Chapter 6

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Michael's hovering over me, in between my legs, looking into my eyes. As soon as we made it to my place, we kissed and touched as we gradually stripped each other of our clothes. I feel his tip against my entrance and I become so overwhelmed and so nervous I place my hands over my eyes and start crying.
"What's wrong, Giselle?"
I continue to cry with my hands covering my eyes.
"Giselle, look at me and tell me what's wrong?"
"I-I can't. I-I can't do this."
Michael gets from between my legs, sitting next to me. "Giselle, if you're not ready, I'm ok with that. I'm not going to pressure you. If you want to go slow we can go as slow as you want."
I drop my hands, sitting up against the headboard. "It's not just the sex, Michael. I thought I was ready to pursue a relationship with you after you convinced me otherwise, but I just don't trust you."
The look of disbelief on Michael's face says it all and before I could right my wrong, it was already too late. He was pissed.
"I don't believe this shit." He said, snatching the covers back, getting out of the bed.
He picked up his boxer briefs and clothes and went into the bathroom. He comes back out, fully dressed, but the pissed off look remained on his face. He stared me down, making me uncomfortable.
"You don't trust me, yet you trust me enough to bring me to your place more than once-"
"I'm not finished." He said, sternly.
I gulp.
"You trust me enough to play with your clit." He continued. "You trust me enough to suck your titties."
He holds his hand up, stopping me. "Don't, because I know it's going to be some bullshit excuse."
"No, it's not! Why are you so upset?! You should respect me and my wishes!"
"Oh, don't pull that shit! I do respect you and your wishes! I'm tired of the games!"
I drop my head. "I'm not playing any games."
"Yes you are. No wonder your ex dumped you."
I lifted my head up with my mouth wide open as Michael stood there smirking. Rage takes over as I get up from the bed with the sheet wrapped around me and go over to him slapping the shit out of him. Michael holds his left cheek, surprised that I slapped him.
"How dare you?! You have no fucking idea what went on between him and I! He was keeping secrets while fucking and making babies with someone else and living off of my income! So fuck you, Michael!" I walk to my bedroom door, holding it open. "Get out" I said through gritted teeth.
"Gladly, but you know what the sad thing is? You let that man break you so much that you don't know a good man when he's standing right in front of you. That's ok though, you ain't gotta worry about me anymore."
He walks out the room and I slam my bedroom door shut. I hear the front door to the apartment slam shut a few seconds later. I get back in my bed, sitting up against the headboard, arms crossed. Tears involuntarily roll down my cheeks. I can't believe I let that bastard get to me. And the fact that he brought up Scott was just crossing the line, even for an asshole like him. The phone rings and I wipe my tears, picking up the receiver.

"Hey, baby."
"Sorry, you got the wrong number. Nobody named baby lives here."
"Giselle, it's me, Scott."
I scoff, rolling my eyes. Don't tell me I done spoke him up. "You got some nerve calling here and you know what? I got no time for this, so goodbye."
"Wait! Wait!"
"Can we be friends?"
"Scott, a month after I've told you off at the club and you're still asking this?"
"Well, yeah."
"Well, no. Why would I be my ex-boyfriend's friend? I'm not friends with any of my exes and none of them did what you did to me, so why should I make that exception for you?" It was silent on the other end. "Exactly. Have a great day and a nice life and don't ever call here again."
I hung up before he could get the rest of his sentence out. I really should get my number changed.
I let out a frustrated sigh. "This has been one hell of a day." I whisper to myself. "I need a drink."
I get up from the bed, put my robe on, and head to the kitchen. I grab the Vodka bottle, a shot glass, and sit at the kitchen table. I pour a few shots of Vodka and I'm about to pour a few more until the phone rings.
I pick up the phone angry, thinking it's Scott. "I told you Scott not to call-"
"Giselle? It's me, Jaslene."
"Oh, hey Jaslene. Sorry about that. I thought you were Scott."
"Why would you think that? Y'all been broke up about a month."
"I know, but he called me not too long ago."
She scoffed. "For what?"
"To see whether we could be friends."
"Yeah right, he wants you back."
"I know he does, but this is his second time asking me. Maybe he genuinely wants my friendship."
"Or maybe you want him back."
"Never. I've closed that chapter of my life. I'm done with him. Plus, I'm thinking about getting my number changed, so he won't be able to call here anymore."
"Good. So other than that, what's been going on?"
"A lot."
"A lot like?"

"Michael and I went out on a date last weekend. He took me to breakfast this morning. Now we hate each other."
"Hold up, hold up, hold up, when did y'all start dating?"
"We're not. He took me out on a date, there's a difference."
"And you didn't tell me?"
"I had a lot on my mind."
"So, what happened between y'all two?"
"He thinks I'm playing games."
"I guess because I'm flip floppy with him. I'll act like I'm ready for sex, then back out. I'll kiss him and let him touch all on me, then act like I want nothing to do with him. I kinda see how he thinks I'm playing with his feelings, but I'm not. I've fallen for Michael, but I'm just confused about my given in so easily. I'm confused about how this man could come along and have me wrapped around his finger."
"Have you tried talking to him?"
"I tried defending my position in all this, but it led to an argument. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to speak to me. I don't want to speak to him either, not after he brought up Scott dumping me. That was a low blow and he seemed pretty proud of himself for bringing it up. It's over for us." I take a swig from the Vodka bottle. "What's been going on with you?" I asked.
"Well, David and I have been doing good, despite his controlling ways. I also have some photo shoots to do next week to built up my portfolio."
"I'm happy for you, Jaslene. I really am, but what do you mean by David's controlling ways? He ain't putting his hands on you, is he?"
"Hell no! I would fuck him up if he dare put his hands on me. He just wants to know where I'm going, what time I should be back, who I'm with, stuff like that."
"And you don't see anything wrong with that, Jas?"
"No Elle, I don't. He's just being protective."
"If you say so."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, seemingly offended.
"Look Elle, I'll talk to you later. Bye." She hung up.
I take the phone from my ear, looking at the receiver. I place it back in the cradle. She didn't even give me a chance to say anything back. Person number 2 I done pissed off. I finish drinking the rest of the Vodka. I get up from my seat, stumbling a bit. Damn, I'm drunk. There's a knock at the door and I stumble out the kitchen, feeling my way toward it, since I have drunk vision right now. I open the door and there stands Michael. I feel like I sobered up a bit just seeing him.
I throw my arms around his neck. "Oh Michael, baby, you came back. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. For now on, no more games. I want you, I love you, and all I ask is for your forgiveness." I said, slurring.
I pull away looking into his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes of his that's always hiding behind shades, but not tonight. I twirl my finger around one of his curls. Those beautiful curls of his that I just love running my fingers through. Maybe it's the alcohol, but I don't care, I want him.
"Michael, make love to me." I whisper against his lips.
We crashed our lips together in a passionate kiss. He runs his hands down my sides, to the back of my thighs, then picks me up. He closes the door behind him with his foot and walks to my bedroom with our lips never detaching.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now