Chapter 3

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"No you didn't, Giselle." Jaslene said, laughing.
"This isn't funny, Jaslene. I have no idea where all that anger came from."
"Probably from that black eye he gave to you that one time."
"No and he never did it again."
"Because you blacked his back." She said, giggling
"Exactly, but I should've been happy that he wanted to break up. I mean, I had mixed emotions, but my anger was the one that was front and center."
"Elle, the man has a baby mama, while he was dating you. That will make any woman go off and on top of that, maybe you loved him more than you led on."
I sigh. "I'm so stressed. I haven't even been to sleep yet."
"Elle, go get some rest. I'll talk to you later."
I hang up, trudge to my empty bed, and try to relax enough to get at least an hour of sleep. When I awake, it was 6 at night. I slept most of the day away. I got up, fixed myself something to eat when the telephone rang.
"Hey Elle, how're you feeling?"
"A little better. I just woke up, now I'm eating. What's up?"
"Just calling to see whether or not you felt up to going to this new hot club that's opening tonight."
"I don't know. What time?"
"10." I think whether I should go or not. "If not, I can always find someone else."
"I'll tell you what, I'll call you in 2 hours to let you know whether or not I'm going."
"Alright. No pressure."
I hang up. I finish eating my food and decide to clean the place up a bit. By the time I'm finished, it's close to 8. That cleaning really gave me time to think and I've made my decision. I call Jaslene.
"I'm going."
"Good, cause I had no one to go with and I didn't want to go by myself."
"How are we getting there?"
"Ok. Are we meeting at the club, my place, or yours?"
"The club."
"What's the address?" I asked, grabbing a pen and pad.
"7777 Brookes Ln."
"Alright, see you there."
I put the receiver down and head into my bedroom closet to find something to wear. After raiding my closet, I finally find the perfect outfit. Black elastic miniskirt, horizontal black and white pinstripe half top belly shirt strapless, red belt, and my red pumps. Black earrings and bracelets to finish it off.

I arrive at the club and there's a line wrapped around the corner. I see Jaslene almost at the front of the line. I pay the cab driver and get out, walking over to her.
"Damn Elle, you look hot!" She said, embracing me in a hug.
"Thanks, you do too."
"Thank you." She said, giving a twirl. "I thought you would never get here."
"I know, but here I am."
The line moves up a little as people are being rejected left and right. We eventually come face to face with the muscular, 6 foot tall bouncer.
"Name?" He asked in a baritone voice.
"Jaslene Cooper and Giselle Watkins."
He scans the list. "I'm sorry, but your names aren't on the list. Please, stand in this line over here."
"Does it matter that we're not on the list? Just let us in, we're two hot chicks." Jaslene protested.
The bouncer chuckles. "Though that's true, I can't let you in. Sorry."
Jaslene was about to say something else until I cut her off, pulling her on the side where the other line is.
"We wasted these good outfits for nothing." She huffed.
A limo pulls up and we see Mr.Johnson leaving the club, heading toward it.
"Look at my man. Damn, he fine." Jaslene said.
I roll my eyes. The limo door opens and out comes Michael.
"And there's your man."
"He is not my man."
"He will be."
I scoff. "Never."
They dap each other up and start talking when I think Michael looks in our direction. I can't tell because he has shades on. He licks his lips. Was that a chill that just went down my spine or is it starting to get chilly out here? I'm going with the latter. Michael whispered something to Mr.Johnson and he looked right over in our direction. He walked over to the bouncer, whispered something to him, and the bouncer walked over to us, apologized, and let us in. I'm glad Mr.Johnson did this for us. The feels I got when we walked in, was carefree. It was lights flashing, music blasting, and everybody was just dancing having a good time without a care in the world. We were escorted to the V.I.P section with bottles already there.
"Can you believe we're in the V.I.P section?" Jaslene asked. "I must be dreaming. Somebody pinch me."
I pinched her.
"Ouch, heffa! I didn't mean literally!" She said, rubbing her arm.
I giggle.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now