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It's been 4 weeks since Harry and Louis have found out about Niall's pregnancy, and yet Niall still hasn't told Liam. Niall keeps lying to his friends that he told him, but he hasn't told Liam. He's just scared on how Liam's going to take it.

But, today was Niall's first ultrasound and he wants Liam to be there. So Niall guesses that's how he's going to break the news to Liam.

Right now though, Niall has to wake Liam up so they can go to Harry's ultrasound. But right after Harry's ultrasound is Niall's ultrasound so Liam kinda has to be there.

" Liam, wake up!" Niall yells. Liam shoots up awake in his bed. Liam looks around the room until he spots his boyfriend looking at him next to the bed. Liam frowns.

" Why'd you wake me up?" Liam asks.

" Because we're going to Harry's ultrasound." Niall says. Liam lets out a whine and throws his head back onto his pillow.

" Why do we have to go?" Liam whines.

" Because they went to Drew's ultrasounds. It would be nice if we went to theirs." Niall says.

" But I don't want to go." Liam whines. Niall rolls his eyes.

" I don't care if you don't want to go. You're still coming." Niall says. Liam starts groaning. Niall grabs the front of Liam's shirt and pulled Liam's face to his face.

" Knock off the whining. I don't want to hear it again today, got it?" Niall warns. Liam nods his head. Niall lets go of Liam's shirt and walks to the door. Niall turns around to to face Liam again.

" I'm going to get Drew dressed and ready and by the time I come back in here you better be ready to leave." Niall says. Liam nods his head. Niall walks out of the room and across the hall to Drew's room. Niall found Drew sleeping just like Liam. Niall rolls his eyes. Niall walks to Drew's cot and looks down at Drew.

" Bub, it's time to wake up." Niall says in a soft voice. Drew just turns to the other side of him so he's not facing Niall. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Come on bub, you have to wake up so we can see Uncle Harry and Uncle Louis." Niall says.

" No." Drew mumbles. Niall lets out a sigh and picks up Drew anyway. Niall places Drew on his hip and walks to Drew's dressers to get him dressed. Drew shoves his face into Niall's neck and continues to sleep. Niall grabs an outfit for Drew and places him on the changing mat on the floor. Niall notices Drew still asleep and rolls his eyes.

Niall takes Drew's pajamas and strips them off. Niall takes off Drew's nappy and wipes him clean. Niall places a fresh nappy on Drew. Drew slowly flutters his eyes open as Niall finishes with the nappy. He focuses on Niall and lifts his arms up.

" Da." Drew says. Niall starts putting on Drew's pants.

" Hold on bub, I want to get your clothes on first." Niall says. Niall slips Drew's shirt on and helps Drew sit up.

" Do you want to cuddle now?" Niall asks. Drew nods his head. Niall stands up and picks Drew up and places him on his hip. Drew lays his head on Niall's shoulder.

" Alright bub, we're gonna see if papa is up and ready to see Uncle Harry and Uncle Louis." Niall says.

" Pa." Drew says. Niall walks out of Drew's room and back to his and Liam's room. He found Liam brushing through his hair.

" Li, you ready?" Niall asks. Liam looks at Niall and smiles.

" Yep, I'm ready." Liam says. Liam walks over to Niall and looks at the tired Drew in his arms.

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