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" Um, Niall, what the hell are you doing?"

" Whatever you see, just don't tell Liam."

Niall was slowly moving out of the Lilo apartment and into Jace's apartment. Except, Liam doesn't know. That's why Niall takes one thing at a time without him noticing. Niall has majority of his things at Jace's apartment, and Liam hasn't noticed a thing.

The only problem is trying to get Drew's things over without Liam noticing.

" Niall, what are you doing with DJ's things?" Harry asks. Niall at the moment was packing some of DJ's clothes into his nappy bag to transfer over to Jace's apartment. He was doing this while Liam wasn't home.

" I'm thinking Drew and I should go on a walk so I'm taking some of his clothes just in case." Niall lies. Harry looks at him obviously not believing his stupid lie.

" Niall, tell me the truth." Harry says. Niall lets out a sigh.

" Fine. Drew and I are moving into Jace's apartment. But I don't want Liam to know this, so I'm slowly taking my things while he's not here." Niall says.

" This makes so much more sense!" Harry says. Harry looks at Niall angrily." Why are you doing this?"

" Because Jace and I think it's time for us to move in with each other." Niall says.

" But Niall, it hasn't even been a year yet. Why are you taking things so quickly?" Harry says.

" Because people go at different paces okay? We're just at a really fast pace." Niall says finishing packing majority of Drew's clothes. Drew started to let out little whines from his cot. Niall picks up Drew's nappy bag and slips it on his shoulder. Niall walks over to Drew's cot and picks him up. Drew smiles up at his daddy. Niall smiles down at Drew.

" Hello there baby." Niall says. Drew starts making little baby noises. Niall smiles even more.

" Yes, yes, hello." Niall says. Niall starts walking out of the room when Harry stops him.

" Wait, where are you going?" Harry asks. Niall looks back at Harry.

" I'm going to Jace's apartment." Niall says.

" If you were going to stay there with Drew, where would he sleep?" Harry asks. Niall lets out a sigh.

" Jace bought a portable cot for him. So Liam can still have this one. And then I'll be in the same room as Drew until I feel comfortable sleeping with Jace." Niall says. Harry shakes his head.

" This feels wrong." Harry says. Niall looks at his friend weird.

" What feels wrong? Me moving into my boyfriend's apartment? That shouldn't feel wrong because he's my boyfriend. What feels wrong is me living in my ex-boyfriend's apartment." Niall says.

" But you're doing that for your son. It's not for you." Harry says. Harry still wants Niall and Liam back together. Harry and Louis are on Liam's side to get Niall back. Niall shakes his head at his friend.

" Yes, I understand that, but it was Jace's idea for me to move in with him. I need to take care of myself too." Niall says.

" But your son, you need to do the best for him." Harry says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" I know, I know, okay? I'm trying my fucking best for him." Niall says. Niall could feel Drew getting upset in his arms. Niall let out a sigh.

" Now if you excuse me, I need you to leave me alone so I can calm down my son." Niall says.

" But-"

" No. Harry, just leave me please." Niall says cutting Harry off. Harry gives Niall a dirty look and then walks out of the room. Niall looks down at Drew and then calms him down.

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