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Niall was dropping Drew off at the Lilo apartment. Niall had to go home and pack his bags so he could leave for spring break. Liam held Drew above his hip and looks at Niall.

" What are you doing for spring break?" Liam asks. Niall stops playing with Drew and looks at Liam.

" I'm going to go meet Jace's family." Niall says. Liam nervously rubs the back of his neck with the hand not holding onto Drew.

" So, you're not planning on taking DJ with you, right?" Liam asks.

" No. He can spend spring break with you." Niall says. Liam's mouth drops in shock.

" Wait, really?" Liam says not believing Niall.

" Yeah, I'm serious. I got to spend winter break with him, he should spend spring break with you." Niall says," All I ask for you is to not bring him to the club or a party."

" Oh, I won't. I was going to go home for spring break. Now my family actually can meet DJ." Liam says.

" But I want to FaceTime him every night before he goes to sleep. Oh, and don't have him up too late." Niall says.

" Ni, I know how to take care of my own son." Liam says.

" I just want to make sure." Niall says. Niall looks at his phone to see 10 messages from Jace. Niall lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. He looks back at Liam.

" I have to get going." Niall says. Liam looks down at Drew on his hip.

" Alright DJ, say bye-bye to daddy." Liam says to Drew. Drew looks at Niall and waves his tiny hand. Niall presses a kiss on Drew's cheek.

" Bye DJ. You be good for papa. I'll miss you." Niall says. Drew nods his head. Niall looks at Liam.

" Bye Li." Niall says.

" Bye Ni." Liam says. Niall gives Liam one last small smile and turns around. Niall walks away and walks back to his apartment with Jace.

Niall tried his best to get back to the apartment as fast as he could because Jace is already impatient as it is.

Niall eventually gets to the apartment. He walks in and Jace was watching tv in the living room.

" Nialler, is that you?" Jace asks.

" Yes, it's me. I'm just going to go to my room and quickly pack the rest of my things. Then we can get going." Niall says.

" Good because my mother is getting here soon." Jace says.

" I'll be real quick." Niall says. He walks down the hallway and to his room. He picks up his suitcase and places it on his bed. Niall shoves his bathroom necessities into his suitcase. He closes the suitcase and puts the suitcase on the ground. He rolls it out of his room and back towards Jace.

" Alright, I'm ready." Niall says.

" Then come here and cuddle with me. Mother won't be here for another five minutes." Jace says.

" Shouldn't we wait for her by the door?" Niall asks. Jace turns around and faces Niall. He had a look of disgust on his face.

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