Chapter 34

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I awake and get out of bed to do my morning routine. I go back to the cafe that I went to yesterday and order some fruit this time. I notice Markus sitting in the back, so I approach his table with a smile on my face.
"Good morning." I say, cheerfully.
"Morning." He mumbles.
"Do you mind if I take seat?"
"Help yourself."
I sit down and I can tell something is wrong with him.
"Is something the matter?" I asked.
"No, everything's just peachy." He responds with attitude.
"Ok." I say, dragging the k. "Anyway, I'm leaving today and I was wondering whether we can hang out for a bit before I go?"
He stands up. "I can't. I'm busy."
He pushes his chair in and walks away. What the hell was that about? I finish my fruit bowl and decide to go for a walk. I come across this park and I take a seat on one of the benches. I watch the children playing and running around. How come they never get tired from doing all of that? I'm getting tired just watching them. My mind starts to drift to Nikki. One day this is going to be her and I won't be there to see it. I won't be there to watch my baby grow. My eyes start to water, then someone sits next to me.
"They're adorable, aren't they?"
I look to see this woman with long black hair, green eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. She's pretty.
"Yeah, they are."
"They're balls of energy, but damn they wear you out."
I giggle and she smiles.
"Which one's yours?" She asked.
"Lucky you." She looks back at the children. "Those three boys are mine." She says, pointing at the swings.
"They're cute."
"Thanks. But deep down I wish I had a daughter. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys. I love them to death. But it's just been hard since their father's gone."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. When did he die?"
"Oh, he's not dead. He ran off with his mistress."
"Oh." I say, embarrassed.
"And where are my manners?" Her hand then extends out to me. "I'm Seanna and you are?" She says with this accent that I'm just now realizing she has.
"Giselle." I say, shaking her hand.
One of her boys runs over. "Duty calls." She says, getting up. "It was nice talking to you."
"Yeah, you too."
I spend a few more minutes at the park before I decide to leave. I arrive at the Hilton and when I step onto the 10th floor, I'm surprised to see Markus standing there. I walk down the hall to him.
"You feeling better, now?" I asked, sarcastically.
I'm about to place the key card in the door when he grabs my arm, gently.
"I know you're pissed and you have every right to be, but I wanted to apologize for my cold attitude this morning. I found out my ex is in town and she can be a bit of a bitch. Excuse my French. Plus, I was still a little bothered by last night. But that's my own fault for misinterpreting what you felt and wanting more than a friendship."
I sigh. "Markus, I really like you as a friend and if I gave you the wrong idea, then I'm sorry. But you have to keep your feelings for me under control or else I can't be friends with you."
He nods. "My feelings for you are buried. I promise."

I reach my arms out to him for a hug and he comes closer, wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. We soon pull away.
"I gotta go pack."
"I can drive you to the airport."
"You don't have to do that."
"It's the least I can do."
"Alright. Thanks."
I go inside my room and began packing my things. 15 minutes later, I double check the room making sure I didn't miss anything. I turn off the lights and leave the room. I get on the elevator and press the lobby button. I make it down to the lobby and I go up to the concierge.
"Hello, ma'am. You checking out?"
"Yes." I said, handing her my room key.
"How was everything?" She asked, typing.
"It was wonderful."
"That's good." She prints out some papers and grabs them along with a pen. "I just need your signature and you're all set."
I take the pen from her, sign my name, then hand everything back to her.
"Alright, you have a great day."
"You too."
I leave the hotel and Markus gets out of his car. He takes my suitcase from me and puts it in the trunk. He opens the passenger door for me and I get in. He gets in on the other side.
"Do we still have enough time to spend together?" He asked.
"Uh..." I look at my phone. "yeah. I have about 40 minutes before my flight leaves."
Markus starts the car and drives down the road. We come across a food truck, get something to eat, then sit at one of the tables that's set up.
"So, tell me about your boyfriend...or soon to be boyfriend."
"Well...he's kinda tall, lean, brown skin, big brown eyes, curly shoulder length hair, arrogant but sweet, and he's an entrepreneur."
"Does this man have a name?"
"Very common name actually, it's Michael."
"I know a Michael."
"See." I say, giggling.
He chuckles. "What's his last name?"
Markus drops his fork and his lips are slightly parted. I then see this angered look on his face and him balling up his fists.
"That's the asshole who beat my brother up."
I raise an eyebrow. Nobody calls my man an asshole, but me.
"Who is your brother?"
"Claude. They're friends." He says, putting air quotes around the word friends. "But who beats up somebody who's their friend?"
"Well, according to Michael, your brother was saying some very disrespectful things about me."
"And that warrants a beating?"
"Look, all I'm saying is if he wasn't being disrespectful, he wouldn't have gotten beat up. Blame him, not Michael."
It goes quiet. Markus doesn't say anything else for the rest of lunch. We stop at Dairy Queen after lunch to get some ice cream before heading to the airport. We get out the car and Markus goes in the trunk to get my bag, then he hands it to me.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now