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Niall was sitting on the couch looking at his son playing with his stuffed animals. Liam was going to get Lani, because it turns out that Niall's suspicion about her was correct. So Liam introduced himself to her with Cheryl explaining the situation and now he has to introduce Lani to Drew and Niall. Niall had to explain the situation with Lani to Drew somehow.

" Okay DJ, I have to tell you something important." Niall says. Drew stops playing with his toy and looks at his daddy.

" Wat dada?" Drew asks. Drew had this weird feeling in his body and he didn't know what to do. There was something going on and Drew didn't like it.

" How do you feel about having a sister?" Niall asks. Drew's face drops. Drew was really excited to have a brother. He didn't want to have a sister.

" No brudder?" Drew asks getting tears in his eyes.

" Oh no DJ, come here bub." Niall says. Drew runs to Niall and climbs onto the couch. He cuddles into Niall's large stomach and starts crying. Niall sat there and brushed his fingers through Drew's growing hair.

" Don't you worry DJ, you still get your brother. But papa has a daughter with a different person who isn't me, and so she's your half-sister." Niall tried to explain. Drew looks up at Niall. Drew just looks confused.

" Brudder?" Drew asks. Niall grabs Drew's hands and places them on Niall's stomach.

" This is your brother. But the person papa is bringing over is your half-sister. So, you have a brother coming soon and a sister." Niall says. Drew still looks confused. Niall kisses the top of Drew's head.

" It's okay if you don't understand now. You'll understand when you're older." Niall says.

" And this is my home, Lani." Niall hears Liam say as he walks into the apartment.

" Papa!" Drew exclaims. Drew jumps off the couch and runs to the front door. Niall tried his best to quickly stand up and follow Drew with his large stomach.

Drew ran to the front door and stops in his tracks when he sees a girl in Liam's arms. Drew got tears in his eyes. He was about to run back to Niall when Niall stops him and picks him up.

" Dada." Drew says once in Niall's arms. Liam gives Niall a disapproving look.

" Niall, you can't be carrying DJ with the baby along the way." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Dada?" Lani asks. Liam smiles at Lani in his arms. Drew looks confused in Niall's arms because dada was Niall, not Liam.

" This is my boyfriend. His name is Niall." Liam introduces," Say hi to Niall, Lani."

" Hi Ni." Lani says. Liam looks at his son.

" And that's your brother, DJ. Say hi to him." Liam says.

" Hi DJ." Lani says. Drew frowns. He doesn't like Lani already.

" DJ, say hello back." Liam says. Drew shakes his head. Niall looks at Drew in his arms.

" Drew, you're not being very nice right now. Do you want to sit in time out and not play with Lani, or do you want to be nice?" Niall says.

" In t out." Drew says.

" That's not the right answer Drew." Niall says.

" Me wit papa." Drew says and looks at Liam.

" Is that why you're acting like dada right now? Because you're not with me?" Liam asks. Drew nods his head. Liam lets out a sigh and looks at Lani.

" Alright Lani, I'm going to place you on the ground." Liam says. Lani nods her head. Liam places Lani on the ground and looks at Drew.

" Come here bub." Liam says. Niall hands Drew over to Liam and Liam places Drew on his hip. Drew places his head on Liam's shoulder. Liam looks at Lani and Drew.

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