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" I wish I could be there."

Niall was walking around his dorm looking for his hairbrush while on the phone with Harry. He forgot where he last put his hairbrush.

" It'll be okay. I'll send you pictures of baby." Niall says looking through the best friend's shared closet for his hairbrush. Today was Niall's second ultrasound and Harry couldn't come because he was meeting Louis's family this weekend. As much as Harry wanted to meet Louis's family, he also wanted to be there for his best friend and baby.

" But pictures aren't good enough." Harry says. Niall could tell he was pouting. He heard Louis tell Harry to stop pouting in the background. Niall lets out a sigh, giving up on finding his hairbrush.

" Do you want me to face time you to show you baby?" Niall asks.

" Can you please?" Harry says.

" I will then." Niall says.

" But can you also print out pictures?" Harry asks.

" Now you're asking too much." Niall says sitting on his bed.

" Please Niall? I would love to have a picture of baby." Harry says.

" I thought pictures weren't good enough." Niall says mocking what Harry just said.

" But I want pictures." Harry says.

" I'll see what I can do, okay?" Niall says.

" Okay. Louis is telling me to get off the phone. So I'll see you later Niall." Harry says.

" Okay. Bye Harry." Niall says.

" Bye Nialler!" Louis says in the background. Niall hangs up before he could say bye to Louis. Niall had to look for his hairbrush. He places his phone next to him and see his hairbrush was next to him, on his bed, this whole time.

" Are you fucking kidding me." Niall says picking up his hairbrush. He quickly brushed his hair and put his hairbrush in its correct area. Niall's phone buzzes and he looks at it.

From Death Himself🖕🏻 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

I'm downstairs waiting for you

Yeah, Niall changed Liam's name in his phone to Death Himself.... Niall just couldn't have it the old way anymore.

Niall quickly typed an 'okay' to him and slipped his shoes on. He walked out of his dorm and to the elevator. He presses the down button and the elevator shows up. Niall steps into the elevator and presses the ground button. The elevator goes down and shows up on the ground floor. Niall walks off the elevator and walks out of the building. He looks around for Liam. He found Liam standing by a tree, looking down at his phone. Niall walks up to Liam.

" We're leaving." Niall says. Liam looks up from his phone and smiles at Niall.

" Hi Niall." Liam says. Niall looks around the area.

" Did you get an Uber?" Niall asks, ignoring his hello.

" Yeah, she's waiting for us, so let's go." Liam says. Liam leads Niall to the Uber driver waiting for the two. Niall and Liam get into the car and Liam tells the driver where to go. Liam leans back in his chair and looks at Niall.

" So, how have you been recently?" Liam asks.

" I've been okay." Niall says.

" I can't wait to see how our baby is." Liam says.

" Yeah, me too." Niall says. The driver eventually gets the two to the hospital. Liam tells her they'll be right out and hands her money to get something to eat. The two walk into the hospital and start walking to the maternity department.

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