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Niall and Liam were on their way to the toy store with Drew. Drew was starting to potty train and the boys promised if Drew at least sat on the loo, they would buy him a toy of his choice. Well, Drew sat on the loo and wants his toy.

" Papa?" Drew asks from the back seat of the car.

" Not yet DJ. We're almost there though." Liam says. Drew lets out an irritated groan. Niall lets out a laugh and looks at Liam driving.

" He gets his impatience from you." Niall says.

" I beg to differ on that one. He gets it from you." Liam says.

" No he doesn't!" Niall says offended. Liam raises his eyebrows at his boyfriend.

" Then tell me what happened last night." Liam says. Niall's face immediately turns bright red.

" Okay fine. He gets his impatience from me." Niall says. Liam nods his head, glad that he finally won an argument.

Liam drives to the toy store and parks the car. Liam gets out and then helps Niall get out of the car. Then together, the parents help Drew out of the car. They both held his hands as they walked into the toy store. Once into the toy story, Drew had to stop and take in all of the toys. Drew felt like he was in heaven.

" Come on, DJ, we gotta go get you a toy." Niall says trying to pull him along. Drew snaps out of his trance and walks along his dad's. Drew looks up at Niall.

" Dada, toy?" Drew asks.

" Yes, you get to choose one toy." Niall says.

" What toy do you want bub?" Liam asks. They started walking towards the boy section of the store when Drew spots a stuffed puppy that was a husky. Drew looks up at Liam and points to the husky puppy.

" Paw!" Drew exclaims. Niall walks over to the husky puppy and picks it up.

" Do you want the puppy?" Niall asks. Drew quickly nods his head and makes grabby hands towards the husky puppy. Niall hands the husky puppy over to Drew and Drew hugs it to his face. Liam and Niall smile at their son.

" Alright, DJ, we have to go buy the puppy." Liam says. Drew looks up at Liam.

" Otay papa." Drew says. Drew grabs Liam's hands and they start walking towards check-out. Niall stops in his tracks. Liam stops and looks at Niall.

" Are you good, Ni?" Liam asks.

" Since we're here, should we buy some stuff for Benjammin?" Niall asks. Liam rolls his eyes.

" Niall, how many times have I told you, we're not naming our baby Benjammin. Benjamin, is eh, but Benjammin is a big no." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" So should we still buys things for him?" Niall asks.

" Why not?" Liam says. The family walks back towards the baby section of the store. Niall looks at Liam as they're walking to the baby section.

" We should probably finalize on a name soon." Niall says.

" We'll get there eventually." Liam says.

" Li, I'm 7 months. There's two months left." Niall says.

" We can finish later this week then." Liam says. The three eventually get to the baby section of the store. Niall and Liam were talking to each other about what they should get the baby. Drew got bored of his parents talking to each other and started looking around the aisle, trying to find something fun to do with his new puppy toy. Drew walked away from the parents without them even realizing Drew was gone.

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