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Niall stares angrily at his phone. There was a message from Jace and that boy makes Niall angry.

From Jace 💔 to Nialler 🐋:

I don't care that we're not talking but I'm taking you out on a date tonight. We need to talk again. I miss you.

Niall shook his head. He is not going on a date with Jace no matter what. Jace hurt his feelings.

Harry notices the glare on Niall's face. Harry had to question it.

" Ni, why are you looking at your phone like that?" Harry asks.

" Jace thinks he's taking me on a date today." Niall says.

" And you're going." Harry says. Niall looks angrily at Harry.

" I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not going on that stupid date with him." Niall says.

" I'm Harry, your best friend, and I say you're going on that date." Harry says.

" No, I'm not going on that date!" Niall yells.

" Ni, everyone can tell how sad you've been without him recently." Harry says. Harry mentions towards Louis who was lazily scrolling though his phone on Harry's bed." Louis? Doesn't Niall seem sadder than before?" Louis looks up at Harry.

" Huh?" Louis asks. Harry rolls his eyes.

" Niall is a lot sadder without Jace, right?" Harry says. Louis gets where he's going with this.

" Yeah, totally. If it weren't for little baby, you would be so sad." Louis says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" I don't care if I'm sad, I'm still not going on the date." Niall says.

" Niall, you haven't let Jace explain himself to why he didn't show up to my party. Maybe there was a good reason to why he didn't come." Harry says.

" I'm not going to let him explain himself. He should've texted me his stupid reason." Niall says.

" Niall, you need to listen to him. It would be important." Harry says. Niall looks down at his 26 week stomach.

" Should I listen to Uncle Harry and go on the date or not listen to him? Move if you agree with Uncle Harry." Niall says. Niall feels his baby move around. Niall frowns. Harry smirks knowing the baby agreed with him.

" Did baby agree with me?" Harry asks. Niall frowns at Harry.

" No." Niall says. Harry shakes his head.

" You see? Even baby wants you to be happy." Harry says. Niall lets out a sigh.

" If baby is okay with it, I guess I'll go. But I'm not doing it for me." Niall says.

" You won't regret it, I promise Ni." Harry says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" The things I do for you guys." Niall says.


Harry was fixing Niall's hair and outfit. Louis was frowning on Harry's bed because Louis wanted to cuddle with his Harry. Niall was frowning because he didn't want to go on this date.

" I don't want to be wearing this. It's too tight on my stomach and baby doesn't like it." Niall complains.

" Don't be silly Ni. It looks good on you. And it's not that tight." Harry says. Harry looks at Louis." Is this too tight on him?"

" No. It looks good on him." Louis says. Harry looks back at Niall.

" See? It's good." Harry says. Harry runs his fingers through Niall's hair to make sure it's stays up. Louis lets out a whine.

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