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Niall was in trouble. Big trouble. He had to get back to the apartment or he would get even more trouble than he already is.

Niall kept glancing down seeing if there were any texts from anyone. He got nothing yet, so that's a good sign. But he knows he's in trouble.

He just knows.

Niall was nervous. He was nervous on what will happen to him.

Niall eventually reaches the apartment. He walks in and quietly closes the door. Niall listens to hear if anyone is in the apartment. Niall looks down and doesn't see Jace's shoes, so that's good sign. Jace isn't home. Yet.

Niall quickly slips his shoes off and runs to the couch. He jumps over the top of the couch and lays down. He turns on the tv and starts watching whatever was on. He didn't even bother changing the channel. Jace was going to be home soon.

Speak of the devil, Niall hears the front door open and slam close. Niall flinched when the door slammed closed.

" Niall, you here?" Jace says anger laced into has voice. Niall cringed at his voice.

" I'm here." Niall quietly says. Niall heard Jace's footsteps hit the floor. Niall looks up just as Jace stands in front of him. Jace didn't look too happy, that's for sure. Niall tries his best to smile at Jace, but Jace saw right through that.

" Stop faking you little bitch." Jace spits. Niall felt himself flinch a little because Jace has never really sworn at him.

" What's wrong babe?" Niall whispers.

" Don't fucking call me babe! I'm so fucking pissed right now!" Jace yells. Niall could feel himself inch closer and closer into the couch.

" Why are you angry?" Niall asks.

" Don't question me idiot! You fucking piss me off!" Jace yells. Niall frowns. Why would Jace be pissed at him? Jace laughs in Niall's face.

" You want to know why I'm pissed at you, don't you Niall?" Jace asks. Niall slowly nods his head.

" First of all, you're being fucking annoying, second of all, you never decided to fucking text me today and that pisses me off." Jace says. Niall was about to speak when Jace grabs a fist-full of Niall's hair. Niall squeaked as Jace pulled at his hair.

" Why didn't you text me today? Is it because I'm not good enough for you? Is that the reason, Niall? I'm not good enough for you Niall?" Jace says. Niall felt overwhelmed. He can't do this right now.

" Jace, please, let go of my hair." Niall whimpers. Jace makes Niall look at him.

" What was that?" Jace asks.

" Please let go." Niall whimpers again. Jace's grip on Niall's hair tightens.

" Now because of that I'm not letting go." Jace says.

" Please Jace." Niall whimpers. Jace rolls his eyes and lets go of Niall's hair. Jace looks around the room and then back at Niall.

" Where's DJ?" Jace asks.

" He's still at Liam's. I didn't have a chance to go get him." Niall says. Jace's hands balled into fists. Jace hates when Niall mentions Liam anytime.

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