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From Li-Li 🐶 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

You wanna go to a party tonight?

Niall looked down at his phone weird. Why would Liam be asking this on a Thursday? It was a rare occasion for anyone to have a party on a Thursday night.

And Niall really didn't want to go to a party tonight. He's not in the party mood. Niall quickly typed a message to his boyfriend.

From Ni-Ni 🐵 to Li-Li 🐶:

I'm not sure Li.... It's a Thursday night...

Niall had just finished a big test in his major class and he was pretty sure he failed it. And that thought really upset Niall so he needed the whole night to himself to sulk about it.

Harry walks into the two best friend's dorm room and throws his bag on his bed. Harry slips his shoes off and jumps on his bed across from Niall's.

" So are you going to the party tonight?" Harry asks. Niall looks at Harry weird.

" How do you know of the party?" Niall asks.

" Who doesn't? It's supposed to be one of the biggest parties of the year. And besides, Louis told me about it." Harry says putting his hands behind his head.

" Well, are you guys going to it?" Niall asks.

" Louis is, and he needs someone to get him home when he's drunk so, yeah, I'm going." Harry says.

" Liam wants to go, but I don't want to." Niall says.

" Then let him go by himself." Harry says. Niall looks at Harry with disbelief written all over Niall's face.

" Do you not understand girls throw themselves at Liam? I would have to be there so girls don't hop on his dick." Niall says.

" Because you're the only one allowed to hop on his dick." Harry says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" And this is where I question why we're friends." Niall says.

" Aw, come on! You love me Niall." Harry says.

" Barely." Niall says.

" Have you guys done it yet?" Harry asks. Niall looks at Harry weird.

" I don't want to talk about my sex life with you." Niall says.

" Well, I'm just saying, if you're scared of girls trying to hop on your boyfriend's dick, ride it first. Then you'll be confident around Liam and people won't try to ride his dick." Harry says.

" You really think so?" Niall asks.

" I know so." Harry says.

" I guess I'll try and talk with him about it. I don't think he'll mind." Niall says.

" And you gotta tell him about going to the party tonight. He probably wants an answer." Harry says. Niall nods his head. He looks at his phone to see a message from Liam.

From Li-Li 🐶 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

Please?? We don't have to go for long

Niall lets out a tired breath. The things he does for his boyfriend.

From Ni-Ni 🐵 to Li-Li 🐶:

Okay, we can go tonight. And I want to talk about some things with you too

" So?" Harry asks.

" I just told him we have to talk. He hasn't answered yet." Niall says.

From Li-Li 🐶 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

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