Chapter 21

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The waitress walks over. "Can I get you anything, sir?"
"I'm fine, sweetheart. Thanks."
She nods and walks away as I stare at Giselle. She's still beautiful, but I noticed some things when she walked in. Her body is even more curvier and her breast are even more fuller. I like it though.
"So, how have you been Giselle?" I asked, breaking the silence.
She takes a sip of her water, then continues to eat her salad.
"You live down here now?"
"If I did, I wouldn't tell you."
I furrow my eyebrows. "Why not?"
She glares at me. "Michael, I advise you to get up and leave before things get ugly."
I raise an eyebrow. Who in the hell does she think she's threatening?
"No, I'm not leaving. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just making conversation."
"Well, I don't want to talk to you. I'm just trying to enjoy my break in peace."
"So, you work here." I stated rather than asked.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Cause you're my friend, Giselle."
"I'm not your fucking friend." She said through clenched teeth.
I gulp. "Come on Giselle, don't be like that. I haven't seen you since..." I trail off.
"Since you fucked me and kicked me to the curb."
"I didn't kick you to the curb."
"You broke my heart and in my opinion it's all the same."
Ok, she's still pissed and understandably so. I definitely need to choose my next words wisely.
"Giselle, I've never meant for anything like that to happen. You got to know how truly sorry I am. Didn't you read my letter?"
She put her salad bowl to the side and drank some more of her water. "No and I don't care to."
"You got to read it, Giselle. You get to see how I feel. The softer side of me."
"Michael, I don't care. It isn't going to change the fact that I hate you."
Hearing her say that was like a knife to the heart, but I can't let it show.

I smirk. "I guarantee if you would have read it you would be kissing all on me right now, saying how much you forgive me."
She squints her eyes at me. "Ha! I highly doubt that. These lips would never ever be on you again and I can't forgive someone who breaks my heart."
"Wanna bet?" I challenged.
The waitress came with the check and Giselle reached in her purse to pay, but I beat her to it.
"I can pay for my own meal, Michael."
"I know. I'm just being a gentleman."
"Oh, really? Cause where was this gentleman side when you had me on my back? Huh? Where was it?"
I clear my throat. "It was there, Giselle."
She laughs, bitterly. "Bullshit!" Some people nearby look over at us. "A real gentleman wouldn't have done what you did and you know it!" She picks the money up and put it in my hand. "I don't need shit from you."
She pays and gets up from the table. "You got what you wanted, now stay away from me and I mean it."
She leaves and I get up following behind her.
"Giselle." I called. "Giselle."
She stops in her tracks and turns to me. "What part of stay away from me didn't you understand?"
"I'm hardheaded and persistent, you know that."
She walks away, disappearing out of my view. I walk where the bar area is and I see Giselle go behind the bar. So I was right, she does work here. While she's putting some bottles of vodka up, I decide to sit at the bar.
"What can I get you?" She asked without looking.
"Rum and Coke."
"What type of...Rum?" She asks slowly after seeing that it's me.
"You already know, sweet cheeks."
She scoffs, fixing my drink. "Don't call me that."
I fake pout. "Why? I thought you liked that nickname."
She slams my drink down in front of me. "I don't, so I'm asking nicely don't call me that."
"Now you know sweet cheeks" I put emphasis on sweet cheeks. "that I don't listen to anybody."
"That's right cause you're this big boss man, right?"
"You could say that."
"Well, you know what?"

The next thing I know my eyes have Rum in them, my face has Rum all over it, and my shirt has Rum on it too.
"Fuck you!" Giselle spat.
The couple a little down from me gasp and stare in astonishment. Someone hands me a hand towel and ask if I was ok. As I wipe the alcohol from my eyes, I hear someone yelling. I look over and it's Giselle.
"Suspended?! For what?!"
I can't hear what the guy is saying, but it seems he's trying to reason with her.
"Me just having a baby has nothing to do with anything!"
That caught me off guard. She just had a baby? Giselle soon stomps back over, grabs her purse, and storms out the bar area. The man that she was just yelling at comes over to me.
"I'm sorry about that, sir."
"It's fine."
"I'm the manager, Bernard." He says with his hand extended out. I take his hand, shaking it. "If you need anything sir, please let me know."
"I will do that, but suspending her isn't necessary."
"It's protocol."
"That may be, but it's my fault she lost her temper. I was being a jerk to her, so drop the suspension and everything will be good."
"I can't drop it, sir. If an employee does something unprofessional, I have to suspend them or fire them."
I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to stay calm. I drop my hand.
"Bernard," I began with a fake smile. "I'm asking nicely to take back the suspension. I said that I'm fine and it was my fault. Now, do you want me to go over your head and complain about my request not being fulfilled?"
His eyes widen and he shakes his head, hastily. "No sir, I don't want that. I-I'll drop it."
I smirk. "Good."
I walk away and call for the elevator. What Giselle said is still bugging at me. She was pregnant? That explains the changes to her body, but how did she get pregnant when I wore protection? The elevator comes and I step on pressing the penthouse button. Be real Michael, that condom been sitting in your wallet for awhile, I thought. True, because I've never had to use it. If I'm a father, Jessica is going to flip. I know how badly she wants us to have children and to know I've created one with someone else is going to break her. I soon feel this anger building up. My main question is, why in the fuck didn't Giselle tell me? She has this attitude toward me, but I'm the one that has a right to have a fucking attitude. She has some nerve treating me like shit when she's been keeping something like this from me. I make it to my penthouse suite. I see Jessica sleeping soundly in bed. Good cause I really don't feel like explaining why I'm drenched in Rum. I turn the shower on, strip down until I'm bare, and get in. I scrub the Rum smell off me and step out the shower. I dry off, slip a fresh pair of boxer briefs on, and get in bed next to Jessica. I need to find Giselle and get some goddamn answers.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now