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" What do you mean I can't see little baby!?"

The four friends were standing in the Lilo apartment. The four were ready to go to Niall's ultrasound, but only two out of the four were actually going. The other two were kinda pissed.

" Niall and I both agreed that now that he is getting into the later stages of his pregnancy, it should be only us in the room for the ultrasound." Liam explains. Louis and Harry look angrily at the other two.

" How dare you do this to us!" Louis says.

" I'm the godfather! I should be able to be in the room!" Harry says.

" Sorry guys, we love you, it's just we can't have you guys always there." Liam says. Louis looks away at the soon-to-be parents.

" I thought you cared about us." Louis says. Niall rolls his eyes, getting angry at his friends. Niall just wants to go to the ultrasound already.

" We can always bring pictures." Liam says.

" Pictures aren't good enough." Harry pouts. Niall looks angrily at his childish friends.

" You guys are acting like children! It's not like you can be in the room when I give birth, so just get used to it! Just be our friends and accept our damn decision! You can't choose the choices for my baby!" Niall yells. Louis and Harry look at Niall with sad eyes. Liam looks at Niall.

" Ni, you need to calm down for baby." Liam says. Niall looks angrily at Liam.

" Then tell them to stop acting like children!" Niall yells.

Ever since Niall dealt with Jace last week, all Niall has been is an angry, tired ball of boy. And everyone absolutely hates Niall like this.

" Sorry Nialler." Louis says. Niall looks angrily at Louis. Niall was going to start yelling at Louis, when Liam slips his hand through Niall's.

" Ni, we should get going to the ultrasound." Liam says. Niall lets out a sigh. He looks at Liam.

" Okay." Niall says. Liam looks at his friends.

" We'll be back with pictures." Liam says dragging Niall to the door.

" Have fun." Harry says.

" Say hi to little baby for me." Louis says. Liam nods his head and opens the door. Liam drags Niall out of the apartment. Before the Uber go to the Lilo apartment, Liam made Niall look at him.

" Niall, I know it may be hard for you, but you need to stay calm and not get angry all the time." Liam says. Niall gives Liam a dirty look.

" You can't tell me what to do." Niall spits.

" Okay, you have a point, but you just can't snap at people like that. It's not nice." Liam says. Niall gets tears in his eyes.

" I know. I'm such a jerk and I hate myself." Niall says. He throws his arms around Liam's neck and cries into his chest. Liam just held him and rubbed his back.

" It's okay Ni. Don't hate yourself for this." Liam says.

" I can't help it Li. I don't understand how anyone can still like me. I don't even like me!" Niall says. Liam makes Niall look at him.

" Don't say that about yourself, Ni. People still like you because they know this is just a phase. You'll be your regular self when baby comes into the world. And don't you worry, baby will love you so much, just like I do." Liam says. Niall smiles at Liam. Liam smiles at Niall.

" Thank you Li." Niall says.

" You're welcome." Liam says. Liam looks down at his phone." Our Uber is here."

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