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Harry and Niall were saying goodbye to Louis. It was now Christmas break and everyone had about a month until they had to go back to school. So, that was a month Harry wouldn't see his Louis. Niall was only there because Harry was his ride home.

" I'm going to miss you so much Lou." Harry says. Harry and Louis were hugging and Niall felt kinda awkward just standing there. They release from their hug and they both had tears in their eyes.

" I'm going to miss you too Harry. What am I supposed to do without my Hazza?" Louis says.

" You could always visit each other." Niall says. Louis and Harry look at Niall. Louis throws his arms around Niall.

" I have to visit because I want to see little baby." Louis says.

" Maybe if you visit you can meet my family then." Harry says. Louis releases Niall and looks at Harry.

" I would love that." Louis says.

" Have they left yet?" Liam yells from upstairs.

" No!" Louis yells back at Liam. You hear Liam run down the stairs and ran right to Niall. Liam threw his arms around Niall. Niall didn't expect Liam to do that, so he stumbled back a little bit. Liam laughed and let go of Niall.

" Sorry." Liam says rubbing the back of his neck.

" It's okay." Niall says.

" So, about the baby and it's next appointment..." Liam trails off.

" What's wrong?" Niall asks.

" It's just, we won't see each other when it's twelve weeks and I still want to go to the ultrasound and-"

" I'll pick you up when I go to the ultrasound next week." Niall says. Liam smiles.

" Oh, good." Liam says.

" Are you guys going home today?" Harry asks.

" I am today, but Liam is going home tomorrow." Louis says. Harry's phone rings and Harry answers it.

" Hi mum." Harry says. Harry lets out a sigh. He looks at Niall." My mum is waiting for us."

" We're coming mum. We'll be right there." Harry says to his mum. Harry ends the call and looks at his friends.

" We have to get going. We'll see you when school starts again." Harry says. Louis throws his arms around Harry's neck.

" I'm going to miss you Hazza." Louis says. Liam looks at Niall.

" Can I say goodbye to our baby?" Liam asks. Niall looks at Liam weird.

" What?" Niall asks.

" I read this thing where if you talk to your baby it will recognize you or something like that. I know the baby isn't very far, but I'd like to start talking to it now." Liam says. Niall looks at Harry and he shrugs his shoulders. Niall looks back at Liam.

" Sure." Niall says. Liam gets down on his knees and lifts Niall's shirt. Liam puts his face right next to Niall's 11 week stomach.

" Hi baby. This is daddy and I-"

" Hold up. I'm daddy." Niall says cutting Liam off.

" But I look like daddy." Liam says looking up at Niall.

" Yeah he does." Harry mumbles under his breath. Except Louis heard and slapped him upside the head.

" Nope. I'm daddy and you're papa." Niall says.

" Niall, he needs to wrap it up so we can leave." Harry says. Niall rolls his eyes and Liam continues.

" Anyway, I can't wait to see you. Keep growing and make you stay out of trouble for daddy's sake." Liam says. Niall smiles.

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