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Niall walked into his dorm room extremely tired. The two classes he had were his worse ones and he always hated them. But now the day is over and now he can chill in his dorm room or go over to Liam's so they can cuddle. And Niall loved the idea of cuddling with Liam.

Niall and Liam have been dating for a couple of days now and they both have been in love. Liam was glad that he chose to date Niall because he felt like what the two have is true love.

Niall pulled his phone out of his pocket as he plopped into his bed. He started to type out a message to Liam.

From Ni-Ni 🐵 to Li-Li 🐶:

Come over and cuddle w/ me... Very tired and needs cuddles

Liam wish he could go over to Niall's dorm and cuddle with him. But there's a problem. Liam was still in class and Liam really shouldn't have been on his phone during class.

From Li-Li 🐶 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

Sorry Ni, I wish but I cant right now still in class 😔 but after class I can come over

But then it hit Liam that he can't go over to Niall's dorm room. Niall would have to go to Liam's and Louis's apartment. Louis wanted both couples to have a movie marathon.

From Li-Li 🐶 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

Hold up you gotta come to my apartment cause Lou wants to watch movies with us

Niall shrugged his shoulders as he got the message. Niall didn't care as long as he got cuddles from his Liam.

From Ni-Ni 🐵 to Li-Li 🐶:

I'm down for whatever as long as I get cuddles

Liam smiles down at his phone. That's what Liam loved most about Niall. His carefree attitude. Liam stopped looking at his phone and paid attention to what the professor was teaching.

Niall placed his phone next to him and looked up to the ceiling. Niall thought this life was perfect right now. Niall didn't want anything to change.

Harry walks into the two's dorm room. Harry walks over to their refrigerator and pulls out a water bottle. He notices Niall on his bed and waves.

" Hi Harry." Niall says.

" Did Liam tell you you're going over to their apartment?" Harry says taking a sip of his water.

" Yeah, Louis wants to watch movies." Niall says.

" Well, Louis is counting it as a double date because he would love to go on dates with you guys." Harry says.

" Tell Louis he's weird." Niall says.

" No one is allowed to call my boyfriend weird except me. I don't want anymore bad talk about Louis coming from your mouth." Harry says.

" What would you do if I did say something again? The whole world knows you would never dare hurt someone especially me being your best friend." Niall stated.

" Fine, you have a point." Harry says. Harry walks to his bed and sits down on it. He faces Niall on his bed.

" So how was class today?" Harry asks.

" Eh, the same old, same old. It was the classes I dearly hate with a passion." Niall says.

" Don't worry, the school year will be over before you know it." Harry says.

" I hope so." Niall says. Harry's phone vibrates in his hand. Harry looks at his phone and smiles. Harry looks at Niall.

" You wanna go over to Louis's and Liam's apartment now?" Harry asks.

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