wasn't planning on to, asshole."
"Now is that anyway to talk to the person that saved your ass from a 2 week suspension?"
I walk closer to him until I can feel his breath hitting my face.
"Well, boss man. I didn't ask for my ass to be saved, now did I?"
He licks those full lips of his and I feel a tingle go down my spine. Then out of nowhere he grabs a handful of my ass causing me to gasp.
"You know I'll save this nice ass of yours any day, sweet cheeks."
I know I should smack the hell out of him for grabbing my ass, but his sweet vanilla scent and those big brown doe eyes are putting me in a trance.
"What did I tell you about calling me sweet cheeks?"
"I've told you once and I've told you twice, I don't listen to no one. No matter how sexy that person may be."
I remove his hand from my ass while blushing at his comment. We're staring each other down and I'm starting to get this urge to jump on him, but I have to stay strong. I break eye contact and walk into the kitchen.
"I'm going to put on some tea, want some?"
"Sure." He said, sitting at the island.
I put water in the kettle, turn on the stove eye, and sit the kettle on it. I turn around and Michael is staring hard at me. I look from left to right.
"Just wondering who's the lucky guy that got you knocked up."
I start playing with my nails as he sits there waiting for my response.
I drop my hands, sighing. "Scott."
Michael's eyes widen so much I thought they were about to pop out of his head.
"Your ex Scott? The one that had you taking care of him and being his mama?"
I nod. He shakes his head.
"Well, I guess I have to send him a congratulations."
"That would be a bad idea."
"Why? He's not too fond of me?"
"He doesn't know, that's why." I said, softly.
"Why haven't you told him?"
"We aren't on speaking terms."
The kettle whistles letting me know that the water is boiled. I turn off the eye and go in the cabinet above grabbing two teacups.

"Anything you want in your tea?"
I fix our teas and hand him his. As I was taking a sip of my tea, he asked me something that I wasn't expecting.
"Can I see the baby?"
I choke on my tea.
"You ok?" He asked, jumping up.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. The tea just went down the wrong pipe."
He sits back down, but still with the look of concern.
"Uh, um, to answer your question sh-she isn't here." I stutter. "Sh-She's with a family member."
"So, it's a little girl?"
"I bet she's as beautiful as her mother."
"I'm not beautiful with this baby fat on me."
"Who told you that?"
"Nobody. I just feel that way." I said, taking another sip of tea.
"With or without baby fat, you're still a beautiful woman." He drinks some of his tea. "And besides, I like it on you."
I stare into his eyes. "You do?"
I'm smiling on the inside. Though it's only been a week since I gave birth, I haven't been feeling that attractive, so it feels good to have someone call me beautiful. After finishing our tea, Michael decides to leave.
"I should get going." He stands up. "Thanks for the tea."
"You're welcome."
We head toward the door, he opens it, and turns back to me. He kisses my cheek and when he detaches his lips from my cheek he lingers there a bit. He comes back up.
"See ya, Giselle."
With that he walks out the door and I close it behind him. I go over to the window and watch him walk to his car. Before opening the car door, he looks up at my window and I wave at him. He waves back, then he gets in and drives off. I close the curtain back and lock the door. I lean against the door in thought. I hate that man, but I love him at the same time. I know he wanted to kiss me and he was that close to doing it too, but he had to be thinking about his girlfriend. My mind is filled with questions now. What if we had kissed? What would have happened after? What if we would have ended up having sex again? I mean, last time we kissed it led to sex. I turn off the living room lamp and head to my bedroom. I lie down in bed, but for some reason I just couldn't get to sleep. I turn my bedside lamp on, get out the bed, and go over to my closet. I go inside and bring my keepsake box down from the top shelf. I sit in the middle of my bed with the box and look through it. I come across the letter Michael sent me. I pick up the letter, then pictures of me pregnant catches my eye. I smile lightly and pick the pictures up while sitting the letter down. I look through them when suddenly a tear drops from my eye. The pain that I felt in my chest a week ago starts to come back. Another tear drops.
"I made a mistake." I said, regretfully. "I made a mistake."
I lay down letting the tears fall. My eyelids start to get heavy and before I know it I'm fast asleep. Suddenly, I hear knocking at the door and I awake. I get up and walk out the bedroom to the door. I unlock and open it and there stood Michael.
"I know you didn't think I was going to leave without giving you this."
"Giving me what?" I asked, confused.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and planted a gentle, passionate kiss on my lips. I close my eyes savoring the feel of his lips. I place a hand on his bicep while the other plays with the hair on the back of his neck. I let out a moan, then I hear ringing and it's getting louder and louder. I jolt up and look around noticing my lamp still on, I'm still lying on my bed with my keepsake box opened and my pregnancy pictures laying outside of it. The ringing continues and I realize it's the phone. I answer, but it was a wrong number. I place the tip of my index finger and middle finger on my lips. Though it was a dream, I can still feel Michael's lips on mine.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now