Chapter 8

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"Oh fuck no! Where is he at?! Did you call the police?!"
"Shhh." I said, placing my index finger over my lips. "And no I didn't call the police." I said, quietly.
"Why the hell not?!" She whispered.
"Cause no one believes the rape victim."
"So what?! He committed a crime, Giselle!"
"I understand that, but if I press charges and this thing goes to trial, there will be nothing but negativity toward me. I can hear it now. She wanted it. She asked for it. What was she wearing? I can't put myself through that." I wipe the tear that had fallen. "Besides, it was my fault anyway."
"Giselle, are you hearing yourself?! How is it your fault that he decided to take advantage of you?!"
"If I hadn't been drinking, none of this would have happened."
"Giselle, that's no excuse for what he did!"
She picks up the phone, dialing a number.
"Who are you calling?"
"The police."
I get up, snatching the phone from her, and ripping the phone cord out.
"What the fuck, Giselle?!"
"I don't want anybody to know, but you. Please, don't tell anybody." I begged.
She sighed. "Alright. When did this happen?"
"A little over three weeks ago, after I got off the phone with you. I was really drunk and I stumbled out the kitchen. There was a knock at the door, I opened it, and I thought it was Michael." I sniffled. "I kissed him, I told him I loved him, and that I wanted him. I asked for his forgiveness and I told him to make love to me. The next morning, I woke up and I thought Michael was coming out the bathroom and it was Scott."
"So, that's why you were M.I.A. from work?"
"Yeah, and why I was closed off from everyone. On top of that, I started getting sick. Throwing up, feeling dizzy, fatigue."
"I'm going to give you some time off, Giselle."
"No, I-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer. You've been through enough, so grab your things so I can take you home."
I get up, unlock the door, and go to my locker to grab my purse. I come back to the office to David and Jaslene talking.
Jaslene looks my way. "You ready?"
"I hope you feel better." David said.
"Thanks." I said, awkwardly.
I hope Jaslene didn't tell him about the rape. Then again, she wouldn't break her promise. Would she? We leave the office and walk to the front.
"You didn't tell him, did you?"
Jaslene looks at me confused, but then catches on. "No, I wouldn't break a promise. I told him you had a stomach virus."
When we make it outside, I see this beautiful hot pink Convertible. Jaslene walks toward it.
"This is yours?" I asked, surprised.
"Yeah. David got it for me."
We get inside, she starts it up, and drives off. We get to my place and I'm about to get out until Jaslene grabs my arm stopping me.
"Promise me that you'll go see a doctor."
I think for second. I do want to know whether there's more going on with me.
"I promise. I'm going to make an appointment first thing in the morning."
"Alright. You know I'm going to be bugging you to see if you did, right?"
"Looking forward to it." I said, sarcastically.
Jaslene playfully rolled her eyes and we embrace in a hug.
"Love you, Elle."
"Love you too, Jas."
I got out the car, wave bye to Jaslene, then head inside my apartment. I get inside and immediately put my pajamas on. I feel like for the first time in weeks I can get a peaceful night's sleep. I think telling Jaslene about what Scott did lifted a weight off my shoulders and I'm glad I did.

I'm nervously and anxiously waiting to be called in the back to see my doctor. I made an appointment the next day after telling Jaslene I would. That was about two weeks ago. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I start to get that churning feeling in my stomach. I grab my purse and run into the bathroom, letting everything I had in me out into the toilet. I wash my mouth out and I open the door to the bathroom, hearing the nurse call my name. I leave the bathroom, walking over to her.
"Giselle Wat-"
"That's me."
The nurse leads me to the back, in a room. She checks my height, weight, and vitals. She then leads me to another room.
"Strip down to your bra and panties. The doctor should be in here shortly."
I nod. I strip out my clothes, sit down, and I look around at the different posters on the wall while nervously wringing my hands. What if I have something worse than just a stomach virus or the flu? What if I have an...STD? The doctor then walks in.
"Hello, Ms.Watkins."
"Hi, Dr.Crane."
"So, has everything been ok?"
"No. Not exactly."
"What seems to be the problem?"
"Where do I start? Um...I've been having some stomach cramping, dizziness, fatigue, and vomiting. Oh and I didn't have my period last month, which is weird. I've never had a missed or late period."
"Ok. Let's run some tests."
After she gave me my physical, which the checking of my breast was the most painful because they're tender, she gave me a blood test. The doctor says the results would be back in 2 weeks. Once I get home, I curl up in my bed, gripping my cramping stomach. I'm worrying about what those results are going to say in 2 weeks. This is even more stress.
"Ow." I moan in pain. That one was harder than the last. "What is going on?" I whisper.
I can feel vomit coming up. I run into my bathroom. I sit on the bathroom floor, head in my hands. I really can't wait to find out what's the cause of all this. I'm getting tired of it, but I hope it's nothing serious. There's a knock at my door. I get off the floor, go to the door, and I open it to find my landlord, Mr.Jones, standing there. Shit. Here we go.
"Giselle, your rent is past due."
"I know, I know. I've been under the weather lately, so I couldn't work, but I'll have your rent."
"Next week."
He stands there thinking. "I'll give you 3 days from now to pay up or I'll file the paperwork. Now, I don't want to do that. You've been such a good tenant and one of the few to pay your rent on time, but I got to do what I got to do."
I nod. He walks away and I give him the finger.
I close my door letting out a frustrated breath. "What more can happen?"

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now