Chapter 37

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After Jaslene picked me up from Michael's house, we went to the spa and got some heavenly massages. Now we're at the mall doing a bit of shopping.
"So, when did you and Michael start dating?"
"3 months ago." I said, looking through the clothes rack.
"What happened to Chris?"
I sigh. "I broke up with him after he started acting like Scott."
"What do you mean started acting like Scott?" She asked, looking at me. "Did he hit you?"
"No, no, no. What I mean is he was being possessive and controlling."
"Oh." She says, looking back at the clothes. "I'm sorry to hear that. He seemed like a great guy."
"He was a great guy, but I've moved on with someone better. Despite him being pissed at me, right now."
I pick up a few blouses from the rack.
"I feel so guilty." Jaslene says, out of nowhere.
"Michael being pissed at you."
"Don't. At the end it was my decision."
"With my convincing."
"Look, don't worry about it." I say, looking at her. "Alright?"
She nods. About an hour later, we finish doing our shopping and we decide to stop at the food court. We order what we want and find a table to sit at.
"I forgot to tell you that I'm happy for you and Michael."
I smile. "Thanks."
"I'm proud of you, girl. You finally getting that multi-millionaire dick."
I choke on my Chinese noodles and Jalsene laughs. I drink some of my soda to help the noodles go down.
"You could've killed me."
She continues to laugh and I laugh along with her.
"But seriously, Elle. Take it from me. The richer the man the better the dick."
"Where do you come up with this stuff?" I asked.
"Cosmo magazine and experience."
I shake my head, laughing. "Well, I can agree with that. Plus, I've always gotten Michael's multi-millionaire dick." Jaslene sits there shocked at what I revealed. "But that's a story for another time."
"Oh no you don't. Now you got to tell me." I ignore her, eating my food. "Come on Elle, I want the story. Are you telling me that you and Michael had sex before you officially got together?"
I sit my fork down. "Yes. More than once. Twice actually."
"Ooh, tell me more." She says, giving me her undivided attention.
"Well, the second time was a few weeks before I ended things with Chris."
"And the first?" She asked, urgently.
"When he was engaged to Jessica." I say, mumbling the last part.
"Excuse me, I didn't hear you."
"The first time was when he was engaged to Jessica."
Jaslene's eyes widen. "You fucked that man when he was engaged to be married?!"
"Shhh." I say, looking around. "And yes, but I didn't know he was engaged. All he told me was there was someone else, but that was after. He really broke my heart with that."
"More than before?"
"Way more. I disliked him after our argument. But this was different. I hated him afterwards."

"And when was all of this?"
"Down in Florida when he wanted closure."
"Damn." She sips her soda. "Maybe that was his way of closure."
I laugh. "Jas, can you get any crazier?"
She shrugs. "It's possible."
After we finish eating, we head back to Michael's house. I go inside with some of my bags, while Jaslene is getting the rest, and I stop in my tracks when I see Michael in the living room with a bruised cheek and busted lip. He stands from the couch and comes over to me.
He grabs my chin and gives me the most passionate kiss on my lips.
I soon pull away breathless. "Wh-What was that for?"
"I love you and I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? For what?"
"Avoiding you...yelling at you...but you got to understand I was hurt."
"I never meant to hurt you, Michael. I-"
"I know. And you're forgiven."
He places his lips on mine, again. I'm enjoying the feeling of his lips when someone clears their throat. We pull away and look. I forgot all about Jaslene. Before I can say anything to her, Michael beats me to it.
"Get out." He says in this husky voice.
I furrow my eyebrows, looking at him. "What did she do?"
"She's the cause of all of this shit between you and me and David and I!"
"You and David? What happened between you and David, Michael?" He doesn't say anything. I grab his chin, forcing him to look at me, and he winces. "Answer me."
"We got into a fight."
"Is that why your face is like that?" I asked, letting his chin go.
"Why were y'all fighting?"
"I'd rather discuss it in private." He says, glaring at Jaslene.
I'm about to speak and yet again I'm cut off.
"No." Jaslene says. "Whatever you got to say about me or my man, you say it to my face."
"Jas, please." I beg.
"He's not about to talk shit about me without me being there to defend myself."
"Defend yourself for what?! You already screwed my girlfriend over!"
"I never screwed your girlfriend over!" She yells, coming closer to us.
"Guys, please stop!"
"Stop what, Giselle?! From telling the truth about this fake ass bitch!"
I stand, shocked. I've never heard Michael call a woman out of her name before.
"Fuck you, Michael!"
"Does it look like I want sloppy seconds?!"
"You think I want that small sausage that you're packing in your pants?!"
"Small?! Ain't nothing small about this right here." He says, pointing to his crotch. "Ask your friend. She knows. But you ain't got to worry about this over here. What you need to be worried about is what ho David is going to cheat on your ass with next."
Jaslene turns redder than before. "You bastard!" She yells, charging toward him.
"Jas, please calm down!"

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now