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" Jace, babe, can you watch Drew for me while I get in the shower?" Niall calls to Jace who was in the living room. Niall was finishing changing Drew into a fresh diaper and into fresh pajamas. Niall had just gave Drew a bath so once Niall was clean himself, he would put Drew to sleep.

" What?" Jace calls back. Niall lets out a sigh. Niall looks at his 6 month old son laying on his bed. Drew smiles up at his dad.

" Uncle Jace needs to learn to listen better." Niall says in a funny voice. Drew lets out little giggles. Niall smiles. Niall loves hearing Drew laugh. It's Niall's favorite thing in the world.

Jace walks into the room looking quite confused. Jace stares at Niall.

" What did you say Nialler?" Jace asks.

" I need to get in the shower, so can you watch Drew?" Niall asks. Jace frowns at his boyfriend.

" But DJ hates me." Jace says. Niall shakes his head.

" He doesn't hate you. He still needs to get used to you. He's just not comfortable with you yet." Niall says. Jace gives Niall a look of disapproval.

" Really Niall? DJ is 6 months, I'm pretty sure he'd be used to me by now." Jace says.

" You never know. DJ isn't comfortable around Louis and I say the same thing." Niall says," Please just do this for me. I would do the same for you." Jace lets out a sigh.

" Fine. But make sure the shower is quick." Jace says. Niall walks over to Jace and quickly pecks his lips.

" Thank you Jace." Niall says. Niall grabs his pajamas and his towels and walks out of his room. He walks down the hall and to the bathroom. Niall walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Niall places his clothes and towels on the sink counter and starts the shower.

As the shower was warming up, Niall took notice of the hickeys that were on his neck. He let out a sigh. He wanted these hickeys gone before he went back home for Christmas break. If Maura saw those hickeys on Niall's neck, Niall would be a dead man.

Niall had enough of looking at his hickeys and unclothed himself to step into the shower. Once in the shower, Niall made sure the temperature of the water wasn't too hot nor too cold. Niall found the perfect temperature and he started to clean himself.

He took his shampoo that he poured onto his hand and rubbed it through his hair. He washed out the shampoo and started to put conditioner in his hair. He washed out the conditioner from his hair and proceeded to wash his body. He made sure his whole body was clean before washing the soap off.

He finished cleaning himself and turned the shower off. He opened the curtain and grabbed one of his towels. He wraps the towel around his waist. He grabs the other towel and wraps it in his hair. He stood like that for a while and then got out of the shower. He dried himself off and proceeded to put on his pajamas. He took the hair towel off and grabbed his brush. He brushed his hair so there would be no knots.

Niall finished off in the bathroom and walked out. He walks down the hall back to his room to hear Drew crying. Niall quickly walks into his room to see Jace trying to figure out what's wrong Drew.

" Jace, what's wrong? What happened?" Niall asks. He walks over to Drew and scoops him up in his arms. Drew shoved his face into Niall's neck and continued to cry. Niall bounced Drew up and down for him to calm down.

" No, we were actually having a good time. He wasn't crying for a good solid 10 minutes. I was actually making him laugh and stuff. But then out of no where he started to cry and I didn't know what to do. I tried to give him the elephant stuffed animal, but he wouldn't take it." Jace explains. Niall lets out a sigh. Niall walks over to Drew's portable cot and grabs out Drew's favorite stuffed giraffe. Niall makes Drew looks at him.

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