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" So, when are you telling Jace about your pregnancy?" Harry asks Niall who was laying on his bed, admiring his baby bump.

It was the first week back to school for the rest of the year and Niall was 17 weeks pregnant. Someone could clearly tell he's pregnant. And yet, Niall hasn't told Jace about his pregnancy yet and they've been friends since October.

Niall lets out a sigh," I'll get to it eventually."

" Niall, if you want a relationship with Jace, you have to tell him things like this. It'll strengthen the relationship." Harry says. Harry didn't believe he was telling Niall this because Harry wanted Niall to be with Liam again. But Harry also wants Niall to be happy.

Niall lets out an angry sigh. He looks at Harry, who was getting ready to go see Louis.

" Fine, if it will make you happy, the next time I see him I'll tell him. Okay? Are you happy with that?" Niall says. Harry slips his shoes on.

" That does make me happy. But don't back out. You have to tell him." Harry says walking to the door.

" I won't. He's coming over later today, so I'll tell him then." Niall says. Harry opens the door.

" Alright, I'm leaving. Ring me if anything happens with the baby." Harry says.

" I have to ring Liam if anything happens with baby." Niall says. Niall hated that fact, but Liam wanted to help with the baby so if there was anything wrong with the baby Niall had to call Liam.

" Yeah, you do that." Harry says. Niall rolls his eyes. Harry says goodbye and walks out of the door. Niall looks down at his stomach.

" Uncle Harry is crazy." Niall says. Niall's phone buzzes on his bed. Niall looks at his phone to see a message from Liam.

From Sperm Donor🖕🏻to Nialler 🐋:

Can I come over and speak to baby??

Niall looked at phone strange. Why did Liam randomly want to come over and be with the baby?

From Nialler 🐋 to Sperm Donor🖕🏻:

Yeah sure. Is there something up??

Niall looked at himself in his snapchat camera. He looked like he just woke up. The baby makes him always look tired.

Maybe because the baby makes him sleep more than 12 hours a day.

From Sperm Donor🖕🏻 to Nialler 🐋:

I'll speak to you about it in person

Niall looks down at his stomach.

" You make me so tired and I don't understand why. Even mum says she wasn't tired when she had me and my brother." Niall says rubbing his hands around his stomach. He could feel his baby move around in his stomach. Niall smiles at his stomach.

" You don't seem very tired baby." Niall says. There was a knock on Niall's door. Niall looks at the door.

" It's open." Niall says. The door opens and Liam walks in. Liam smiles at Niall even though there were tears in his eyes. Niall sat up in his bed.

" Liam, are you okay?" Niall asks. Liam looks at Niall weird.

" Of course I'm okay. Why would you ask?" Liam says. Niall mentions for Liam to come to Niall's bed. Liam sits down across from Niall.

" You've been crying. Tell me what's wrong." Niall says. Liam looks down at his hands.

" It's Zayn again." Liam says.

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