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Niall was sitting in the kitchen watching his mother feed Drew. The three were waiting for his brother and family to show up to the house. It was Christmas and they always show up to the household.

" Mum, when should Greg get here?" Niall asks. Maura looks at her son. Drew let out a little whine because he stopped eating. Drew let out big puppy eyes at his father. Niall just placed his hand near Drew's and Drew started playing with his hand.

" He should be here soon. I can't wait for Theo to meet Drew." Maura says. Niall smiles at his son.

" I'm just hoping Theo will like him." Niall says.

" You know how Theo is. Theo was excited to meet Drew when you were still pregnant with him." Maura says.

" You're not wrong." Niall says. Drew starts whining again. Niall frowns at his son.

" What's wrong, bub?" Niall asks. Drew lifts his arms up. Niall lifts Drew out of his high chair and places Drew on Niall's lap. Niall looks at Drew on his lap.

" Is this what you wanted baby?" Niall asks. Drew lets out giggles. Niall blows raspberries on Drew's cheeks. Drew lets out more laughs.

Maura smiles at her son. She loves the way he treats his own son. It makes her happy because she knows she raised him right.

Niall's phone vibrated so Niall stopped what he was doing and looked at his phone. He had a message from Jace saying how much he missed Niall and things like that. Niall smiles down at his phone.

" Who you smiling at on your phone?" Maura asks.

" No one." Niall immediately says. He was used to saying that when he was teenager. So, Maura didn't believe his answer.

" You can tell your mum who you're texting." Maura says.

" It's just my boyfriend." Niall says.

" Liam is his name, right?" Maura asks. Maura low-key knows that Niall isn't dating Liam because Harry told her, but Niall isn't supposed to know that. And Niall low-key forgot that he told his mum that he was dating Liam for Drew's sake.

" Yeah, it's Liam." Niall lies. The two just stopped talking about Liam because it was awkward.

Just then, Greg and his family walk in because he yelled it through the small home.

" Mum! I'm home!" Greg calls.

" We're in the kitchen!" Maura calls back. Niall heard the floor move which indicated Theo was running into the kitchen. Theo runs into the kitchen, but stops when he notices Niall has a baby on his lap.

" Uncle Ni, why there baby?" Theo asks pointing to Drew sitting on Niall's lap. Drew just stared at Theo, taking notice that there was a small human standing in front of him.

" Theo, this is your cousin Drew. Come here and say hello." Niall says. Theo looks at Maura and she nods her head. Theo runs over to Niall and stands in front of Drew's vision.

" Hi Drew! I Theo!" Theo exclaims. Drew starts giggling which makes Theo start laughing.

" Uncle Ni, why he laugh?" Theo asks. Niall shrugs his shoulders.

" I'm not sure why he's laughing." Niall says. Greg and Denise walk into the kitchen. Maura stands up and hugs her oldest son and daughter-in-law. Theo runs over to Denise.

" Mummy, Uncle Ni has baby!" Theo exclaims. The adults look at Theo.

" He does have a baby. What's the baby's name Theo?" Denise says.

" Drew!" Theo says. Theo runs back to Niall and Drew. Theo looks at Niall.

" Why Drew here?" Theo asks.

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