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Niall was sitting at the kitchen table eating something Liam's mother made him for lunch. Drew was taking his nap and Karen was washing the dirty dishes. Niall was beyond glad that Liam got his mother to stay with them.

Niall doesn't have to do anything because Karen does everything for him and he loves that. Niall was in pure heaven.

" How is the sandwich Niall?" Karen asks from the sink. Niall turns around in his chair to look at Karen. He smiles at Liam's mother.

" It's fantastic. Thank you for making it." Niall says.

" It's no problem." Karen says. Niall's phone buzzes on the table. Niall looks at his phone to see a message from Harry.

From Haz ⭐️ to Neil 🙃:

Lou and I are coming over cause I got our baby's name

From Neil 🙃 to Haz ⭐️:


Niall finishes eating his sandwich. He takes his paper plate and throws it away in the trash. Niall looks at Karen, who was finishing up the dishes.

" I'm going go check on Drew to see if he's awake." Niall says. Karen finishes the dishes and wipes her hands on a towel. She looks at Niall.

" It's okay, I'll go check on him." Karen says.

" I'm okay with doing it. He likes to cuddle either Liam or I after he takes a nap." Niall says.

" But you should be resting and not picking up Drew." Karen says.

" I think I've rested enough for today." Niall says. He walks out of the kitchen and up the small set of stairs leading to the bedrooms. He walks into Drew's room to find him cuddling G-G. Niall smiles at his son. Niall was about to leave when Drew's small voice stopped him.

" Dada." Drew whines. Niall walks back into the room.

" What's up, bub? Did you enjoy your nap?" Niall says. Drew nods his head and lifts his arms wanting to be picked up by Niall. Niall walks to Drew's cot and picks him up and places him on his hip. Drew shoves his face into Niall's neck. Niall kisses the top of his head.

" Let's go see Grandma." Niall says. Niall walks out of Drew's room and down to the living room to find Karen frowning at him with her hands on her hips.

" What did I tell you mister?" Karen asks.

" I know, I know, I should be relaxing. Sorry I just want to spend some time with my son." Niall says. Karen lets out a sigh as she rolls her eyes.

" I'm letting you off this time." Karen says.

" Gram?" Drew asks lifting his face out of Niall's neck.

" Yes, that's grandma. Do you want to see her?" Niall asks. Drew shakes his head and shoves his face back into Niall's neck. Niall kisses the side of his head.

" Bub, do you want to watch the telly before Uncle Harry and Uncle Louis get here?" Niall asks. Drew nods his head while his face was still in Niall's neck. Niall looks at Karen.

" Come on, we're going to go watch the telly." Niall says. Niall walks to the couch with Karen following. Niall sits down and places Drew next to him. Drew cuddles into Niall's side as Karen sits on the chair. Niall grabs the remote and turns the telly on. Niall looks at Drew by his side.

" DJ, what do you want to watch? Paw Patrol, Doc Mcstuffins, or Jake and the Neverland Pirates?" Niall asks.

" Paw." Drew says lifting his head out of Niall's side. Niall turns on Paw Patrol and Drew focuses on the telly. Niall kisses the top of Drew's head.

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