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Niall had just finished class and was packing his things up when he heard someone call for him," Hey Niall!"

Niall looks up to see Liam walking his way towards him. Niall rolls his eyes. He didn't want to deal with Liam right now.

" What's wrong Liam?" Niall asks.

" I was just wondering if you would like to study with me for the big test coming up." Liam says. That last thing he wants to do is study with Liam.

" When do you want to?" Niall asks finishing packing his stuff into his bag.

" Considering we have to take the test tomorrow, can we do it tonight? My apartment?" Liam asks. Niall shakes his head.

" I don't want to do it at your apartment. Zayn will bother us the whole time." Niall says slipping his coat on.

" I promise he won't bother us. I'll make sure he stays away from us. I really need to study for this test." Liam says. Niall lets out a sigh.

" Fine. I'll be at your apartment at 6." Niall says putting his backpack on his shoulders.

" I don't think you should put your backpack on your shoulders." Liam says.

" Why not?" Niall asks not really caring.

" I mean, you are carrying our baby and I don't think it's good for your back." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Since when have you cared about me and my body?" Niall asks.

" Since we started dating?" Liam says more like a question than a statement.

" If you actually cared about me, you wouldn't have cheated on me." Niall says. Jace enters the room.

" Nialler, you coming?" Jace asks. Niall turns to Jace and smiles.

" Yep." Niall says. Niall walks towards Jace. Liam glared at the boy who was with his Niall.

" Niall, who's this?" Liam asks. Niall looks back at Liam. He smirks.

" That's none of your business." Niall says. Niall turns back to Jace and the two walk out of the room. Liam felt his world crumble. His whole body hurt looking at Niall with another boy. His heart hurt the most.

" What did that guy want?" Jace asks once they got into the November weather. The clouds darkened indicating it will probably snow soon. The two started walking to Niall's dorm room.

" He wanted to study with me for the test we have tomorrow." Niall says looking down at his feet.

" He looked like he had bad vibes." Jace says.

" Tell me about it." Niall says.

" Will you be fine by yourself with him? I can come over and supervise. Make sure he doesn't make any moves on you." Jace says. Niall lets out a laugh. Jace smiles.

" It's okay. You don't have to do that." Niall says.

" Just want to make sure." Jace says." Other than that jerk talking to you, how was class?"

" Class was good. You know how I have that test tomorrow? I think I'm going to nail it." Niall says.

" I love the confidence." Jace says. Niall smiles.

" Thanks." Niall says. Niall and Jace make it to Niall's dorms. Jace faces Niall.

" When are you meeting the jerk?" Jace asks.

" I'm going to his apartment at six." Niall says. Jace quickly pecks Niall's forehead.

" Alright. Be careful. If he's being a huge jerk, call me and I'll come pick you up." Jace says. Niall smiles a small smile.

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