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" I can't believe you're dragging me to another party."

Niall and Liam were on their way to another party. And it was only Friday.

" Technically we didn't go to the party yesterday so this is the first party of the weekend." Liam says. Niall stops in the middle of the sidewalk. Liam looks back at his boyfriend.

" But Li, I'm not in the party mood." Niall complains.

" We can go for a couple of hours and then we can leave." Liam says.

" But you always say that." Niall whines. Liam just wanted Niall to cooperate. Niall hasn't never been this whiny before.

Ever since the two made love to each other for the first time Niall has been very whiny. And that was just yesterday.

" Niall, please just to do this for me. We can do whatever you want after the party." Liam says. Niall lets out a sigh. He looks at Liam with a small pout on his face.

" Will there be food at the party?" Niall asks.

" I'm not sure, Ni, but if there isn't we can easily go get some." Liam says. Niall smiles at Liam.

" Okay Li!" Niall says. Niall runs and catches up with Liam. He slips his hand through Liam's hand and they continue their journey to the party.

Liam leads Niall to the house the party was being held at. Like before, there were a lot of people in the house, that Niall could tell of. Liam looks at his boyfriend.

" We're only here for a couple hours, remember?" Liam says. Niall nods his head. The couple walk inside the house and once again, people started to greet Liam.

" Hey Party Payno!" Everyone said towards Liam. And once again, Niall felt uncomfortable. Liam waved at everyone who said something to him, and led Niall more into the house. Liam looked at Niall.

" What do you want to do?" Liam asks. Niall felt claustrophobic with all the people in the tiny house. And he hated feeling claustrophobic.

" I just want to get out of this room. I want a room with little to no people." Niall says.

" I can do that." Liam says. Liam grabs Niall's hand and leads him to the kitchen. There was only a couple people in the kitchen and Niall felt relaxed. The couple went to an empty corner of the kitchen.

" Do you feel better?" Liam asks. Niall nods his head. Liam quickly pecks Niall's forehead before anyone could see him.

The two were making small talk when someone walked up to the couple.

" Liam, is that you?"

The couple look at the boy who walked up to Liam. Niall looked at the boy with disgust. Niall has never this boy in his life and of course he knows Liam which makes Niall angry. What makes Niall angry too is that the boy is very attractive. Liam's face brightens up a little bit because Liam recognized who the boy was.

" Zayn?"

Niall got even more angry. Liam knows him too? Niall doesn't like this situation.

" Yeah! I haven't seen you in forever!" The boy, apparently his name is Zayn, says.

" It's so good to see you! How long has it been?" Liam says. Zayn and Liam were going to hug, but Niall clutched onto Liam's arm like the world depended on it. Zayn looks at Niall weird.

" It's been since high school." Zayn says looking back at Liam.

" That long? Wow! I missed you." Liam says. Niall had a frown on his face. He already didn't like this Zayn and could sense bad vibes from him. Zayn looks at Niall.

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