Chapter 29

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I can't wait to get out of this hospital. I've been here for a few days now and I'm the most bored I've ever been, and irritable. Especially with the doctor checking on me 24/7. I know he has to because of my condition, but still. On the bright side, the IV was removed from my arm, so I'm able to get up and move around with no problem. The nurse comes in with my pills and dinner. I take the pills, but as always I don't bother with the food. I watch some TV and I try getting some sleep, but it's hopeless. I get out of bed, go over to the large window, and look up at the sky. The stars are really out tonight. Somebody comes in the room and I'm thinking it's the nurse, so I don't acknowledge her. I soon feel arms wrap around my waist and I jump, but relax seeing that it's Michael.
"I haven't seen you in a couple of days. Where have you been?"
"Building my empire." He lets go of my waist. "But it's nice to see you up and around."
I turn around to him. "I'm glad too because my ass was starting to hurt just sitting on it."
He chuckles. We stand in silence and just when I'm about to say something, Michael leans down enclosing his lips with mine. I respond back, wrapping my arms around his neck, and he places his hands on my lower back. I then feel part of my gown loosening from my body and a breeze hits my back. Then I feel the top of my gown loosening, as well. I pull away from the kiss and slip my arms out of the gown, letting it fall to the floor. Michael unbuttons his shirt and takes it off, letting it fall to the floor too. I feel on his tone chest before kissing those soft lips again. He picks me up and sits me in the window sill. He detaches our lips and pecks my neck, and the top of my breasts before wrapping his lips around my left nipple, sucking like a newborn baby. I bite down on my lip, enjoying his warm mouth on my erect nipple. He soon alternates sucking on my right nipple the same way.
"Ms. Watkins," The nurse calls, knocking. "I came to pick up your food tray."
I huff. Moment over. Michael helps me down from the window sill and hands me my gown from off the floor. I put it back on as Michael puts his shirt back on. He reties the back of my gown for me.
She knocks on the door, again. "Ms. Watkins?"
"Just a minute." I say, making sure Michael's clothes are fixed. "Come on in."
"I can't. It's locked."
I look at Michael. "You locked the door?"
"Imagine if I didn't."
He's got a point. I go over to the door and unlock it. I open the door and the nurse smiles.
"Sorry about that." I say.
"It's ok. You need your privacy."
She comes in and grabs the tray off the table. I glance over at Michael and he's checking her out.

"Goodnight." She says, leaving.
I close the door and fold my arms. "You want a piece of her too, loverboy?"
He chuckles, walking over to me. "You know I only want a piece of you, sweet cheeks." He says, placing his hands on my hips.
I feel my heart fluttering. He hasn't called me sweet cheeks in so long. It's bringing back memories.
"So let's finish what we started."
He tries to kiss me, but I place my index finger on his lips, stopping him.
"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood anymore."
I walk away from him and get in bed, facing away from him. He sucks his teeth and I smile to myself. The next day, I get up bright and early because I get discharged from the hospital today. Honestly, I can't wait to get home and lay comfortably in my own bed. I notice that Michael isn't in the room, which is good because I don't want anything else to get started between us. I grab my pajamas that I had on when I came here. Suddenly, Michael comes through the door with a bag in his hand.
"Good morning." He says.
"Good morning."
"I went by your place to pick up some stuff for you."
He hands me the bag and I thank him. I go in the bathroom to shower. After I finish in the bathroom, the doctor comes in and goes over a few things with me before Michael and I leave the hospital. We make it to my condo and walk up the stairs when the good mood I had was shot down a bit. I see something taped on my door and I take it down, realizing it's a summons.
"What's that?"
"A summons."
"For what?"
"I'll tell you later."
I unlock the door and we go inside.
"I want you bedridden, Giselle." Michael says.
"Michael, I can't be bedridden when I have to go to work tomorrow."
"Actually, I called out for you."
My eyes widen. "What?! When?!"
"The other day, so you have a two week vacation."
I go in the back to my room and what happened the day before I collapsed instantly hits me. I pick up the receiver and dial Chris' number. It rings, but he doesn't answer. I call him two more times and still no answer. I leave a message, then hang up. He always has his phone on and with him, so what could he be doing? Or who for that matter? But look who's talking. I basically cheated on him with Michael. Yes, kissing is considered cheating. At least to some it is. The smell of Michael's cooking hits my nostrils, so I decide to go to the kitchen.

"Thanks for cleaning my room for me. I never got the chance to thank you."
He looks at me. "Didn't I tell you to be bedridden?"
I go over to him. "I know what you told me, but I couldn't resist. I smelled your good cooking."
"Oh, don't try to butter me up."
"I'm not." I say, innocently.
I sit at the island, watching his every move. I bite down on my lip. A man cooking is one of the sexist things, especially when this man is doing it.
"So, Michael, who taught you how to cook?"
"My mother." He says, cracking a few eggs in the frying pan. "But she's a far superior cook than me. Ain't nothing like a meal prepared by a mother." He looks back at me. "You know what I mean?"
"Not on the mother part, but yeah. I feel like that when it comes to my grandmother's cooking."
He nods and goes back to finishing the eggs. I set the table and once breakfast is ready, we sit down and eat. There's silence, but it's not awkward.
"So when do I get to meet your daughter?" Michael asked, breaking the silence.
At this moment, I would prefer he'd asked me about the situation a few days ago than this.
"Uh..." I say, moving my food around with my fork. "That's what the summons was about."
He looks at me attentively, waiting for me to continue. I drop my fork on the plate.
"I put my daughter up for adoption and her adoptive parents are taking me to court because I want her back."
Michael wipes his mouth and I think I see a glint of anger in his eyes.
"Michael, you staring at me like that is making me uncomfortable. I'd rather you say something."
"What's there to say? You've made your decision and now you have to live with it."
Now that pissed me off.
"Don't you think I know that?! Why do you think I'm trying to get her back?! Why do you think her adoptive parents are taking me to court?! I might lose her all because I made a stupid mistake!" I said, getting up and walking away.
"Oh, so now you're pissed off at me for telling the truth again?" He says, behind me.
"Michael you are just so...aargh."
I slam the door in his face and lay across my bed, fuming. My hate for him is slowly coming back. A couple hours later, there's a knock at my door. I don't move from the position on my bed. I hear my door open.

I don't answer as I continue staring ahead of me. My bed dips and Michael comes into my peripheral view. He moves my hair behind my ear.
"I'm sorry if I sounded heartless. I was just making an observation about the choice you've made."
I look over at him. "And I regret that choice. I love my baby, Michael."
"Then why give her up?"
"Because I thought she should deserved a better mother than me. And she was produced from a..." I trail off, but then I continue. "I couldn't stand the fact that that man was her father. But when she was born and placed in my arms, I felt this love for her that I tried to fight. The visitation rights didn't help either because I fell even more in love with her." I sniffle. "Now, I'm going to lose her. I know for a fact that if I lose this case, they would never let me see her again. My visitation rights would be stripped. But like you said, I made that choice."
The phone rings and I sit up, picking it up.
"I see you called, so you must be ready to be a girlfriend again."
I roll my eyes. "No, I called to let you know I just got out of the hospital."
"The hospital?! For what?!"
"I had a heart attack and fluid drained from my heart."
"Why didn't you call me earlier?"
"Because I was recovering, duh."
Michael chuckles.
"The way you're talking he must still be there."
"Do I have to spell his name out for you?"
"I see you're still being an ass, so I'm hanging up. Goodbye."
I slam the phone down on the cradle.
"Your man still acting like a bitch?" Michael asked.
I sit here quietly, ignoring him. I get up from the bed and go in the bathroom. As soon as I close the bathroom door, a tear escapes from my eye. Dinner time rolls around and Michael out of nowhere tells me that he's going to help me get my daughter back.
"Michael, I can't let you do that. This is my fight."
"Now that I'm involved, it's our fight. I'm not going to sit back and watch you lose your baby. We all make mistakes and if her adoptive parents can't understand that, then I'll make them understand. Just don't worry. I'll handle it."
I nod. "Thank you."
After dinner, Michael leaves. I'm surprised he still hasn't asked me about why I reacted the way I did a few days ago. But how can I tell him that the cause of my freaking out was because Scott raped me last year? I may not be ready to face it, but I have to sooner or later.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now