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Niall sat on the couch at the Lilo's apartment feeling extra claustrophobic. He wasn't enjoying himself, even if he tried his best to enjoy himself. There was too many people that Harry didn't even know. Harry told Niall that Harry didn't want a big party for his birthday.

Harry was a big arse liar.

Harry's birthday was on Wednesday, the first of February, and Harry has his party over the weekend. Harry's closet friends went out to dinner with Harry on his actual birthday. Anyway, Louis wanted to hold Harry's party at the Lilo apartment, and so Louis got his way. Harry didn't really want a big party, but here was the apartment filled with people. Louis wanted the best for his boyfriend.

And so back to the party.

Niall was sat in the middle of the couch with a water bottle securely in his hands. He had two random couples next to him making out with each other. It made Niall very uncomfortable. It reminded him of the beginning of the year and even thinking about that made Niall uncomfortable.

Niall couldn't handle it anymore. He needed to find someone he knew before he died of claustrophobia, which really wasn't even possible.

Niall stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. There was way too many people standing in the living room for Niall's liking. The kitchen wasn't any better, but still better if that made any sense. Niall found Harry and Louis, they were connected at the hip, talking to someone that Niall didn't know. But he saw Harry and Louis, and he was okay with that.

Niall walks up to Harry and Harry smiles at the presence of him.

" Hi Niall. Has Jace showed up yet?" Harry says. Niall sadly shakes his head. Jace hasn't been to the party yet and that upsets Niall. Harry rubs Niall's arm in comfort.

" Don't worry, Ni, he'll be here soon." Harry says. Niall sure hoped so. The person that the couple were talking to looks at Niall's bump.

" How far are you along?" The person asks. Niall smiles because whenever someone talks about his baby, he's gets giddy inside.

" I'm 19 weeks." Niall says. The person raises his eyebrows.

" Really? So you're staying in school with it no matter what?" The person asks. But it sounded like he was making fun of Niall. Niall's smile disappeared. And Harry saw. Harry had to quickly get Niall away from this person before Niall gets teary-eyes.

" Niall, why don't you go find Liam?" Harry suggests.

" But he's probably with Zayn." Niall says.

" Then go make friends with him." Harry says pushing Niall away from the person. Niall looks sadly at Harry and then walks out of the kitchen. Niall didn't really want to go talk to Liam, but anything was better than talking to someone who was going to make fun of Niall.

Niall searched the living room and couldn't find Liam for the life of him. Niall stood there and was so confused. Where could Liam be? Niall swears to God if Liam is upstairs having sex with Zayn, Niall was going to leave this party. Niall wouldn't care even if the party was for his best friend. Does Niall dare go upstairs and look for Liam?

Niall dared.

He walks up the couple steps to go to the two bedrooms and walk to Liam's bedroom door. There were a couple people in the hallway, but they were probably trying to catch air from being downstairs for so long. Niall looks at Liam's door and took a deep breath. He's praying nothing bad happens. Niall knocks on the door.

At first, nothing happened. But then Niall heard shuffling behind the door and the door swings open. But instead of a smiling Liam opening the door, it was a scowling Zayn. Niall tries his best to smile. Niall was just blessed he was fully clothed.

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