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" Ready to go home Drew?"

Drew just laid in his buggy with his eyes closed softly sucking on his dummy. Niall smiles at his son.

" I'm taking that as a yes. Let's get going." Niall says. Niall was about to pick up the buggy, but Liam stops him.

" We don't want your stitches to pop, so you can't pick up anything heavy." Liam says.

" But Drew isn't even that heavy." Niall says.

" Yes, but we don't want to take any chances." Liam says. Niall crosses his arms and pouts his lip out. Liam smiles at Niall.

" Don't pout at me like that." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes. Liam picks up the buggy and walks to the parking lot alongside Niall. They walked out of the hospital and waited out in the front so Harry and Louis can bring the car around.

Harry brings the car in front of Niall and Liam. Harry parks the car and Niall and Liam help each other hook Drew's buggy to the car. Liam looks at Louis who was sitting in the back of the car next to the buggy.

" Lou, what are you doing?" Liam asks.

" I'm sitting next to DJ!" Louis says.

" But, we need to sit next to him." Liam says.

" You don't need to. Besides, there's only one spot left." Louis says. Niall quickly runs to the other side and sits next to Louis. Liam lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes.

" Fine, I'll sit in the front. It's not like he's my kid or whatever." Liam says opening the passenger door. He slides in and looks back at Niall and Louis. Harry starts driving back to the apartment. Louis looks inside the buggy at Drew.

" Why is he so boring already?" Louis asks. Niall pulls Louis back to his seat so his head isn't in Drew's buggy anymore.

" Maybe because he's a newborn?" Niall says.

" Just because he's a newborn doesn't mean he should be boring." Louis mumbles.

" He won't be boring for long, Lou. You just have to be patient." Liam says. Niall sat next to Louis and just admired Drew and his little buggy.

All of a sudden, Drew's dummy fell out of his mouth and he cried so loud, Harry swerved a little on the road. Harry looks back at Niall and Louis through the rearview mirror.

" Why is he crying like that?" Harry asks.

" I'm not sure." Niall says.

" Maybe it's his dummy falling out of his mouth." Louis says," Don't worry DJ, I got you."

Louis puts the dummy back into Drew's mouth. Drew spit out the dummy and cried even more. Louis looks at Niall.

" It definitely wasn't his dummy." Louis says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Guys, get him to stop crying!" Harry says. Niall looks at Harry.

" Don't tell me what to do Harry. We're trying our best." Niall says.

" Hey, do you smell that?" Liam asks. Everyone, except Harry who kept his eyes on the road like a good driver, looks at Liam.

" What?"

" That smell? Do you not smell it?" Liam asks. The three of them sniff the air. Niall knew exactly what it was. He looks at Drew.

" His nappy needs to be changed." Niall says. Liam and Louis snap their heads towards Niall.

" What?!"

Niall looks at Harry in the drivers seat," Harry, we have to stop on the side."

" We're almost home though." Harry says.

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