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I have important questions at the end of the chapter. Please comment your answers.


It was a couple weeks later from when Maura told Niall he was pregnant. And it actually turned out Niall is pregnant. Maura was that good on knowing her son.

And now Niall's only problem was to tell Liam about the pregnancy. How Niall was going to do it? He had no clue.

Right now, Niall was sitting on the ground watching Drew play with his toys. Niall would interact with Drew once in a while, but he was out of it. He couldn't stop thinking about being pregnant again. It was a weird concept to him.

And Drew noticed his behavior. But Drew didn't know how to handle it, so Drew shrugged it off and continued to play with his daddy.

Niall was waiting for Harry and Louis to come over to tell them about the ultrasound for the Larry baby.

" Da." Drew says looking at his dad. Niall was zoning out, thinking about the new baby growing in Niall. Was this how he felt with Drew? It felt so long ago when Niall was pregnant with Drew. His life went downhill when he was pregnant with Drew, but Drew wasn't the cause of it.

" Da." Drew says a little louder. Niall still doesn't snap out of his zone. Drew pouts his lip and stands up. Drew walks over to Niall and slams his butt down on Niall's lap. Niall was caught off guard and jumped a little. Niall looked at a grumpy Drew on his lap.

" Da." Drew says pouting his lip out and crossing his arms. Niall pouts his lip back out at Drew.

" Is DJ pouting at his daddy because daddy wasn't paying attention to him?" Niall says in a baby voice.

" Yea." Drew says. Niall wraps his arms around Drew and pulls him into his chest.

" Well, daddy is sorry. Daddy has lots on his mind." Niall says.

" Otay da." Drew says. Drew kisses Niall's cheek.

Niall gets the random urge to eat anything food related in the apartment. Niall let out a sigh. He wasn't ready to go back to having hormones making him out of wack. Niall looks at Drew in his arms.

" DJ, do you wanna get food with daddy?" Niall asks. Drew smiles at Niall.

" Yea!" Drew says. Drew jumps out of Niall's arms and runs to the kitchen. Niall lets out a laugh and runs after Drew. He found Drew trying to reach into the cabinets where the cookies are. Niall stood in the doorway and crossed his arms.

" Drew, what are you doing?" Niall asks. Drew stops and slowly turns to see his dad.

" Da!" Drew says running to Niall and trying to act innocent. But Niall saw right through that.

" I know you were trying to get the cookies, bub." Niall says. Drew frowns. Niall picks him up and places him on his hip.

" But it's okay because I want some cookies too." Niall says. Drew smiles as Niall walks over to the cookie cabinet. Niall opens the cabinet up and grabs the cookies. He looks at Drew in his arms.

" Do we want milk with our cookies?" Niall asks closing the cookie cabinet.

" Yea da!" Drew says. Niall smiles.

" Good choice." Niall says. Niall walks to the table and places Drew on one of the seats along with the cookies on the table. Niall walks to the cup cabinet and grabs one cup for him and a sippy cup for Drew. Niall goes to the fridge and takes the milk out. He pours milk into each cup and puts the milk back. He walks to the table and places the Drew's cup in front of him. Drew squeals and already starts to drink his milk. Niall shakes his head and sits down in the seat next to Drew.

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