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" Liam! Get your fat arse up!"

Liam shoots up in bed.

" I'm up."

" Good because I have a question." Louis says. Liam rubs his tired eyes.

" What's so fucking important that you had to wake me up at," Liam looks at the clock," 6:50 in the morning."

" So, we're invited to a party tonight and I was thinking if I should ask Harry to come with. Do you think I should ask him?" Louis says.

" Since when have I been your wingman?" Liam asks laying back on his pillow.

" Since you agreed to be my friend." Louis says.

" Fine whatever. Ask him. I don't care." Liam mumbles. Liam starts to close his eyes. Louis grabs a pillow and hits Liam with it. Liam shoots his eyes open and glares at Louis.

" I'm gonna ask Harry if he can bring his blonde friend for you." Louis says.

" Please don't do that. It was torture the last time I was forced to talk to him." Liam says.

" Hey, if Harry and I start dating, we're going to be hanging out all the time. And we're going to want to go on double dates." Louis says.

" Louis, you know I'm not gay. Knock it off." Liam says.

" Whatever. But you need to get on good terms with the blonde friend." Louis says.

" I'd rather not." Liam mumbles closing his eyes again. Louis hits him with another pillow. Liam opens his eyes and glares at Louis. Liam takes the pillow from Louis's grip and shoves it under his head.

" Stop hitting me with a fucking pillow." Liam says.

" Then get up. You're the one inviting Harry and his blonde friend to the party." Louis says.

" How about I don't and say I did." Liam says.

" Please, Li. Do it for me." Louis says giving him puppy dog eyes. Liam hates when Louis gives him puppy dog eyes. Liam may act tough on the outside, but Liam is a total softy on the inside.

" Fine. Give me five minutes." Liam says.

" Hurry up. Harry's blonde friend has class at 8." Louis says.

" I hate how you know that." Liam says slowly getting up from his way too comfortable bed.

" I have to know my boyfriend's friend's schedule too." Louis says.

" I'm pretty sure you don't need to Lou." Liam says walking to his dresser. He grabbed a random pair of sweatpants and a random shirt of a band he liked back in high school. He threw them both on.

" Well, it'll come in handy later." Louis says. Liam rolls his eyes. He walks out of his room with Louis following. They both walk downstairs and slipped on a pair of shoes. They walked out of their apartment and towards the student center. Liam actually really didn't want to talk to Harry and Niall. He kept seeing Niall in his dreams last night and he felt weirded out. He didn't like seeing Niall in his dreams. Niall did not belong in Liam's dreams.

The two walked into the student center and they could feel all the eyes on them. But that didn't bother either of them. They're used to getting stared at in the student center.

But what bothered Liam was how Liam immediately found Niall staring at him. This boy needs to knock the staring off, Liam thought.

Liam and Louis walked up to Harry's and Niall's table. Harry smiles up at the both of them.

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