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" What do you mean we have to drive to London for your ultrasound?" Maura asks almost on the verge of just yelling at Niall. Niall was trying to hide his face. He just told his mum that his ultrasound appointment is in London because that's where Doctor Johnson is. But Maura didn't want to drive three hours to go to the hospital and come back.

" My doctor is over there though." Niall says." And I have to pick up the father."

" No, Niall, I'm not driving to London and to pick up the father of your baby. Not in this weather." Maura says. And it didn't help the weather wasn't on Niall's side. Niall lets out a sigh.

" What am I supposed to do? My ultrasound is in a couple of hours." Niall says.

" I can drive to Manchester, but that's the furthest I'm driving." Maura says. Niall lets out an angry sigh.

" I'll see what I can do." Niall mumbles. He walks out of the kitchen and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He dials Doctor Johnson's number and puts his phone next to his ear. The phone rings and then he answers.

" Hello, this is Doctor Johnson speaking, how can I help you?" Doctor Johnson answers.

" Hi Doctor Johnson, this is Niall Horan. I have a slight problem." Niall says.

" What's up Niall?" Doctor Johnson asks.

" I can't make it to London today because I'm in my hometown and that's three hours away." Niall says. Doctor Johnson laughs.

" I figured. I transferred to Manchester for the time you're on break." Doctor Johnson says. Niall's world brighten.

" Really?" Niall asks.

" Yep. So I'll see you and Liam in a couple hours?" Doctor Johnson says.

" I won't be able to bring Liam today because of the weather." Niall says.

" Well, I'll see you soon then." Doctor Johnson says.

" Okay. Thank you." Niall says and hanging up his phone. He places his phone back into his pocket and walks back into the kitchen. Niall sits down at the table.

" So?" Maura asks.

" He transferred to Manchester for the time I'm on break." Niall says.

" Oh, that's good." Maura says.

" Since we aren't driving the other father, I should probably text him about it." Niall says. Maura nods her head. Niall takes his phone out and types a message to Liam.

From Ni-Ni 🐵 to Death Himself🖕🏻:

I'm sorry but I can't pick you up for the ultrasound today my mum doesn't like the idea

Niall puts his phone on the table. He looks back at his mum.

" When is Greg coming over?" Niall asks.

" Greg and Denise are coming in a couple of days." Maura says. Niall's phone buzzes and he looks at his phone. He saw a message from Liam.

From Death Himself🖕🏻to Ni-Ni 🐵:

I'll meet you there london right???

Niall shakes his head. Even from where Liam is he wouldn't have been able to drive to Manchester.

From Ni-Ni 🐵 to Death Himself🖕🏻:

no it was moved to Manchester which is closer to me you couldn't possible drive there

Niall didn't want Liam risking his life. Even though Niall may hate Liam for what he did to him, Niall didn't like the idea of Liam risking his life.

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