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Niall was changing Drew's diaper on the floor of Liam's room. Liam was laying on his bed scrolling through his laptop.

It was the third week of August which makes Drew three months. But that also means that students are coming back for the school year which means the school year is starting up. The parents have yet to tell what they're going to do about classes and Drew. Drew keeps the two busy, that's for sure.

Niall finishes changing Drew's diaper and helps lay Drew back on his stomach. Niall looks at Liam on the bed.

" Can you believe it's already been three months with Drew?" Niall asks. Liam looks at Niall and smiles.

" I know. It's crazy we've been parents for three months too." Liam says. Drew looks at both of his parents. Niall kisses Drew's forehead.

" That's right, we've had you for three months and we still have you for a long time." Niall says. Drew smiles at Niall. Niall smiles back at his son.

The door to Liam's room swings open and Harry walks in. The parents look at Harry and say their hellos. Harry walks over to Drew and sits down next to him. Drew smiles up at his Uncle Harry.

" Hello there DJ. Have daddy and papa been good to you?" Harry says. Drew continues to smile at Harry.

" I'm glad." Harry says.

" Where's Lou?" Niall asks Harry. Harry looks at Niall.

" Oh, he's getting us food while picking up his schedule." Harry says.

" Shit, I probably should do that soon." Liam says. Niall gives Liam a disapproving look.

" Don't swear around Drew." Niall says. Liam rolls his eyes.

" He can't fully understand us yet." Liam says. Niall shakes his head.

" So, what are you guys going to do about Drew while you're in class?" Harry asks. Niall looks at Liam.

" Maybe if someone goes and gets their schedule, we can figure it out." Niall says, hinting at Liam for him to get his schedule. Liam lets out a sigh and closes his laptop. He stands up from his bed.

" Alright, I'm going." Liam says. He walks out of the room. Niall looks back at Harry.

" When do you have your classes because depending on Liam's schedule, you might have to watch Drew." Niall says.

" I have classes every other day in the afternoon." Harry says. Niall felt relieved.

" Good because my classes are in the morning every day except for Friday and I won't be able to watch Drew." Niall says. Harry smiles and looks at Drew.

" Looks like we're going to spend lot of time with each other DJ." Harry says. Drew smiles back at Harry.

" Niall! Your weird friend is here!" Zayn calls from downstairs. Niall rolls his eyes and stands up.

" I hate when he calls Jace my weird friend." Niall says. He picks Drew up and holds him in his arms. Niall walks out of the room and down the stairs. Niall walks to the front door to see Jace slipping his shoes off. Niall brightens up when he sees Jace.

" Hi Jace." Niall says. Jace looks at Niall and smiles.

" Hi Nialler." Jace says. He puts his face in front of Drew's." Hi there DJ." Jace places a kiss on Drew's forehead.

That's when Drew started crying, per usual whenever Jace touches him. Niall had to step away from Jace for Drew to calm down. Drew eventually calmed down, but whenever Jace neared him, Drew freaked out.

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