Chapter 30

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It's been 2 weeks and I'm preparing for my first day of court. I try to ignore my nervousness by thinking about my baby. After all I am doing this for her.
"Giselle, we'll be leaving soon."
"What about the lawyer?"
"She'll meet us there."
Michael has been helping me through all this. I couldn't ask for a better friend. But there is something I need to know.
"Michael!" I called.
"Yeah?" He asked, poking his head through the doorway.
"You've been here for me since I got in the hospital, but you've never told me how Jessica feels about this."
"That's because we aren't together anymore."
"Really?" I asked, surprised.
"Yep. She broke off the engagement a month or so ago."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."
He shrugs. "It's no big deal. It just wasn't meant to be."
It goes quiet.
"If you don't mind me asking-"
"Actually, I do." He says with attitude.
I squint my eyes at him through the mirror. "You don't have to give me attitude, Michael."
I finish applying my lipstick when Michael burst into laughter. I look back at him confused.
"Giselle, I was kidding. Ask me whatever you want."
I shake my head, smiling. "You play too much."
Once his laughter dies down, he comes up slightly behind me.
"So, what did you want to ask me?"
"How long would it have been for you and Jessica's engagement?"
"It would've been a year this month."
There's a moment of silence.
"I don't get it." I say, suddenly.
"What's that?"
"I don't understand how people who have been engaged or married for a long time could just give up and walk away."
"Well, speaking for myself, my work got in the way."
"But Michael, like most, she knew what she was getting into. I'm not trying to bad mouth her or anything, but she knew what your work required."
"True. But I'm a man and I'm going to own up to the fact that I could've made more time for her."
"I'm sure you tried your best."
I'm trying to fix this one curl in my hair that won't act right and I notice in the mirror that Michael is staring me down, but he seems to be in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"How incredible the sex is going to be after all this is over."
My mouth drops. This man is bold. Well, I already knew that. He comes closer to me and I turn to him.
He cuts me off with his lips. As much as I'm into this, I can't cheat on Chris anymore. I place my hands on his chest, slightly pushing away.
"M-Michael," I stammer. "we can't."
He places his hands in his pockets, smirking. "Who says we can't?"
I fold my arms. "I'm saying it. Michael I know we've kissed on numerous occasions, and that was wrong, but despite that my loyalty lies with Chris."
"And you're saying that like that means something to me. You must've forgot who I am." He looks down at his watch. "We leave in 5."
He leaves the room without another word. Half an hour later, we pull up in front of the courthouse. I'm wringing my sweaty hands.
Michael places his hand on my thigh. "You alright?"
"My nerves are bad, right now."
"I got something that can relax you." He says, running his hand along my thigh.
I push his hand away, laughing. "Is that all you think about?"
"No. But it took your mind off of everything."
I give a small smile. He gets out, then comes over to my side to help me out. He takes my hand in his and we walk inside the courthouse.
"Michael!" A feminine voice calls.
Michael looks and greets a tall, racially ambiguous woman.
"Joan, this is Giselle Watkins. Giselle, this is Joan Fuller." Michael introduces.
We shake hands.
"So, Ms. Watkins, I've been looking over your case and I'm sure you could win this."
"Really?" I asked, excited.
"Yes. I'm positive you could."
We go in a private room to go over a few things before the case starts. Joan and I walk in first followed by Michael. He sits in the row behind where Joan and I are seated.
"All rise." We all stand. "Honorable Judge Tooler preside."
I look over at the Goodsons and I notice something different about Mrs. Goodson. She's pregnant. Deep down I'm happy for them and I wish we weren't here in this courtroom today, but I just want my baby back.
"Thank you, bailiff. You may all be seated. We're here today for Goodson vs. Watkins in the case of Nicole Arie Goodson. The Goodsons feel that Ms. Watkins is an unfit parent and that Nicole is better off with them. Ms. Watkins feels that she's made a mistake and wants to prove that Nicole belongs with her. So, Mr.Rogers you have the floor."
The Goodsons lawyer stands to his feet. He clears his throat and starts talking. It seems he's focusing on my age and trying to equate that with being an unfit parent.
"She's already admitted several times to my clients that she gave up her baby because she couldn't be a good mother to her, so ask yourself this: is this child ready to raise another child?"

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now