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" Papa, cet me!" Drew yells throughout the apartment. Liam lets out an angry sigh.

Right now, he was trying to get Niall's shoes on. Liam had to eventually catch Drew to put his shoes on because Karen wasn't here to watch Drew while the two went out to the ultrasound. It doesn't help that Niall is all of a sudden moody in his 6th month and Drew isn't acting like himself even though he's 20 months.

" Li, are my shoes on yet?" Niall whines. He was wearing his second pair of sneakers because the first pair didn't go with his outfit.

Liam finished tying his shoe," Yes, I finished. Get your coat on while I grab DJ." Liam stands up and helps Niall stand up. Niall grabs his coat and Liam walks towards the living room as Drew zooms past Liam.

" Papa!" Drew says. Liam lets out an annoyed sigh as he heard Drew run around the living room.

" Drew, daddy and I don't have time for games right now." Liam says.

" Me play!" Drew exclaims.

" Drew James, don't make me upset more than I should be." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes and walks next to Liam.

" You're going at this all wrong." Niall says. Liam looks at him with his eyebrows raised.

" Oh, really? I'd like to see you try then." Liam says.

" Challenge excepted." Niall says. Drew runs past the couple, but before he could get away Niall grabs his arm. Drew looks at Niall, hurt.

" Dada cet me?" Drew asks. Liam takes this time to pick Drew up and place him on his hip.

" Daddy had to catch you. We have things to do. We can't have you running around everywhere." Liam says.

" Play?" Drew asks. Liam walks back to the shoes and grabs Drew's shoes. Niall follows and grabs Drew's coat.

" We can play later. But not right now." Liam says, slipping Drew's shoes on.

" Papa, me play." Drew says. Niall hands Liam Drew's coat and Liam slips it on Drew.

" I told you DJ, you can't play right now." Liam says.

" Papa!" Drew whines.

" Drew James, do not start whining. There is no whining today." Liam says. Drew looks at Niall, knowing that Niall has sort of been a push over recently.

" Dada, me play?" Drew asks. Liam opens the front door and Niall and Liam walk out of the apartment. Niall knows where Drew was going with this. Niall wasn't stupid.

" No, you're not allowed to play right now. And if you keep telling us you want to play right now, when we get home you'll be put in the time out chair without G-G." Niall says. Drew got tears in his eyes. Drew looks back at Liam.

" Papa?" Drew asks.

Liam shakes his head," Nope, you listen to daddy." Drew shoves his face into Liam's neck as Liam opens the car door for Drew. Liam places Drew in his car seat and secured him in. Liam helps Niall into the car. Liam walks around the car to the drivers seat and gets in the car himself. Liam started the car and drove away.

But once he started to drive to the hospital, Drew started crying.

" Dada, papa, no t out!" Drew cries.

" Drew, please stop crying." Niall says.

" Dada, me no t out!" Drew cries. Niall turns around in his seat to look at Drew. Drew's face was all red, his nose was running, and his eyes were almost blood shot with tears.

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