Chapter 24

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We arrived in L.A. 2 hours later. My phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Girl, where are you at?"
"I'm 10 minutes away."
"Well, hurry up. The food's getting cold."
"Ok, ok."
She hangs up and I let out a breath.
"That girl is so impatient."
Chris chuckles which causes me to chuckle as well. We finally arrive and pull down the gravel driveway until this beautiful mansion comes into view.
"Wow, this place is beautiful." I said in amazement.
"Yeah, it is."
We get out the car and go up to the front door. I ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opens revealing Jaslene.
"Bout time you got here." She says, pulling me into a hug.
"Well, you know I live 2 hours away." I said, returning the hug.
"Yeah, yeah." She said, pulling away. "But look at you Elle," She looked at me up and down. "beautiful in white."
"And look at you," I look at her up and down as well. "pretty in pink."
"I know." She said, flipping her hair.
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Oh, and who is this?" She asked, finally noticing Chris.
"Chris." He answered with his hand extended.
"Hi, I'm Jaslene." She pauses and looks at me. "Well, this explains why you were late."
Chris and I both blush.
"It's not like that, Jaslene. Chris and I are just friends."
"Mhm. Well, come on inside."
We go inside and Jaslene closes the door. We follow her into the dining room and everything stops. It's like that moment when something happens and the record scratches, that's how this moment felt. I don't think I'm going to make it tonight. Lord, give me strength. Chris introduces himself while taking a seat and I pull Jaslene in the living room.
"What is Scott doing here?" I whisper.
"His wife is friends with Jessica." She whispered back.
"And who the hell is Jessica?"
"Michael's rebound."
I huff. "Because I respect you and David, I'm going to play nice."
Jaslene and I walk in the dining room, taking our seats. There's nothing but silence.
"So let me introduce everybody." Jaslene says, breaking the silence.
She goes around the table introducing everybody and as soon as my name is mentioned, I see Jessica frown, but recover it with a fake smile. After really looking at her, I notice she's the chick that almost knocked me down that day at the hotel restaurant.
"Now that the introduction is over, let's eat." David said.
We all fix our plates and eat in silence. I feel a pair of eyes on me and when I look up, I'm met with beautiful brown eyes. I quickly look back down.
"So Giselle, what have you been up to lately?" David asked.
"Bartending as always."
"Oh yeah?"
I nod.

"I'm still your favorite boss though, right?"
I laugh. "Always."
It gets quiet again. The only sound is forks hitting plates.
"Chris, is it?" Jessica asked.
Chris looked up from his plate. "Yes."
"What do you do for a living?"
"Nothing special. I have an office job."
"Really? Could've fooled me. I mean, the face says model, but now that you've mentioned your career the cheap suit kinda says it all."
Gwendolyn snickered.  I look over at Chris and hurt is written all over his face. He drops his head, continuing to eat his food.
"You rude, bitch." Jaslene says.
Jessica was about to say something until Michael whispered something in her ear causing her to roll her eyes. I got something for her ass. Matter of fact, both of those bitches.
"What do you do for a living, Gwendolyn?"
"Unlike you, I don't have to work. Everything I need from clothes to shoes to money, my loving husband provides for me. Ain't that right baby?" She asked, looking at him.
"That's right." He says, kissing her cheek.
I roll my eyes. "You think being an unemployed trophy wife is something to be proud of? Typical. And sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but your man ain't nothing special. He's a bum." Scott snapped his head my way. "Yeah I said it, a bum. Who ain't so loving and he knows what I'm talking about."
Scott quickly looks away.
"Checkmate." Jaslene says.
I then look at Jessica. "So Jessica, what do you do for a living?"
She put her wine glass down about to answer.
"You don't have to answer, Jessica." Michael said, staring hard at me.
"Why can't she answer, Michael? We're all here getting to know each other's profession."
He was about to respond, but Jessica interrupted him.
"It's ok, babe. I don't mind answering." She looked my way. "I own my own party planning business."
"Really? Could've fooled me." I said, mockingly. "I mean, Michael's overprotectiveness and that trashy mini dress I thought you were a prostitute."
Michael almost spit out his drink.
"So, that makes Michael your pimp, right?"
"No bitch, my fiancé." She said, showing her engagement ring.
By the cut of it, I can tell he paid a fortune, but I couldn't careless. I'm fired up now.
"That's cute. What Crackerjack box did Michael get that out of?"
Jaslene is to my left laughing her ass off and Jessica and Michael both look pissed. Good, I thought with a smirk.
"Can you stop?" Gwendolyn finally spoke up.
I looked at her. "What for? See, this is what I hate. Individuals who start shit, but can't back it up. Individuals who start shit, but want to play victim. Don't try to play peacemaker now. Chris and I both walked in here not doing anything to anybody and your friend wanted to be ignorant and insult him and I'm not having it. And if you don't like what I'm saying, then you can leave. This should be a lesson learned."
Everybody's eyes were glued on me.
"Where's the bathroom?" I whispered to Jaslene.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now