Chapter 51

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It's 11:30 at night and I've been up thinking about Michael and I. What we've done and how I feel about it. I've come up with two things: 1. The sex as always was incredible and 2. That nagging feeling was regret. I slowly get up from the bed, grab my phone, and tiptoe to grab my robe to put it on.
"Where you going, baby?"
I freeze because I thought this man was knocked out. "To get some water. I'll be back."
I tie my robe and leave the room. I grab a glass from the cabinet and the pitcher of water from the refrigerator. I pour some water in the glass, put the pitcher back, and lean against the island with the glass in my hand. I take a sip before sitting the glass down and going through my phone's contacts. I hit Jaslene's name and wait for her to answer.
"Hello?" She says, sleepily.
"Hey, Jas. It's me."
"Me who?"
I roll my eyes. "Giselle."
"You got some nerve calling me. I should-"
"I know." I cut her off. "And I'm sorry. I have a lot going on and I was just frustrated. I didn't mean to take it out on you."
She lets out a breath. "Fine. I forgive you. And it must be something important to be calling me at almost midnight, so what is it?"
"Yeah, sorry about that, as well. But...I did it."
"Did what?"
"Had sex with Michael."
"Ok, so y'all made up. What's the problem?"
"I wouldn't call it making up. More like him expressing his love for me and trying to prove I have nothing to be afraid of."
"So, again, what's the problem?"
"I regret it."
"Regret what?" Michael asked, scaring me.
"I'll call you back, Jas." I hang up and turn around to Michael who's getting himself some water, as well. "Huh?"
"You said 'I regret it.'" He says, pouring the water in the glass. "What do you regret?" He asked, putting the pitcher up.
"Oh, that. Jaslene and I had a petty argument earlier and I was telling her how much I regret it. That's also why I couldn't sleep." I lied.
He's drinking his water and at the same time looking at me like he doesn't believe a word I said.
He takes the glass from his lips. "And you couldn't wait until later on to tell her that?"
"She's my best friend, Michael. I didn't want her hating me."

He's still giving me that look and I'm praying to God that he believes me. Michael finishes drinking the rest of his water without anymore questions and I sigh in relief.
He puts his glass in the sink and comes over to me. "You coming back to bed?"
"Right after I finish my water."
He nods, peck my lips, then heads back to the bedroom. Just I said to him, I finish my water and come back to bed. But I didn't fall asleep right away. I was too busy thinking about how I was going to tell Michael that the sex, was just that and it didn't mean that we were back together. The next morning, I'm washing the dishes, preparing to cook breakfast. Michael comes into the kitchen, places his hands on my hips, and kisses my neck.
I move away from him to the refrigerator. "Is there anything in particular you want me to cook for breakfast?" I asked, opening the fridge.
He doesn't respond, so I look back at him. "Anything you cook is fine."
I nod and grab the eggs and bacon. Michael walks away to the living room and flips on the television. 15 minutes later, the food is ready and the table is set. Michael and I take a seat at the table, fix our plates, and begin eating.
"I was thinking maybe we should go to a movie."
"We can watch movies on the television." I respond, dryly.
"Ok, what about the zoo?"
"That's what Animal Planet's for."
I hear Michael's fork hit his plate and when I look up, he's wiping his mouth. He throws the napkin down on the table.
"What's with the funky ass attitude?"
I raise an eyebrow. "I don't have a funky ass attitude."
"The hell you don't. And I know it's not me cause I hit every spot yesterday, so much so, you should be sitting on my lap feeding me my breakfast." I roll my eyes. "Now what is it?"
"Michael, let's just enjoy our food, ok?"
"No, we're finished."
He stands up, grabs his plate, comes over to me, and grabs my plate.
"Hey, I'm not finished!" He goes to the kitchen and puts our plates in the sink. "What did you do that for?" I asked, walking up next to him.
"This is the only way I can stop you from avoiding this. Now, what's going on with you?"
"I said nothing. Or are you hard of hearing?"
"I think you done lost your mind talking to me like that."
"I can talk to you anyway I want to."
"Oh, really?"
We're staring at each other, then Michael smirks. I furrow my eyebrows wondering what he's smirking about. He starts playing with the tie on my robe before undoing it.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now