Chapter 28

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The paramedics get the gurney out of the ambulance and rush Giselle in the hospital and down the hall with me right behind them. They go through the double doors and I'm about to go through them as well until a nurse stands in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.
"Sir, you need to stay out here."
"No, I need to be with her!"
"Sir, she'll be fine. Just wait out here."
I look at the closed double doors. I storm over to the waiting room, taking a seat. I place my elbows on top of my thighs, resting my chin on my folded hands. I'm still trying to cipher what happened? What made her snap like that? I replay everything in my mind. Her laying on the floor, gasping for air, lips turning blue. And when the ambulance got there the scene was even more chaotic because her neighbors started to crowd around wanting to know what happened. One thing I'm thankful for, other than the ambulance getting there in no time, was that her daughter wasn't there with us. I could only imagine how much more hectic things could've been. I decide to call Jaslene to let her know what happened. A few hours have passed and I still haven't heard anything.
"Michael, is she ok?"
I look up and see Jaslene and David.
I shrug. "They're not telling me anything."
"Well, I'm about to find out." Jaslene says, about to walk away.
David stops her. "Jassy, let the people do their jobs and we'll wait."
"But that's my friend back there, Dave. My best friend and we need to know something."
"I understand that, but I'm sure these people are doing all they can. Let's just wait."
She lets out a breath. "Alright."
They take a seat. As more hours pass, the anxiety grows.
"I'm about to get something out the vending machine, you guys want anything?"
David says no and I shake my head. When she walks away, David leans over to me.
"You know she's not going to the vending machine, right?"
"Why you say that?"
"Because I know my girlfriend. She about to cuss these people out."
As soon as he said that, we heard her voice. We burst out in laughter. One thing I can say about Jaslene, she got Giselle's back. They're kinda female versions of myself and David.
"How you holding up?"
"I'm still trying to figure out how we got to this point. One minute we're making out, then the next she flips out on me, but I don't think she was actually flipping out on me."
"What?" He asked, confused.
"Based on what she was saying and how she was acting I think she thought I was someone else for a moment because before she collapsed it was like she was relieved to see me."
Jaslene comes back, smirking.
"Why you looking like that?" David asked.
"I found out what's going on with Giselle. They're running test on her."

"For this long?!" I asked, surprised.
She nodded. "They said they think something serious is going on with her heart, but they're not sure yet. What they do know is she had a heart attack."
Damn. I know heart attacks don't have a age limit, but that and 21 years old shouldn't be in the same sentence. A few minutes later, the doctor comes out and calls for Giselle's family. We all get up. I can tell by the look on the doctor's face that this can't be good.
"Ok, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is she's in stable condition. The bad news is we ran quite a bit of test and we've discovered that she has cardiac tamponade."
"What's that?" Jaslene asked.
"It's when fluid fills the sac that's around the heart. This is a very life-threatening condition and could lead to death if-"
"What are the treatment options?" I asked, interrupting him.
"One option is to stick a needle about this length" He says, holding his fingers up to show us the length. "into the sac, then we replace the needle with a catheter and let the fluid drain through that into containers. Another option is open heart surgery. This way is more effective. Unlike the first treatment, this one prevents the fluid from coming back."
The doctor stands quietly, waiting for one of us to answer.
"W-We need to think about this." Jaslene says, shakily
"Ok. I'll give you a few minutes to think it over, then I need a decision. We have to act fast on this."
"Can we go back and see her?" Jaslene asked.
"Sure. She's in room 1968."
We thank him and head to the back. Jaslene knocks, then walks in first. David follows, then me. She's hooked up to various machines: from an oxygen mask to a heart rate monitor. Jaslene goes over by her side.
"Giselle?" She calls to her, rubbing her hand. "Giselle, it's me, Jaslene."
Giselle lays there motionless.
"This isn't fair." Jaslene says, softly. "You're only 21 years old and look at all the bullshit you've been through. And now this." She sniffles, wiping her tears. "Please, Giselle. You're my best friend. We're like sisters, and if you don't make it..." She trails off.
I just stand back, quietly observing. Deep down this is really having an affect on me, but I'm trying not to let it show and stay strong.
"I think she should have the surgery." Jaslene and David simultaneously look over at me. "I don't want to see her in this predicament, again."
Jaslene looks back at Giselle, shaking her head. "I'm against her having surgery. She would never forgive me if I let them cut her up."
"Jaslene, this is about saving her life. She'll thank you in the long run."
"I agree, babe." David says to her.
"What about complications?" She says, looking between David and I. "Y'all haven't even thought about that."
"If there were any complications, the doctor would've said it. In fact, he was kinda hoping we would pick the surgery."

Just then, the doctor walks in. "Have you all come to a decision?"
"Yes. We're going with option 1. The catheter."
I don't believe this shit. I shake my head, leaving before I say some shit that's not only going to make Jaslene dislike me more, but put a strain on David and I's friendship. I get in Giselle's car and hit the steering wheel a few times. I needed to get my anger out someway and since I couldn't slap the shit out of Jaslene, this was the only way. I put the key in the ignition and drive around. I eventually calm down. Instead of heading back to the hospital where I know Jaslene is still at, I go back to Giselle's place. I grabbed her keys before following behind the ambulance. I unlock the door and come inside, turning on the lights. I sit the keys down on the table and take my jacket off, placing it on the couch. I decide to go to bed early, so I strip down to my boxer briefs and get in Giselle's bed. Her sheets and pillows have her lavender scent. I stare up at the ceiling, blankly. The next day, I go to my townhouse I have here in Palm Springs so I could shower and change my clothes. After, I go straight to the hospital. I know she's probably wondering where I am. I knock, then enter Giselle's room to find David and Jaslene gone. Giselle has an IV in her arm, but the oxygen mask and the heart rate monitor aren't on her. I grab a chair and pull it up next to her bedside. She opens her eyes and looks over at me.
I smile. "How are you feeling?"
"Better." She says in a whispery voice. "But how is it that I'm the one in the hospital, but you look like hell."
I chuckle. "I barely got any sleep last night. I was worried about you."
She smiles, lightly. The nurse comes in with a tray of food. We exchange hellos and she sets the tray on the table.
"This is your medicine." She says, handing Giselle a cup with pills in it. "You have to take this before you eat."
Giselle takes the pills, drinking water after, and the nurse takes the little plastic cup and leaves the room. I lifted the lid off the food and placed the lid back over it.
"You're not eating that shit."
She lets out a soft giggle.
"I'll be back."
15 minutes later, I come back with some IHOP.
"I got your favorite: pancakes with strawberries and whip cream."
I take out two trays, one for me and one for her, and sit it on the table. I open up mines and hers and it's no surprise that I got the French toast with strawberries and whip cream. Giselle starts giggling.
I look at her. "What's funny?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about when we had our breakfast date at IHOP."
"Oh yeah I remember that." I stare deep into her eyes. "That's how I remembered what you liked."
She looks down at her food, blushing. We hold a small conversation, but what happened yesterday has yet to be brought up because it isn't the right time.
"I have some business to take care of and then I'm coming back." I say, throwing our trash away.
I come back over to her. "You get you some rest."
She nods. "I will."
I kiss her cheek before leaving. Though Jaslene's decision to go against the open heart surgery was a poor one, Giselle seems to be in a good mood. I just hope her heart stays in good condition.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now