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Niall sat groggily on his bed. Niall didn't want to get up and go to class. He didn't have more than 12 hours of sleep and Niall feels awful.

Niall stared at his best friend as his best friend got ready for the day. Harry looks at Niall like a mother would to her child if the child was in trouble once he finished getting dressed for the day. Niall looks at Harry with tired eyes.

" Why are you looking at me like that?" Niall asks.

" You need to start getting ready. You have class soon." Harry says.

" I'm up. Be lucky I'm up at least." Niall says.

" And you need to start getting ready. Come on, you don't have all day." Harry says.

" I'm trying my best Harry. I'm so tired." Niall says. Harry helps Niall stand up from his bed.

" I don't understand how you're so tired. You fell asleep at 7 last night." Harry says grabbing a random shirt Niall could wear and be big enough to cover his bump. After this class Niall can go right back to bed. Harry hands Niall the shirt.

" I haven't had more than 12 hours of sleep. I don't know how to function without 12 hours of sleep." Niall says slipping the shirt over his pajama shirt. Harry rolls his eyes. He helps Niall get out of his pajama shirt and slips his other shirt on.

" After your classes today you can go right to bed." Harry says. Niall smiles.

" I like that idea." Niall says. Harry grabs pants for Niall and hands them to him. Niall slips his pajama pants off and slips on his other pants.

" Alright, let's get you and the baby some breakfast and you head off to class." Harry says.

" Okay Haz." Niall says. Niall grabs his shoes and Harry grabs Niall's backpack. They walk out of their dorm room and walk to the elevator. Harry pressed the down button and the elevator showed up. Harry and Niall step into the elevator. Harry presses the ground floor and the elevator went down. Harry looks at Niall, who was staring at his 23 week stomach.

" You awake a little more, Ni?" Harry asks. Niall looks at Harry with tired eyes.

" I guess, but I feel like I haven't slept for 3 days." Niall says.

" I wouldn't be surprised if you did sleep for three days." Harry says. The elevator stops on the ground floor. The best friends get off the elevator and walk out of the building. The two walk across campus to the dining hall.

Once the two walk into the dining hall, Harry looks at Niall.

" Pick a table for us to eat at. I'll get you some breakfast." Harry says.

" Okay Harry." Niall says. Niall walks off to the seating area while Harry walks to get breakfast. Niall finds a table for two and sits down on one end of the table.

Before he could doze off, he heard someone walk up to him. And he was certainly still angry at him.

" Niall, can we talk?"

Niall looked up and instantly feel his whole body wake up. He frowned at the person standing in front of him.

" No, I don't want to talk to you Jace." Niall says.

" Please? I don't even understand why you're mad at me." Jace says.

" No, I'm not talking to you." Niall says. He looks away from Jace.

" Can you at least tell me why you're mad at me? I haven't spoken to you for a couple weeks and I don't understand why you've been ignoring me." Jace says. Niall angrily looks at Jace.

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