Chapter 40

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We have a seat at the table and take some time to look over the menu. We order our food and that's when mother starts in with some more questions for Giselle.
"So Giselle, you mentioned your grandmother, but what about your mother and father?"
Giselle clears her throat. "Well, I never knew my mother and father. For all I know they probably live down the street from me."
"So it was your grandmother who raised you?"
Mother nods. "I hate to get really personal, but I know my son isn't the only person you've been in a relationship with, so have you been engaged or married before?"
"Never. And I don't mind the personal questions, you're just trying to get to know me."
"Ok. Do you have any children?"
I look over at Giselle because I know that's a question that's probably eating her up inside. She really misses her daughter and she continues to express that. That's why I'm still trying my hardest to help her get her back.
"Uh, n-no. I have no children."
My eyes widen. Did she really just lie to my mother's face?
"Do you plan on having-"
"Giselle, could you come with me real quick?" I asked, interrupting my mother. "Excuse us, mother, we'll be back." Giselle gets up and follows behind me outside. I walk to the side of the restaurant, then turn around to face her. "What the hell are you doing?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You know I'm talking about you lying to my mother. Why would you do that?"
She stares at me for a few seconds before dropping her head down. I place my index finger under her chin to lift her head back up and I see the tears welling in her eyes.
"It's embarrassing to sit there and tell your mother, someone I just met, that not only do I have a daughter, but that I've given her up as well."
"But lying isn't going to make it better."
"I know that. It's just...I hate myself, Michael. What I did continues to eat at me and I just don't know what I can do." She starts to break down and I wrap my arms around. "I want my baby back, Michael. I can't keep on like this. I just can't. Even if I have to take the Goodsons to court this time like they did to me, I will. I'm going to fight for my baby."
I hold her in my arms because that's really all I can do. She lets out all her emotions as her tears wet up my jacket. Eventually, she calms down and slightly pulls away from me, wiping her tears. She looks up at me, apologizing.
"Don't apologize. You ready to go back in?" I asked.

She sniffles. "We kind of have to. Your mother is still in there."
I chuckle and that causes her to give a small smile. We head back inside the restaurant and Giselle goes to the restroom to fix herself up.
"Y'all were gone awhile." Mother says as I sit down. "Where's Giselle?"
"Using the restroom."
"Good because now I can tell you what I think of her."
"Ok, and what do you think of her?"
"I think she's a really sweet and very nice young lady."
"But I feel like she's hiding something."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, but I have a feeling."
She sips her water and our food comes as soon as Giselle comes back to the table.
"Sorry I took so long."
"You ok, dear?" Mother asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. And I have to be honest with you, Katherine. I do have a child."
"Yes, a little girl."
"I don't understand why you lied."
"Because I wanted to make a good impression and I was afraid you'll judge me if you knew I had a daughter."
"I wasn't going to judge you, sweetie. All I ask for is honesty." Giselle nods her head. "Now that that's taken care of, how old is she?"
"9 months. She'll be 10 months in a couple of weeks."
"I'm guessing she's with her father?"
"Actually, she's with her foster parents." Mother gives a confused look. "I-I put her up for adoption when she was b-born." Giselle says, stuttering.
I rub Giselle's back to relax her because I know that was difficult for her to admit.
"Oh. I see."
That was last thing mother said because throughout the rest of the dinner she was silent. We pull down the driveway of the house and I put the car in park.

"Since Joseph's home, won't you come in and say hello."
I let out a breath and get out of the car. I help mother out first, then Giselle. We walk up to the door and mother unlocks it. We head inside.
"Yeah, Joe."
Suddenly, he comes into the living room and my whole body tenses up. He gives mother a kiss, then he turns to me.
He reaches his hand out to me. "Michael."
"Joseph." I say, taking his hand, shaking it.
We're staring each other down and the tension is thick.
"Long time no see." He says, letting my hand go.
"Well, after what happened last year I didn't think you would miss me."
He shakes his head. "Same old Michael."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you don't know how to let things go."
"Like father, like son, huh?"
He raises an eyebrow at my comment and I know he's thinking of a comeback. Giselle clears her throat and I realize that I had forgotten all about her.
I wrap an arm around her waist. "Joseph, this is my girlfriend Giselle."
"Nice to meet you." She says, reaching her hand out to him.
He just stares at her and she slowly puts her hand back down.
"Ok." She says, dragging the k.
"What are your intensions with my son, young lady?" He asked, folding his arms.
He never cared before, so why is he suddenly interested?
"Well, with all due respect sir, I think you need to be asking your son what his intentions are since he's the one that pursued me."
I smirk. One of the things that made me love Giselle is her sass and my baby got plenty of it for Joseph if he wants to go there.
Joseph squints. "No, I'm asking the right person. For all I know you could be a golddigging flousy."
"Excuse you?"
"Joseph!" Mother says, shocked.
I move Giselle behind me and I step closer to Joseph's face.

"What did you just call her?"
Joseph chuckles, bitterly. "You better get out of my face Michael before your little girlfriend sees your ass laid out on the floor."
I remain in Joseph's face and Giselle grabs ahold of my arm.
"Baby, let's just go." She says.
I look over at her for a few seconds before Joseph opens his mouth, again.
"You better listen to her, Michael."
I slowly look back at him, balling up my fists.
"Michael, don't." Giselle says, grabbing ahold of my right fist.
As much as my blood is boiling right now, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction.
"You ain't even worth it. Goodbye, mother."
We leave the house and get in my car. I drive out of the driveway and down the road. The whole ride home was silent and I'm gripping the steering wheel, tightly that's how peeved I am. I can feel Giselle's eyes on me, but I maintain my focus ahead of me. We make it back to my house, get out of the car, and head inside. I go upstairs and into my room while Giselle goes to the guest room she's been staying in. I pace back and forth against the carpeted floor, hoping this would keep me from exploding. He would forever have me like this. He will always have the upper hand. I'm so deep into my thoughts that I didn't hear Giselle knocking on the door.
"Michael?" I look over at her and she walks in with her pajamas already on. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say, sitting on the bed.
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure." I say, snappy.
"Sorry I asked. I just wanted to make sure you were alright considering you almost came to blows with your father." I silently look ahead of me with my elbows to the tops of my thighs and my hands clasped together. Giselle walks closer to me. "Your mother was right, Michael. Your father loves you. He might have disrespected me, but I saw it in how protective he was of you. It just may take some time-"
"Giselle, if you don't mind, I really don't want to talk about this right now." I say, even snappier than before.
She silently stares at me. "Ok." She says, quietly.
She goes to walk away, but I grab her hand and pull her to me. I sit her down on my lap, wrap my arms around her waist, and lay my head against her breasts. She starts stroking my hair, soothingly.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you." I say to her. "It's just things have always been rocky like that between Joseph and me. It's something I'm getting used to."
"It'll get better, baby. Trust me."
I let out a breath. "I doubt it." I say, closing my eyes.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now