Chapter 12

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I pull up at the diner Giselle told me to meet her at. I walk through the door, take my shades off, and look around for her, but don't see her. I take a seat closer to the door, so she can instantly spot me. I sit my shades on the table, grab a menu, and look through it.
I look up and it's a beautiful, dark skinned, curly head woman. Beautiful smile, too.
I smile back. "Hello."
"I'm Nancy, your waitress for this evening. Can I get you anything to drink?"
"A Lemon Iced Tea would do."
"Ok and are you ready to order or you need more time?"
"When you come back with my drink, I should be ready to order."
She walks away, swaying those hips of hers. I lick my lips. Mmm, I would love to have her in my-wait Mike, what are you doing? You have an equally beautiful fiancé back at home. I stare out the window keeping a lookout for Giselle. Nancy soon comes back with my Lemon Iced Tea and I order my food. I look at my watch and it's 12:10. 15 minutes roll by.
"Here you go, handsome." Nancy says, flirtatiously. "Anything else you need?"
"No, I'm good sweetheart. Thanks."
She winks and walks away. I'm halfway through my food and it's 20 minutes 'til 1. Where the hell is this woman? She told me to be here at 12 and it's almost 1. I sigh and finish my food.
"Want any dessert?" Nancy asked, biting her lip.
"What's the best dessert?"
"The Carrot Cake."
"I'll take a piece."
She gathers my plate and glass and leaves to get my cake. I look at my watch again. I'm starting to get frustrated. Nancy brings my piece of cake. I wait around until about 1. I guess she's not coming.
"Can I have the check, sweetheart?"
Nancy brings my check over. I pay and leave her a nice tip.
"Here's my number." She says seductively, handing me a piece of paper. "Don't be a stranger."
I take the paper chuckling, shaking my head. I put the number in my pocket and leave the diner. I go over to my SUV.
I turn around and a smile plays upon my lips.


I've been in bed for most of the morning. The more I wipe the tears the more they come. My grandmother tried to get me to come out of the room, but I don't want to speak to her right now. I look at the clock and it's nearing 12 noon. I know I'm supposed to meet Michael today, so that we can do that closure thing, but to be honest, I couldn't careless. Sure it would be great to see him again, but after the night I had, I can't seem to drag myself out of bed. Plus, my mood today may ruin the entire conversation, but I did set up the time, day, and place and it would be rude of me to not show up. I muster up enough strength to get out of bed. I shower, lotion up, slip on some jeans and a black t-shirt, and grab my purse. By the time I head out the door, it's 15 minutes 'til 1. I hope he's still there, but it's a good thing I only live 15 minutes away. I get on the bus checking the time every second. When I make it to the diner it's 1 o'clock. I get off the bus and I see this caramel skinned, shoulder length curly head guy, walking out the diner. I squint my eyes and realize it's Michael. He walks to his SUV.
"Michael!" I called.
He turns around and gives me that beautiful smile. We meet each other halfway.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I wasn't feeling too good."
"We could've rescheduled."
"I know, but I'm here now."
We stand in silence.
"You look good." He said, breaking the silence.
I look down, blushing. "Thanks."
"You're welcome."
I look back up into his eyes. "You look good, too."
"I know." He says, cockily.
I giggle. Surprisingly, the cockiness is one of the things I've missed about him. "So, are we going to go inside?"
"No. I got another spot we're going to." He walks to the passenger door, opening it for me. "Get in."
"Excuse me, handsome."
We look and it's this dark skinned, curly head chick.
"You forgot your shades."
"Oh, thank you." Michael said, taking his shades from her.
She steps up to him and kisses his cheek. "You're welcome."


Damn. I bite my lip, staring at her ass. Giselle clears her throat. I snap out of my trance and close her door. I get in on my side, start the car up, and drive to our destination. The whole way there I feel Giselle's eyes on me. I glance at her and she has an eyebrow raised.
"What?" I asked.
"That your girlfriend?"
"Hm, what?"
"Nothing. She's pretty."
"Yeah, I guess." I said, focusing on the road.
"Oh come on, Michael. She's your type and I saw the way you were looking at her ass, so I know you were thinking about fucking her."
I chuckle. "Girl, you are something else." I stop at a light, looking at her. "But is someone jealous?" I teased.
She scoffed. "No. Never."
"Mhm. It's cute, though." I place my hand on her thigh. "It lets me know you still care." I start driving again and glance at her. She looks a little tensed up. "You, ok?"
"Y-Yeah." She stammered.
I remove my hand from her thigh, placing it back on the steering wheel. We make it to our destination an hour later. I wake Giselle up. I get out and grab a blanket from the trunk. I help Giselle out the car.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"We're at a lake an hour away from the city."
We walk down the little hill and I lay the blanket down. We sit down taking in the view.
"It's beautiful out here and peaceful." Giselle said.
I look at her, taking in her beauty. Maybe, I did make a mistake. Maybe, I do still love Giselle. I shake my head. No, Mike. You love, Jessica. Do this closure with Giselle and get it over with.
"Giselle." She looks at me. "As you know, I called you for closure. I wanted you know that there's no bad blood and I'm sorry for any hurt I may have caused you."
She nods. "I'm sorry, too. We both was speaking and acting from a place of anger."


"I agree. I know me bringing up your ex was my anger talking. You know I wouldn't deliberately hurt you."
"I know and I hope you know that my hesitation with becoming one with you was just me being scared. I just got out of one relationship that ended horribly and there I was getting into another one."
"Like I told you before, we could've went as slow as you wanted."
"I didn't want you getting bored with me."
"Girl, when we did go out I wasn't bored with you at all. You're a cool woman, Giselle. You're brains and beauty. Sure, I wanted to fuck you, but that's not what was on my mind whenever we spent time together."
"I just wanted to please you, Michael." I said, playing with my nails.
"And you did."
I look at him. "How? We never had sex."
"We didn't need to have sex in order for you to give me pleasure. I got pleasure on our first date just by you telling me about your childhood, your dreams, and your aspirations. And if you still need business advice on how to get your bar up and running, my offer still stands."
"Thank you, Michael."
"No problem."
I sigh. "I'm glad I decided to come today. I honestly was thinking the worst would happen, though."
He furrows his eyebrows. "Like what?"
"Like we would be arguing."
"About what?"
"I don't know. I just thought you hated me, so I was expecting you to be cold toward me."
"To be honest, I don't think I could ever hate you. I still care for you, Giselle."
I look into those brown eyes of his that always, even after a month, could make me melt. There's something in his eyes that tells me that the love he had for me never went anywhere. I look down at his lips and back up into his eyes. He does the same. I place my hand on his cheek. We both lean forward until our lips are placed perfectly on one another's. I run my fingers down his jawline. Michael sticks his tongue in my mouth and our tongues wrestle. He slowly gets on top of me, laying me down gently. I'm getting butterflies, but not the nervous kind, the excited kind. I got my man back.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now