Chapter 47

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14 hours earlier. I kissed her. And she didn't even push me away. I saw a glimpse of something in her eyes, but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Or maybe I'm not. Either way, everything I said to Giselle was true. I have strong feelings for her and because of that, I have to back out of the plan that my brother set up. My phone rings as soon as I step foot in my suite. I take it out of my pocket and look at the caller I.D. Speak of the devil.
I answer. "Hello?"
"How was breakfast? Or are you still there?"
"No, I'm back at the hotel. And to answer your first question, it was intense."
"Let me guess...Michael's bitch ass."
I let out a breath. "Yeah."
"Don't worry about him, I'll take care of that."
"About that...I can't do what you want me to do to Giselle."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"I know I heard you, but why the sudden change? I mean, you're down there in Vegas because of her."
"Because I'm in love with her."
He starts laughing on the other end. "You can't be serious. You haven't even seen this woman in months and suddenly you're in love with her? Ha. That's not love Mark, that's lust. Now, if you want to get you some pussy, hey, I'm not going to stop you, but don't fuck up this plan."
"I think you're forgetting something baby brother. You need me. You came to me asking me for my help. Now take care whatever you need to with Michael, but leave Giselle out of it."
"I can't believe you're choosing her over me."
"I'm not choosing anyone. I'm using facts. And facts say that Giselle did nothing to you. You're just mad that Michael has her and not you. But don't take that out on Giselle."
He sighs. "So, that means you're not going to help me with Michael, either."
"Of course I am. I can't stand his ass. I never understood why you were friends with him. I just don't want you to do anything to my future woman."
He chuckles. "You really think you're going to get her."
"I know I will. I already kissed her and she didn't even push me away. So yeah, I'll get her."
"Good luck."
"I don't need it."

I hang up with a huge smile on my face. However, that quickly disappears when I see my ex-wife calling me.
"What do you want?" I answer.
"Well, hello to you, too."
"What do you want, Seanna?"
"When are you coming to see your kids, Markus?"
"Whenever I get back down there to Florida."
"Right. Because your job is more important than your wife and kids."
"First of all, you're my ex-wife. You need to get that through your head. Now, you know I love my kids and I do everything for them even when I'm not there, so stop acting like I don't."
She sighs. "You're right and I'm sorry. It's just the kids really miss you and when they ask me when you're coming to see them again I don't know what to say."
"Look, I'm going to surprise them for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, put the speaker on, so I can talk to them."
"Boys! Your daddy's on the phone!"
I hear their feet rushing to get to the phone.
"Hi, daddy." They say in unison.
"Hey, boys. Y'all been good?"
"And how about school? Are things good there, too?"
"Everything's great." Mark says. "We learned how to count to 10 and we learned about the days of the week."
"That's good, Mark. Manny? Matt? What about you two?"
"I'm not in school yet, daddy." Manny says.
I chuckle. "I know, but you're in Daycare. Don't you learn things there?"
"Well, we learned about shapes."
"See, that's something. Matt?"
"We don't learn anything and I hate that school!"
I hear him running away and Seanna calling after him.
"Say bye to your daddy."
"Bye, daddy."
"Bye, boys."
"I'm sorry about, Matt. He's such a introvert and has anxiety when he's at school. They try to get him to interact with the other children and they call on him a lot to participate."
"He's only 4. He'll probably grow out of it."

22 hours later. I made sure I was up bright and early because I needed to see my baby before she left. I decided to check out the various places around Caesars Palace just so I won't miss her. Maybe I'll invite her and...Michael to breakfast again, or just to hangout somewhere. Either way, I just need to be near her. I look at my watch and it's 10. I go to where the front entrance to the hotel is and I see Giselle and Michael standing at the concierge. I discreetly watch them until they finish checking out. I scurry over to the side and they come through the doors.
"Michael, you know I can carry my own bags."
"I got it, baby."
When they reach the bottom step, I come from behind the wall.
"Oh, hey."
"Yeah, hey." Michael says, sitting the bags down.
"I'm guessing y'all leaving." I stated rather than asked.
"Looks like it, huh?" Michael says with slight attitude.
"So, y'all wanna go hangout somewhere before y'all go?"
"Nope. But what I'm going to need for you to do is to stay away from my woman."
I look at him amused. He's a damn fool if he thinks I'm going to stay away from Giselle.
"I think that's up for Giselle to decide, don't you think?"
"She's already decided."
"You mean you decided for her."
"We decided together. Now, stay away from her, alright?"
I look at Giselle. "So, you're just going to let him do this to us?"
She furrows her eyebrows. "Us? What us, Markus? I told you from the very beginning that if you can't handle us being only friends, then we can't hang together and clearly you showed that you can't handle it."
I shake my head feeling myself getting angry. "That's such bullshit. Why can't you see he's only making you do this because he's threatened by me?"
Michael raises his eyebrow. "Threatened by you? No, I'm protecting her from you. That little stunt you pulled had her stressed and I didn't like it one bit. So I'm asking you kindly, and for your sake, to stay away from her."
"And if I don't?" I challenged.
He steps closer to me. "Michael." Giselle says, grabbing his arm.

He stares me down and I'm staring right back with the same intensity. No way he's going to punk me.
"I'm supposed to be scare of you, Mike? What you gonna do if I don't stay away from her?" I see him clenching his jaw and it causes me to smirk. "Exactly. You ain't gonna do shit. So stop with this tough guy act."
He looks over at Giselle and she shakes her head and steps in between us.
"Look, Markus, why don't you just go?"
"He has really mind fucked you, hasn't he? And here I was thinking we were cool."
"We were...until you kissed me."
"And I'm glad I took the opportunity to taste those soft, sweet, full lips." Michael is so heated right now, I think I see steam coming from him. "You seemed to enjoy it, too, since you didn't push me away."
"Oh, really?" Michael says, folding his arms.
Giselle turns around to Michael. "It wasn't like that, Michael. He's just trying to get to you."
"If I wanted to get to him, I would say something far more devious than that."
"Like I said Michael, it wasn't like that."
"Yeah, I bet it wasn't."
"So you don't believe me?"
"I don't know what to believe."
"Believe me, I'm your girlfriend!"
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
He grabs their bags and walks away.
"Thanks for the talk, Mike!" I shout after him.
Giselle turns to me and I'm smiling like a Cheshire Cat. "What is with you? Why are you acting like this?"
"Come on Giselle, you're a smart girl you know why. And besides, you should be thanking me. I'm doing you a favor."
"What favor? Trying to ruin my relationship?"
"No. Just trying to show you I'm the better man for you."
She shakes her head. "You are insane if you think this proves you're a better man than Michael. If anything, he's a better man than you for restraining himself from kicking your ass."
I chuckle. "We both know that wouldn't happen. Restraint or not. And if I'm insane for having the strong feelings I do for you, then so be it."

"And that's why we can't be friends anymore."
I step closer to her. "He's not around. Just admit that's not what you want."
"It is what I want."
"No it's not." I close the gap between us. "He doesn't deserve you."
"And let me guess, you do?"
"Damn right I do. He needs a woman who's weak minded, dependent, stuck up, and prissy. That ain't you."
I see something, or at least I think I do, in her eyes like she agrees with me.
"Look...whether you like it or not, Michael is my man and I love him, and I'm not going to let anyone come between us."
"And I respect that. However, that's not going to change the fact that you belong with me."
"Well, that's one thing you'll be hoping and wishing for because it's never going to happen. Now, goodbye Markus."
She goes to walk away and I grab her, planting a rough kiss to her lips. She starts squirming, trying to get away from me. Suddenly, she breaks free and slaps me hard across my cheek.
"How dare you kiss me again!"
"You know you're even more gorgeous when you're angry."
She scoffs. "Get some help."
She goes to leave again and I grab and kiss her again.
"Even more reason to kick your ass!" Michael says, storming over to us.
We pull apart and Giselle steps in front of Michael, trying to stop him from getting to me. I, on the other hand, am composed and ready for whatever.
"Michael, please, don't! Don't do this!" Michael's eyes remain glued on me. "Let's just go!"
"Not until I beat his ass." Michael says through clenched teeth. "Now, get out of my way."
"Either get out of my way or I'll move you out of my way."
"Well get to moving because I'm not going to willingly move."
"Why are you protecting him?!"
"I'm not protecting him! You're overreacting!"
"I'm overreacting?!" He says, pointing to himself. "You were just making out with this dude and I'm overreacting?! No, I'm not reacting enough because his ass is still standing on two feet!" I chuckle and he looks at me. "You find this funny?!"
"Very." I say through my chuckle. "You see Giselle how insecure your man really is? He's afraid that I'm going to steal you from him." I smirk seeing him ready to explode. "And it's just a matter of time before that pussy is all mine."
It was like a blur because before I know it, I'm on the ground with Michael on top of me delivering blow after blow. A crowd starts forming and Giselle is desperately trying to break us up. I block one of Michael's punches and end up punching him square in the jaw. I give him another shot, but before I can do it again, he gets in a shot. Suddenly, some guys grab Michael off of me while others help me up from the ground. As Giselle is trying to talk Michael down, I wipe my lip seeing the blood coming from it. Eventually, Michael, who's still glaring at me, and Giselle walk away to his car. They get in and leave. Some people asks if I'm ok and I respond with a nod. I head back to the hotel and up to my room. I look in the mirror and see he's done some damage, but nothing severe. I go get some ice and put some of it in a washcloth. I place it against my lip and wince. This isn't over. He's going to pay. I guarantee that.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now