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Niall walks into Jace's apartment exhausted. Niall never realized how much he hates school. He hates it even more now because he never sees his son while in class.

" Nialler, is that you?" Jace asks from his living room. Niall smiles as he rolls his eyes.

" Nope. It's robber and I'm robbing your house." Niall says walking into the living room. He walks over to Jace sitting on the couch and sits on his lap, facing Jace. Jace smiles at Niall as he places his hands on Niall's hips.

" With a good looking robber like you, you can take me away." Jace says placing his lips on Niall's. Niall smiles into the kiss. Niall pulls apart and looks Jace in the eyes.

" I have to go get my baby." Niall says. Jace pouts his bottom lip out.

" Or maybe you can stay here a little longer and get DJ later." Jace says pressing kisses along Niall's jawline. Niall sighs.

" I wish, but I can't have Harry wait any longer." Niall says. Niall stands up from Jace's lap. Jace pouts his lip out. Niall smiles at his boyfriend.

" Don't worry, I'll be back before you even know it." Niall says.

" Oh, okay. Make it quick though. I miss my baby boy." Jace says.

" Will do." Niall says. Niall walks to the front door and out of the apartment. He walks towards the Lilo apartment. Niall eventually gets to the Lilo apartment and he rings the doorbell letting them know he's here. There was shuffling behind the door and then the door swung open to meet with Harry. Niall smiles at his best friend.

" Hi Harry." Niall says.

" Hi Niall." Harry says. Harry lets Niall in and he closes the door once Niall steps into the apartment. Niall looks at his best friend.

" So, how was Drew today?" Niall asks.

" Liam said he was okay. DJ is finally sitting up and laughing at Liam lots." Harry says," That's at least what he told me."

" Oh, I can't wait to see his laugh." Niall says.

" Liam got a video and he laughs just like you. I won't show you the video because you can see yourself how he laughs." Harry says. Niall nods his head.

" So, where is my baby boy?" Niall asks looking around the apartment, noticing there wasn't a baby in Harry's arms.

" I somehow got DJ to laugh today also so Louis is now trying to get him to laugh. It's not working very well for Lou." Harry says. Louis walks into the room with a baby in his arms and big pout on his face. Louis walks up to Harry and looks up at his tall boyfriend.

" I don't understand how DJ hates me." Louis says. Harry softly places his lips on Louis's forehead. Harry pulls back and smiles at his tiny boyfriend.

" Don't worry, DJ doesn't hate you. It will take a while for DJ to get used to you." Harry says.

" But it's already been 5 months with him! He should be used to me by now!" Louis says. Niall looks at Louis.

" I don't know if it helps you or not, but Drew isn't used to Jace still." Niall says. Harry and Louis look at Niall with disappointment. Of course Drew wasn't going to get used to Jace, Drew hates Jace.

Drew looks at Niall and smiles. Drew reaches his hands out for Niall. Niall smiles back at his son and takes him into his arms. Niall looks at Drew in his arms.

" How are you my baby boy? Was papa and Uncle Harry good to you?" Niall asks. Drew smiles at the mention of his papa. Niall places a sloppy kiss on Drew's cheek. Drew giggles at the motion.

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