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Niall was driving Karen's car to the grocery store. Niall was in the car along with Drew because Drew wanted to come with. Drew was singing a random song that he was making up on the spot. Niall smiles as Drew continued to sing. Niall loves hearing Drew act like himself.

" Dada, when?" Drew asks.

" We'll be there at the store soon, don't worry bub." Niall says.

" Brudder to?" Drew asks.

" Yes, your brother is coming soon too." Niall says.

" When?" Drew asks.

" In a couple of weeks actually." Niall says.

" Me wit brudder." Drew says.

" Yes, you'll be with him soon." Niall says. And with that, Drew continued to sing. Niall shook his head and giggled.

Niall eventually got to the grocery store. He parks the car in a parking spot near the front door of the store. He stops the car and gets out of the car. He wobbles his way to Drew's door and opens his door. Niall helps Drew out of his seat and places him on the ground. Niall closes the door and locks the car. He connects Drew's hand with his and together they walk into the store.

Niall grabs a cart and picks Drew up. Niall places Drew in the basket and told Drew to sit down. Drew listened and sat down in the basket. Niall pushes the cart down the aisles looking for what they should have soon for the apartment.

" DJ, do we need more milk?" Niall asks. Drew shrugs his shoulders. Niall shakes his head and quickly pecks Drew's forehead.

" Well, I guess we're gonna go based on memory then." Niall says. Drew nods his head. Niall walks up and down the aisles looking for what he thinks they need. He places the necessities in the cart and looks at Drew.

" Does this look good to you Drew?" Niall asks.

" Yea dada." Drew says.

" Alright good. Lets go check out then." Niall says. Niall walks over to the check out lanes and gets in line for one. It's eventually his turn to put his things on the conveyor belt.

" Alright DJ, help me put our groceries on the conveyor belt." Niall says.

" Otay dada." Drew says. Niall and Drew put the groceries on the conveyor belt. The person behind the cash register smiles at the two.

" He's so cute. How old is he?" She comments. Niall stops and looks at the cash register.

" He's a little over 22 months." Niall says.

" He's really adorable." She says starting to scan Niall's items.

" Thank you." Niall says. The cash register scans Niall's items and then tells Niall his total. Niall pays for his groceries and then walks out of the grocery store with his paid items.

" Ready to go home DJ?" Niall asks.

" Yea dada!" Drew exclaims. Niall laughs as he walks to the car. Niall unlocks the car and puts the groceries into the car. Then he puts Drew into his car seat and puts the cart away. Niall walks back to the car and gets in himself. Niall starts the car and pulls out of the parking spot. He starts driving back home once out of the parking lot.

Niall was laughing at Drew who was singing along to the radio, when all of a sudden Niall heard a loud screeching noise. Next thing Niall knew, there was a car slamming right into his side of the car. Niall felt his his whole body crush between the car that ran into him.

It was hard for Niall to breathe. Niall felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Then he realized his baby is in danger. I have to get out of here now, Niall thought. Niall felt his eyes closing.

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